Rachel Alsop - Gender Theory in Troubled Times

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Gender Theory in Troubled Times: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Theorizing gender is more urgent and highly political than ever before. These are times, in many countries, of increased visibility of women in public life and high-profile campaigns against sexual violence and harassment. Challenges to fixed, traditional gender norms have paved the way for the recognition of gay marriage and gender recognition acts allowing people to change the gender assigned to them at birth. Yet these are also times of religious and political backlash by the alt right, the demonization of the very term ‘gender’ and a renewed embrace of the ‘naturalness’ of gendered difference as ordained by God or Science. <br /> <br />A follow-up to the authors’ 2002 text, <i>Theorizing Gender</i>, this timely and necessary intervention revisits gender theory for contemporary times. Refusing a singular ‘truth about gender’, the authors explore the multiple strands which go into making our gendered identities, in the context of materialist and intersectional perspectives interwoven with phenomenological and performative ones. The resulting critical overview will be a welcome and invaluable guide for students and scholars of gender across the social sciences and humanities.

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1 Dedication Dedication In memory of Annette Fitzsimons

2 Title page Gender Theory in Troubled Times KATHLEEN LENNON & RACHEL ALSOP polity

3 Copyright page

4 Preface

5 IntroductionWhat is gender? Doing gender theory Theoretical shifts Gender essentialism The rise of right-wing populism Gender theory under attack The boundaries of the category ‘woman’ The structure of this book Notes

6 1 The Data of Biology Sexed/gendered difference Sexed categories as natural kinds Psychological and behavioural sex differences and their biological anchorage Evolutionary psychology Male and female brains The sex/gender distinction How many sexes are there? The case of sport Trans bodies and biology Nature/culture and the new materialism Entanglements Notes

7 2 Gendered Psyches: Psychoanalysis and Sexual Difference Psychoanalysis Why Freud? The bodily ego Freud and sexual difference The boy The girl Sexual difference: in summary Reflections Lacan’s three orders Lacan and sexual difference Symbolic essentialism The importance of the Imaginary Luce Irigaray and the feminist imaginary The inevitability of sexual difference? Colonizing gestures Psychoanalysis: race and disability Conclusions Notes

8 3 Historical Materialism Gendered societies From Marxism to Marxist feminism Second-wave Marxist feminism Patriarchy Historical materialism and patriarchy Dual-systems theories and their critique From patriarchy to gender regimes: Walby and Connell Walby on gender Connell on gender Historical materialism and globally connected inequalities Conclusions Notes

9 4 Simone de Beauvoir: Becoming Woman Phenomenology ‘Woman’ as situation The One and the Other Volume 1: The objective conditions The data of biology Economic and social structure Myths Volume II: Lived experience Objectification Living bodily difference Bodily habits Life paths Complicity Dimensions of otherness Conclusions Notes

10 5 Intersectionality Intersectional analysis and material positionality Intersectionality and lived experience Intersectionality: the origins of the concept and the coining of the term Intersectionality in practice Which inequalities does intersectionality cover? The ‘etc. problem’ Who is intersectional? The metaphor of the intersection Decolonial feminism Decolonial feminism and intersectionality Intersectionality and subjectivity Conclusions Notes

11 6 Judith Butler: Performativity, Precariousness and Queering Performance and performativity Gendered scripts Subjectivity and subjectification Real genders Precariousness Queering The performativity of race The critique of identity What about the body, Judy? The expressive body and queer phenomenology Other materialities Conclusion Notes

12 7 Making Sense of our (Gendered) Selves The ‘trans’ umbrella Gendered categories Local readings Confronting nature Trans narratives and gendered homes The dangers of spatial metaphors Belongings The wrong body The expressive body Transformative possibilities Conclusion Notes

13 Conclusion: The ‘Truth about Gender’ Sites of agency Gender-based violence Toxic masculinity Coalition politics Notes

14 Questions for Further Reflection

15 References

16 Index

17 End User License Agreement


1 Cover

2 Contents

3 1 The Data of Biology


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In memory of Annette Fitzsimons

Gender Theory in Troubled Times



Copyright page

Copyright © Kathleen Lennon & Rachel Alsop 2020

The right of Kathleen Lennon & Rachel Alsop to be identified as Authors of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published in 2020 by Polity Press

Polity Press

65 Bridge Street

Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK

Polity Press

101 Station Landing

Suite 300

Medford, MA 02155, USA

All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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