Lost in a fanciful haze, she missed the moment he loosened his grip and started running his hands over her upper arms, and though she wore a woollen jumper under the parka her skin tingled.
‘Doesn’t seem too tense now.’
She stared at his lips, transfixed. The last thing she needed was a kiss from her boss. What she wanted, now that was a different matter entirely.
Her eyelids fluttered shut and she tilted her head up, eager to feel that first liberating explosion of sensation when lips fused.
No kiss was as electrifyingly exciting as a first kiss and she had a feeling Rhys would know all the right moves. He had the attitude, the confidence, the lips that just begged to be kissed and she’d forgotten every sane reason why she shouldn’t.
She waited, every second an exquisite lesson in torturous anticipation, every second taunting her with a million logical arguments why she should pull away now and make a run for it.
‘Damn it!’ He muttered a string of soft curses under his breath as he released her, the air between them suddenly frigid as her eyes flew open to be confronted by a broad expanse of back.
He’d been a sigh away from their lips touching and he’d had the willpower to stop the kiss. Willpower she should’ve had.
Mortified, she didn’t know whether to laugh it off or pretend it hadn’t happened. Yeah, as if that were an option.
She knew it was for the best he hadn’t kissed her their first night in Alaska; mixing business with pleasure was crazy, especially when she’d have to spend the next six months with him. Then why did she want to blubber like a jilted wallflower on prom night?
‘Well, I guess we’re back to tense again.’
Her false laugh grated, but they had to get past this, had to forge some kind of working relationship. No way was she heading back to Australia without some decent work experience on her CV to help facilitate her entry into university.
He turned, his gaze raking over her yet giving away little as he ruffled the dark hair curling slightly over his collar.
‘Won’t be tense if we forget that ever happened.’
His calm voice and confident stance were at complete odds with her tumbling belly and quivering resolve. She should’ve admired him for it; instead, his cool nonchalance aggravated her beyond belief.
Of course they should forget it. But ignoring the four-hundred-pound bear in the corner of the igloo wouldn’t make it go away, and no way could she survive the next six months with this tension humming between them.
‘So we’re supposed to forget the fact you almost kissed me?’
His lips curved into the kind of smile that made forgetting the urge to kiss him impossible.
‘Maybe you almost kissed me?’
‘No way! You were holding me, you leaned towards me, you —’
‘I get the picture.’
He shook his head, but his smile merely widened. ‘Must’ve lost my head for a moment. Forgive me?’
With that cheeky smile and naughty gleam in those incredible blue eyes, how could she refuse?
Besides, nothing to forgive. She’d wanted that kiss so badly she’d practically invited it: leaning into him, tilting her head, closing her eyes…
She inwardly cringed, outwardly fixing the serene expression she’d used to great effect at many a boring function.
‘Forgotten.’ She snapped her fingers. ‘Just like that.’
She should’ve been relieved they’d brushed over it so easily, should’ve been grateful they could laugh at it thanks to his handling of the situation.
But there was nothing remotely like relief or gratitude simmering between them as they stood there, gazes locked, the frosty air steaming from the short breaths they exhaled, the tension buzzing between them as potent as ever.
She had to escape before she did something foolish—again.
‘I’m heading back to the hotel. See you in the morning.’
He nodded. ‘I won’t be far behind you. ‘Night.’
As she picked her way along the pavement, more carefully this time, she felt his stare burning into her back and it took every ounce of her meagre willpower not to look back.
Rhys kept Jade in his sight as he followed her.
He’d acted like a jerk at the end of their drinks session in the bar, an even bigger jerk for almost kissing her as a distraction technique.
She’d got too damn close in the bar, her doe-eyed stare all soft and encouraging, and he’d nearly blurted out the truth of why being back here stung.
It had been a close call and he couldn’t afford to let the princess playing pauper creep under his guard.
At least he’d learned her reason for being here. It had less to do with her urge to study biology and more to do with some idiot who’d cheated on her.
She was running away from her old life, dabbling for a while, before she’d head back to her gowns and baubles.
It should annoy him, the fact she was using a job most people would give their eye teeth for as an escape, but he understood. Boy, did he understand the driving need to run when the going got tough.
As for that kiss…His initial plan to shock her into forgetting the awkwardness following his blurted admission had vanished the moment he’d touched her.
It had been an impulse, something guaranteed to shock her. Ironic, he’d been the one shocked with how close he’d come to losing control when she’d stared at him with those big brown eyes, her sensual mouth an inch away…
For that split second between going through with a callous kiss that meant nothing, a calculated kiss meant to distract, and sensibly pulling back, he’d ached to hold her, to touch her, to bury his face in her sleek chocolate-brown hair.
Thankfully, he hadn’t gone through with it and she’d handled his idiocy with aplomb, demonstrating what he already knew. Jade Beacham had class and then some.
He’d moved in the same social circles many moons ago, had met girls like her as a teenager. Pampered, pretty princesses with high expectations and endless credit via Daddy’s gold card. If it sounded like a princess and acted like a princess, it expected to be treated like one.
He’d escaped early enough to never get involved with one and had determinedly avoided that type of woman since. Playing lackey to a high-maintenance woman just wasn’t his style.
Uh-uh, when he’d finally opened his heart to a woman, it had been someone the absolute antithesis of a pampered princess.
And look what had happened as a result.
Cursing soundly, he headed towards the hotel. This wasn’t the time for another lapse in judgement. It was hard enough just being back in this town.
With Jade’s curvy image imprinted on his brain, and the answering spark he’d glimpsed in her beautiful brown eyes, he had a feeling things were about to get a lot harder.
JADE rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom as the pale dawn light filtered through the curtains. She glanced in the mirror, not surprised to see dark rings under her eyes. After a sleepless night, what did she expect?
Stepping under the shower, she tilted her head back, allowing the warm water to sluice over her face. She shampooed her hair, soaped her body and shaved her legs, focusing on the mundane tasks in a futile attempt to block out the memory of last night—and the cringe-worthy fact she’d almost kissed her boss.
She’d lain awake half the night replaying every tension-fraught moment since she’d met Rhys Cartwright. After that bizarre interview and her original initiation into the company, she should’ve known things would go downhill.
Though for a brief moment in the bar last night, she’d felt a connection, a genuine sharing of information that led to bonding.
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