“Oh?” Richard leaned closer across the top of the scarred wooden table. “Where?”
The runner cocked a grin. “He was found dead in a rooming house in St. Giles last night, shot through the heart. The constables felt it was a falling-out among thieves.”
Richard could see why they’d make that assumption. The St. Giles area of London was rumored to be a cesspool of crime. Though Todd had stolen from them, Richard found it hard to imagine the footman falling so low. And why stay in the rookeries? With a priceless porcelain box to sell, he could have gone anywhere, in far better style.
“Confirm his identity and keep looking for Repton,” Richard instructed, passing the fellow another twenty pounds for his efforts. “I’m heading to Cumberland this afternoon. Send word to me at Dallsten Manor in Evendale.”
The runner had agreed, and they’d parted company. Richard was returning home via Piccadilly when he saw the man Claire had called Lord Eustace from the evening’s ball strolling in his direction.
“Everard, isn’t it?” the young lord asked, positioning himself so that Richard could not easily pass him. The way he swung his ebony cane told Richard the fellow was actually considering using it as a weapon.
“Captain Everard,” Richard said, widening his stance.
Eustace nodded. “You seem a decent chap. See that you marry her this time. I’d hate to have to call you out.” With a tip of his top hat, he passed and left Richard standing there.
What was that all about? Did the fellow actually think Richard was courting Claire? If so, then Eustace was dimmer than he looked. With a shake of his head, Richard continued on his way, but he’d hadn’t even reached Hyde Park before he found Horace Hapheart blocking his path.
Today the dandy was dressed in a checked coat of red-and-white material that surely would have looked better draping the back of a horse. His shirt points were so high Richard wondered the fellow didn’t poke himself in the eye. He had a sheet of newsprint in one paw and an eager look on his flabby face.
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