Ben Malisow - (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests

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(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The only official CCSP practice test product endorsed by (ISC)² With over 1,000 practice questions, this book gives you the opportunity to test your level of understanding and gauge your readiness for the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam long before the big day. These questions cover 100% of the CCSP exam domains, and include answers with full explanations to help you understand the reasoning and approach for each. Logical organization by domain allows you to practice only the areas you need to bring you up to par, without wasting precious time on topics you’ve already mastered.
As the only official practice test product for the CCSP exam endorsed by (ISC)², this essential resource is your best bet for gaining a thorough understanding of the topic. It also illustrates the relative importance of each domain, helping you plan your remaining study time so you can go into the exam fully confident in your knowledge.
When you’re ready, two practice exams allow you to simulate the exam day experience and apply your own test-taking strategies with domains given in proportion to the real thing. The online learning environment and practice exams are the perfect way to prepare, and make your progress easy to track.

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(ISC) 2CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional

Official Practice Tests

Second Edition

ISC2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests - изображение 1

Ben Malisow

ISC2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests - изображение 2

Copyright © 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Published simultaneously in Canada

ISBN: 978-1-119-60349-8

ISBN: 978-1-119-60358-0 (ebk.)

ISBN: 978-1-119-60352-8 (ebk.)

Manufactured in the United States of America

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For Robin, again, for another one


The author would like to thank the tawdry circus of characters who nursed this project to completion. First, Jim Minatel, who is unlike any other editor in this realm, in that he is actually helpful, kind, somewhat intelligent, and a pleasure to work with. Kelly Talbot is the real reason this book got done at all. His patience and professionalism are unmatched by any mortal being, and there is not enough praise that can be directed his way. Kelly— thank you. That’s all I can say. Katie Wisor is constantly charming and always seems happy, which is maddening and bizarre when most of the people involved in the publishing world are in no way like that whatsoever. She’s also incredibly capable and thorough in every way, and she was instrumental in making this book useful and correct. The technical reviewer, Jerry Rayome, fixed so many, many problems, improving amazingly on my feeble efforts, offering great suggestions, and nailing down pieces I’d completely missed. Finally, the author’s partner, Robin, who exhibited a virtuoso patience of her own, while constantly offering support, and the dog Jake, who didn’t live to see the end of the writing of the book but was a constant joy throughout the parts he was around for.

About the Author

Ben Malisow,CISSP, CISM, CCSP, SSCP, Security+, has been involved in INFOSEC and education for more than 20 years. At Carnegie Mellon University, he crafted and delivered the CISSP prep course for CMU's CERT/SEU. Malisow was the ISSM for the FBI's most highly classified counterterror intelligence-sharing network, served as a U.S. Air Force officer, and taught grades 6–12 at a reform school in the Las Vegas public school ­district (probably his most dangerous employment to date). His latest work has included the CCSP (ISC) 2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide , Second Edition, also from Sybex/Wiley 2017, and How to Pass Your INFOSEC Certification Test: A Guide to Passing the CISSP, CISA, CISM, Network+, Security+, and CCSP , available from Amazon Direct 2017. In addition to other consulting and teaching, Ben is a certified instructor for (ISC) 2, delivering CISSP and CCSP courses. You can find more information about the CCSP and other INFOSEC-related topics at his blog,

About the Technical Editor

Jerry K. Rayome, BS/MS Computer Science, worked as a member of the Cyber Security Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for over 20 years providing ­cybersecurity services, including software development, penetrative testing, incident response, firewall implementation, firewall auditing, cyber forensic investigations, NIST 900-53 control implementation/assessment, cloud risk assessment, and cloud security auditing.


1 Cover

2 Acknowledgments Acknowledgments The author would like to thank the tawdry circus of characters who nursed this project to completion. First, Jim Minatel, who is unlike any other editor in this realm, in that he is actually helpful, kind, somewhat intelligent, and a pleasure to work with. Kelly Talbot is the real reason this book got done at all. His patience and professionalism are unmatched by any mortal being, and there is not enough praise that can be directed his way. Kelly— thank you. That’s all I can say. Katie Wisor is constantly charming and always seems happy, which is maddening and bizarre when most of the people involved in the publishing world are in no way like that whatsoever. She’s also incredibly capable and thorough in every way, and she was instrumental in making this book useful and correct. The technical reviewer, Jerry Rayome, fixed so many, many problems, improving amazingly on my feeble efforts, offering great suggestions, and nailing down pieces I’d completely missed. Finally, the author’s partner, Robin, who exhibited a virtuoso patience of her own, while constantly offering support, and the dog Jake, who didn’t live to see the end of the writing of the book but was a constant joy throughout the parts he was around for.

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