“What’s your objection to my interest in Jordyn?”
“I like her,” Renata assured him, though her tone was cautious.
“But?” he prompted.
“But she’s always seemed a little...guarded,” she decided. “And I don’t want you to get your heart broken.”
Again .
Although she didn’t say the word, they both knew she was thinking it. As he was, too. But this time, he was confident there wouldn’t be a sad ending but a happy beginning, because Jordyn Garrett was the woman he’d been waiting his whole life for.
Now he just had to help her see that she’d been waiting for him, too.
Chapter Three
Jordyn dreamed of him—and woke up feeling restless and out of sorts because of it.
She didn’t remember the details of the dream, except that her heart had been pounding with anticipation and her body aching to feel things that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. And she’d awakened thinking of Marco. The sweet and sexy bartender with the melted-chocolate eyes and the dimple at the corner of his mouth. It might have been her sister’s description, but she couldn’t deny that it was an accurate one.
She hadn’t dreamed of anyone but Brian in a lot of years. More significantly, she hadn’t even dreamed about her former fiancé in more than a year, which she figured was a sign that her heart was finally healing. But his disappearance from her dreams worried her, too, because she didn’t want to forget about him. She didn’t want to forget how completely in love they’d been or how her heart had been decimated by his death. And she especially didn’t want to be attracted to another man, to even consider moving on with her life with someone else or hope for the future that she’d once believed she would have with Brian.
She’d told Tristyn that her date with Cody the night before had been a disaster—but the fact that it had been such a disaster was also a relief to Jordyn. Her experience with Cody reassured her that she wasn’t missing out on anything by not dating and reinforced her belief that she’d rather spend her free time alone than with a man who obviously wasn’t right for her. Because no man who wasn’t Brian was right for her.
Then she’d walked into Valentino’s and come face-to-face with Marco Palermo. And she’d felt...something.
She wasn’t sure what it was—maybe a spark of awareness or possibly a tingle of desire—she only knew that it was more than she’d expected or wanted to feel.
She’d pushed it aside, refusing to delve too deeply inside herself. So she’d met a guy and she’d felt a tug of something—so what? It didn’t have to mean anything, because she wasn’t ever going to see him again.
Except that she instinctively knew that wasn’t true. Whatever she’d felt, she was certain that he’d felt it, too, and she didn’t doubt that their paths would cross again—probably sooner rather than later. And when they did, she’d be ready to let him down easy. There was no other option.
Tristyn was drinking coffee and reading the news on her tablet when Jordyn finally ventured into the kitchen after her shower. She brewed herself a cup of French vanilla, added two teaspoons of sugar and a generous dollop of cream, then took a seat across from her sister.
“How much wine did I drink last night?”
Tristyn looked up from her tablet. “No more than I did. Why?”
“I feel like crap this morning, and I had some weird dreams.”
“Any special guests in those dreams?” her sister teased.
Jordyn scowled at her over the rim of her coffee mug.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”
She sipped her coffee and willed the caffeine to jump-start her system—or at least her brain.
“It’s a good sign,” Tristyn said gently.
“What’s a good sign?”
“That you’re thinking about him.”
She swallowed another mouthful of java.
“Brian’s been gone for more than three years.”
Three years, two months and sixteen days. But of course she didn’t say that aloud, because she knew that Tristyn would get that familiar little line that appeared between her brows whenever she was worried about something. And her family had worried about her enough already.
Instead she only nodded.
“It’s time for you to put yourself out there again.”
“Isn’t that what I was doing with Cody last night?”
Tristyn shook her head. “Cody was a setup that was never going to work, because you had it in your mind before you even sat down at the restaurant that you weren’t going to let it go any further than dinner.”
It was both a curse and a blessing to have a sister who knew her so well.
“Maybe that’s why meeting Marco made more of a lasting impression on you,” Tristyn continued.
“Or maybe I made it into a bigger deal than it was,” Jordyn said, considering that he’d never asked for anything more than her name.
“Maybe you did,” Tristyn allowed. “But you won’t know for sure until you see him again.”
* * *
It was almost two weeks later before she did.
Ten days to be precise. And not a single one of those days passed without her thinking about him at least once. After the first week, she considered stopping by Valentino’s—just to see if he was working—but she’d ignored the impulse.
Because if he was working—what then?
It was her inability to answer that question that kept her away from his family’s restaurant. But it didn’t stop her from thinking about him.
On Tuesday night, just a couple hours before closing, he walked into O’Reilly’s.
She was wiping down the bar when she looked up and saw him come through the door.
Even from across the room, she felt the hum of something between them—or maybe, nearing the end of a double shift, she was just overtired.
He nodded to her as he took a seat farther down the bar.
“Hey, Jordyn,” Bobby Galley called out, snagging her attention. “What’s your number?”
For the first six months that she’d worked at the bar, every night that Bobby came in, he would ask for her number. And every night, she would refuse.
The familiar banter grew tiresome after a while, until one night, when he asked for her number, she said, “One hundred and forty-six.” He’d blinked, wary of this unexpected response, and she’d told him it was the number of times he’d asked her out and she’d turned him down. Not that she’d actually counted, but her recital of the random number sounded credible.
After that, it had become something of a game. Although he hadn’t stopped asking, he had given up hope that she would ever answer him with her actual phone number.
She took a moment to consider the request. “Thirty-eight,” she finally told him.
“I know that’s not your age,” he said. “I’m hoping...maybe...it’s your bra size?”
She shook her head. “Wrong again—it’s the number of months that I’ve been serving you from behind this bar.”
“Which only proves that we both need a change of scenery,” Bobby said. “Let me take you away from here.”
“If by ‘away’ you mean ‘Hawaii’—keep talking, Bobby. If you meant something else, then I’ve got other customers to serve,” she said, and moved toward Marco.
“What can I get for you?”
“A draft beer.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific than that,” she said, indicating the array of faucets bearing the labels of a dozen different brands.
“I’ll try a Smithwick’s,” he decided.
She picked up a pint glass and angled it beneath the tap.
* * *
As he waited for his beer, Marco glanced around, noting that despite the lateness of the hour, about half a dozen tables were filled and there were few empty stools around the bar. He suspected that the popularity of the seating in that area had more to do with the pretty woman working the taps than the two small screens showing sports highlights, especially when the Bar Down—a popular choice for die-hard sports fans—wasn’t too far down the road.
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