The sliding door was open.
Case was out there.
Fear ripped through her like cold steel. ‘Case,’ she croaked, her voice closing over.
Case turned. ‘Miss Moran. Come to share the glorious morning with me?’
‘Yes,’ she breathed, dragging her feet like lead weights across the floor, focusing on the amazing man who had awakened her to so much. Not the windows, not the height, not the balcony. ‘But inside, okay?’
His brow furrowed. ‘What is it?’
‘Please.’ Tahlia glanced around her, dropping the file on a chair. It was so high up she could see cars in the distance that looked like toys ants would play with. ‘I don’t like heights.’
Case walked back into the office, sliding the door closed behind him. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’
She shook her head, the memories pressing in on her, the scream, the silence and the sirens.
He took her hands and directed her to the chair closest to the wall. ‘I did notice you didn’t have a window in your office.’
Tahlia nodded, fighting the logic of how many people could guess her fear, and hating herself for it. Her father’s face leapt to her mind.
She lifted her chin, meeting his warm gaze. ‘It’s not something I talk about.’
‘Sometimes it helps to share problems.’ Case knelt in front of her, holding her hands in his warm ones. ‘I’m here for you.’
She couldn’t help but smile. How could she not share this with him after he had shared so much with her? ‘My father…died.’ She sucked in a deep breath. ‘He fell from a balcony…there was a loose rail.’
‘Oh, God, Tahlia.’ Case’s voice broke. ‘I’m so sorry. I had no idea.’
‘Losing my father was tragic for me, for my mum and me, but listening to the whispers was shattering.’
‘He’d been drinking. He had financial problems. And he was fighting with my mum.’
Case rubbed her hands. ‘It was an accident.’
‘But you wonder… I wonder…if I could have been a better daughter. If I had better marks at school. If I hadn’t nagged him to play checkers with me, then he wouldn’t have been up there—’
Case swept her into his arms, holding her against his chest. ‘Oh, hell, Tahlia.’ He stroked her hair back from her face. ‘It was an accident,’ he said quietly.
‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘That’s what they all said, but—’ She had heard the whispers.
‘Hey, of course it was an accident. He loved you and your mother very much… He probably just wanted to protect you from his business worries; he didn’t want you to think he wasn’t the strong, capable man you thought he was.’
She nodded. ‘He fell.’
‘Yes, and anyone who says he jumped is a fool, who doesn’t know how beautiful and loving you are…who doesn’t know how much he was loved.’
She nodded. He was right. It wasn’t what happened. It was the meaning she placed upon it. She’d spent far too long listening to whispers that didn’t matter. She had loved her father and her father had loved them and it had been an accident, a tragic accident that had stolen her father from her.
‘Has anyone told you how wonderful you are?’ she asked, sucking in a deep breath. Or how easy it could be to fall in love with him?
‘Not lately.’
She rested her head on his chest, which held a heart so warm and loving to offer her such understanding and kindness about her father.
Case held her close, staring out of the window, breathing in her sweet scent, feeling her breath slow down, become deeper, her body relax.
He’d never felt so close to another human being than at this moment. Tahlia had finally let another layer slip away. She’d let him in. He’d never known a feeling like this.
It was incredible.
What he’d thought had been love with Celia had obviously just been infatuation, followed by a hefty dose of ego-induced denial. He had never liked admitting mistakes. And marrying Celia had been a whopper.
Working so hard to save their marriage had probably been more for the sake of the marriage than for them—to show himself and his mother that he wasn’t his father. He could change.
He had changed. Now he knew what love was. Sure, it was early days, but he knew, deep in his chest, that he couldn’t live without Tahlia. She was air to his lungs, reason for his being, the future mother of his children.
It was her.
He should tell her the truth about why he was here, who he was and exactly why he’d lied, before this went further.
‘Tahlia,’ he murmured softly. Was now the time? She was obviously vulnerable just now.
Hell, to lose her dad in that way… He ached to fix the past, go back and save her father, so she didn’t have to deal with it, feel that pain.
She stepped back, sucking in a deep breath. ‘Oh, gawd, I totally forgot why I came in,’ she said strongly, sounding more like the Tahlia he knew.
She shrugged, swiping down her white blouse and short office skirt, taking his attention to her legs, firing his body with memories of the feel of her wrapped around him, of making incredible passionate love to her.
‘I need to talk to you.’
He nodded, watching her move to his desk and sit down opposite his chair as though nothing had happened, all cool and collected. She glanced at him and the soft look in her eyes clawed at his gut.
It was time to tell her. There was only one person who knew who he really was and he wasn’t about to let Raquel come between them.
There was no reason to wait until after this little assessment was done. Waiting wasn’t worth the risk of enjoying anonymity any longer.
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