“Thank you.”
She continued to do the dishes. After a few minutes Jack said, “I can finish the dishes. Why don’t you go ahead and get ready so we can get on our way.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Look, Elizabeth, I told you last night. I’ve got my orders and I intend to follow them. Whether or not you agree.”
Elizabeth turned and gave him an icy stare. “What are you going to do? Carry me out against my will?”
“If I have to.”
His stare was just as frigid as she maintained an even eye contact.
Seconds passed before an idea struck Elizabeth. She’d go with him and make him think he was taking Tom’s orders, but she wouldn’t buy anything.
Wiping her hands on the dish towel she held, she never broke eye contact when she said, “I’ll be ready in two minutes.”
Then she walked out of the kitchen without another word.
Jack chuckled under his breath as Elizabeth walked out of the room. She’d had such a full head of steam, he figured she wasn’t backing down. He wondered what she had up her sleeve.
Regardless, he intended to follow Tom’s orders to the letter.
When he heard her coming down the stairs, he jumped to his feet, only to find the two children with her.
“I need to take Brady to Tom’s room.”
He waited at the door as she gave the boy final instructions to not bother his grandfather.
“He’ll be fine, Elizabeth. A little bothering never hurt no one.”
She leaned down and kissed her son goodbye.
Then she walked out of the house, assuming Jack would follow.
He did.
Jack suggested they start with the infant department. He knew she intended to end it there, too, but that wouldn’t be happening. Not on his watch.
As they looked at all the cribs they had on the floor, Jack noticed she paid more attention to the prices than the crib. But he saw the sparkle in her big blue eyes when she approached one in particular. Then he stepped to the saleslady and told her they would take the one she’d lingered over.
Elizabeth whirled around. “What did you just do?”
“I chose a crib.”
“Why didn’t I get to choose?”
“You did. I saw the way you were looking at that one.”
He ignored her and turned back to the saleslady. “We’ll take it.”
Elizabeth huffed.
“What else can I get you today?” the saleslady asked.
Elizabeth answered for him. “Nothing else. This will be all.”
“I believe the lady asked me the question, Liz.” He gave the older woman his full attention. “What would you recommend?”
She offered some suggestions, including bedding and a musical animal mobile for over the bed, pads for over the sheets, and springs to replace the rollers on the bed.
“I’ll take it.”
“All of them?” the saleslady asked Jack.
“Yeah, all of them.”
Elizabeth glared at Jack. She knew what he was up to. “I will not participate in this!”
“That’s fine. Why don’t you go on to the boy’s department and pick out Brady’s clothes?”
“He doesn’t need any clothes.”
“We’ll see.”
Instead she sat down in the comfortable chair they had for customers and took Jenny out of the pouch across her chest. When the baby started to fuss, she gave her a bottle, all the time ignoring what that difficult man was doing.
Jack was having the time of his life. When he and the saleslady had rounded up everything, he asked what else they would need.
“Won’t your wife want to help?”
He didn’t bother correcting the woman. “No, she doesn’t care. Let’s pick out some pretty clothes for Jenny.”
“But won’t your wife be mad at you?”
“That makes making up a lot more fun,” he said with a wink.
She gave a girlish giggle and went to work again. In no time she had a pile of pink in front of him.
“Okay, I think we’ve finished,” Jack said. “You’ll have them sent to Pickup for us, won’t you?”
“Yes, of course. It’s been a real pleasure, sir. I wish you and your wife all the happiness in the world.”
“Thank you.” He bent down and kissed her on the cheek.
“Are you finished now?” Elizabeth asked him as he approached her. “Jenny wants to go home.”
Jack chuckled. “I suppose she told you that?”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“I am not!”
He just grinned at her and said, “Ask Jenny what she wants to do.”
Elizabeth pouted. “You needn’t make fun of me.”
“Right. Let’s go.”
When they reached the door to leave the store, he suddenly stopped. “Oh, Liz, I need to go to another area to get something for Brady. Tom asked me to pick out something special for him.”
She frowned, but she couldn’t say no to a special gift from a grandpa. “All right. And I should tell you that I don’t like to be called Liz.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “What size does Brady wear?”
“Size six.”
“Ah, I thought he was big for his age.”
“Yes, he…What are you buying?”
“Why don’t you find a seat for you and Jenny?”
“You won’t be long, will you?”
“As long as it takes to find what I’m looking for.”
“But—” She cut off when Jack walked away. Arguing was useless.
She sat back and watched him wander around the boy’s department. He wouldn’t be too long, she was sure.
But she was curious when he gathered a saleslady to follow him around. She gave an exasperated sigh.
After about half an hour, he finally returned.
“We have only one more stop,” he said as he pulled Elizabeth toward the adjacent department.
When she saw the ladies’ clothes she pulled up short. “No. We have nothing to buy here!”
“Yes, we do. If it’s important for Tom to take you to church, then you should accommodate him. That’s all I’m asking. Pick out a dress for church.”
She finally agreed. Checking the prices, she went to the sales rack. As she did so, Jack unfastened the halter that she’d used to carry Jenny around.
“What are you doing?” she gasped as she felt her halter come undone.
“I’m making it easier for you. You’ll have to try on the clothes.”
“Yes, I can handle little Jenny by myself.”
Against her better judgment she picked out five dresses and let the saleslady take her to a dressing room.
“Oh, there are some clothes already in this dressing room,” Elizabeth pointed out.
“Yes, your husband chose those dresses. He said you were to come show him all the clothes.”
She shut the door gently, resisting the urge to slam it. Jack could try whatever he wanted, but he wouldn’t get his way.
Jack grinned when the saleslady told him she didn’t think his wife would be coming out. “Good. We need to get started.”
With the woman’s help, he chose an array of clothes and shoes.
About that time, Elizabeth came out of the dressing room carrying her choices. Jack met her. “You didn’t come out and show me any of the outfits.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You didn’t choose any of the outfits I picked out.”
“No, I didn’t like them.”
He looked at her with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t even try them on, did you? That’s okay. We’ll buy them anyway.”
“No! I’ll…I’ll go try them on.”
“And come out and show me?”
“Yes, I’ll come out and show you.” She said that with her teeth gritted.
“Good. Jenny and I will wait for you to appear.”
He sat down in the chair and waited. Once she went in the dressing room, he handed his card to the saleslady. She charged all the things he’d bought and placed it all in closed bags to be sent to Pickup.
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