Maya’s tone softened. “I know it’s probably a little overwhelming, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Just be open to wherever this takes you. Nate’s a good guy. He adores Kai, and I have a strong feeling he’s still very much in love with you.”
“Don’t know about that. It was kind of hard to read with his arm draped around the skinny chick who showed up at his place as he was rushing me out the door.” Kendra hated the pouty tone with which she conveyed the news.
“Is he seeing her?”
“I guess so. She seemed to know her way around his place well enough. From the size of the bag she was toting, she planned to stay awhile.”
“How did he introduce her?”
“As his friend.”
“Well, there you go.” There was a lilt in Maya’s voice again. “She’s his friend until we hear otherwise.”
“Like you and Liam were just ‘friends’ over the summer?”
Maya huffed. “You’re determined to ruin this, aren’t you?”
“Maya, seriously, do I need to have the same talk with you I had with my mom? This is business—not a romantic getaway. Nate doesn’t want me on this trip any more than I want to be on it.”
“Wouldn’t be so sure about that. We’ll see.”
“Enough with the matchmaking,” Kendra said. “I still have a ton of things to do. Oh, and my mom has a doctor’s appointment on Friday, so she won’t be able to pick Kai up from school. Is it okay if he goes home with Sarah and the girls until my mom can pick him up?”
Liam’s housekeeper, Sarah, had taken on the expanded role of part-time nanny since Maya and the girls had moved into his penthouse.
“I’m sure it won’t be a problem. She loves Kai. That boy is a charmer, just like his dad.”
Kendra thanked her sister and ended their call, hoping she’d be strong enough to resist Nate’s charm this time around.
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