Marcus J. Carey - Tribe of Hackers Red Team

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Tribe of Hackers Red Team: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Want Red Team offensive advice from the biggest cybersecurity names in the industry? Join our tribe.
Tribe of Hackers
Tribe of Hackers Red Team: Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Offensive Cybersecurity
Tribe of Hackers
Learn what it takes to secure a Red Team job and to stand out from other candidates Discover how to hone your hacking skills while staying on the right side of the law Get tips for collaborating on documentation and reporting Explore ways to garner support from leadership on your security proposals Identify the most important control to prevent compromising your network Uncover the latest tools for Red Team offensive security Whether you’re new to Red Team security, an experienced practitioner, or ready to lead your own team,
has the real-world advice and practical guidance you need to advance your information security career and ready yourself for the Red Team offensive.

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Tribe of Hackers Red Team - изображение 1

Copyright © 2019 Marcus J. Carey and Jennifer Jin

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

ISBN: 978-1-119-64332-6

ISBN: 978-1-119-64336-4 (ebk.)

ISBN: 978-1-119-64333-3 (ebk.)

Manufactured in the United States of America

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1 Cover

2 Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Tribe of Hackers would not exist without the awesome cybersecurity community and the contributors in it. I owe them tremendously for allowing me to share their perspectives on our industry. I’d like to give a special shout-out to my wife, Mandy, for allowing me to do whatever the heck I want as far as building a business and being crazy enough to do this stuff. To Erran, Kaley, Chris, Chaya, Justin, Annie, Davian, Kai: I love you all more than the whole world! I also want to thank Jennifer Jin for helping build the Tribe of Hackers book series and summit. She would like to thank her parents for not thinking that she’s crazy for quitting pre-med. Thanks also goes to Jennifer Aldoretta for helping me build a company that is true to our values. Shout-out to every one of the people that I’ve worked with over the past few years. Thanks to Dan Mandel, Jim Minatel, and the Wiley team for believing in the whole vision. —Marcus J. Carey

3 Introduction

4 Chapter 1. Marcus J. Carey

5 Chapter 2. David Bell

6 Chapter 3. Paul Brager

7 Chapter 4. Beau Bullock

8 Chapter 5. Christopher Campbell

9 Chapter 6. Stephanie Carruthers

10 Chapter 7. Mark Clayton

11 Chapter 8. Ben Donnelly

12 Chapter 9. Skip Duckwall

13 Chapter 10. Ronald Eddings

14 Chapter 11. Justin Elze

15 Chapter 12. Mike Felch

16 Chapter 13. Kevin Figueroa

17 Chapter 14. Marco Figueroa

18 Chapter 15. Jared Folkins

19 Chapter 16. Rob Fuller

20 Chapter 17. Patrick Fussell

21 Chapter 18. Chris Gates

22 Chapter 19. Brian Genz

23 Chapter 20. Jared Haight

24 Chapter 21. Stephen Hilt

25 Chapter 22. Brent Kennedy

26 Chapter 23. David Kennedy

27 Chapter 24. Maggie Ligon

28 Chapter 25. Jeffrey Man

29 Chapter 26. Tim MalcomVetter

30 Chapter 27. Brandon McCrillis

31 Chapter 28. Oddvar Moe

32 Chapter 29. Chris Nickerson

33 Chapter 30. Ryan O’Horo

34 Chapter 31. Carlos Perez

35 Chapter 32. Francesc Rodriguez

36 Chapter 33. Derek Rook

37 Chapter 34. Isaiah Sarju

38 Chapter 35. Mary Sawyer

39 Chapter 36. Bradley Schaufenbuel

40 Chapter 37. Tinker Secor

41 Chapter 38. Jayson E. Street

42 Chapter 39. Chris Truncer

43 Chapter 40. Carl Vincent

44 Chapter 41. Georgia Weidman

45 Chapter 42. Adam Willard

46 Chapter 43. Jake Williams

47 Chapter 44. Robert Willis

48 Chapter 45. Robin Wood

49 Chapter 46. Wirefall

50 Chapter 47. Phillip Wylie

51 Epilogue

52 End User License Agreement


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