Lily’s eyes flickered over Rafe Oliveira before she scooted into the back to get her bag. Then, with a half-smile that she managed to offer to both of them, she pulled open the door and escaped into the hot humid air of midday.
She usually bought a sandwich and a cappuccino at the nearest coffee shop before finding a quiet spot in Palmetto Park to eat her lunch. With its tree-shaded paths and tropical gardens, the park was a favourite place for picnics.
It adjoined the harbour, and in centuries past had been the holding area for slaves bought by local wealthy landowners. Lily had always thought it was fitting that it had now been turned into an amenity everyone—rich or poor—could enjoy.
She’d walked a little away from the agency and was preparing to cross the street when a hand gripped her arm just above her elbow.
Her initial reaction wasn’t one of alarm. She’d lived on Orchid Cay all her life and there were few people among the locals she wasn’t familiar with. Yet almost immediately the strength and coolness of those hard fingers had her turning to see who had accosted her, and she wasn’t entirely surprised to see Rafe Oliveira’s dark face.
‘Hi,’ he said, releasing her almost at once. ‘Can we talk?’
Lily was tempted to say No and walk on, but that would have been rude. Besides, she was fairly sure Ray wouldn’t like her to offend the man.
‘It’s my lunch hour,’ she said unnecessarily. He had obviously heard what Ray had said earlier. ‘If this is to do with the business, I think you ought to speak to Mr Myers.’
Rafe expelled an exasperated breath. ‘This has nothing to do with Ray Myers,’ he declared shortly. ‘I know it is your lunch hour. I heard what was said. That was what I was about to ask you. Will you come and have lunch with me? There are lots of small eating establishments around here.’
Lily assumed a sudden interest in the strap of her bag. But that didn’t stop her pulse from racing like a jackhammer. Why was he doing this? Why in God’s name would he want to have lunch with her?
‘Why me?’ she asked at last, voicing her doubts. ‘Why not Ray?’
Good question! Rafe regarded her with considering eyes, wondering if he really knew the answer.
‘Perhaps I prefer to have lunch with a beautiful young woman,’ he said drily. ‘Is there a problem?’
‘Well, I’m sure Mr Myers expected you to show more interest in the company,’ Lily declared stoically. ‘You hardly had time to assess the viability of the business before you left.’
Now Rafe’s dark brows arched expressively. ‘And that is your concern, sí? You are perhaps a partner in the company?’
Lily felt her face go red. ‘I work with Ray, that’s all.’ She paused. ‘But you must have had some reason for coming into the agency again.’
Rafe shrugged. ‘And if I did?’
Lily decided to go for broke. ‘Well, is it true? Have you decided to take a financial interest in Cartagena Charters?’
‘Have lunch with me and you may find out,’ said Rafe adroitly, watching the play of emotions that crossed her face.
Lily shook her head. ‘I don’t think so,’ she said. And then, as another thought occurred to her, ‘I bet this wasn’t Ray’s idea.’
‘I can understand why you would think that,’ he murmured softly. ‘You must know he is more interested in hiding the company’s failures than in presenting a balanced picture of its assets.’ He shrugged. ‘But you can tell him he will have to start telling the truth if he expects any further interest from me.’
‘Ray just exaggerates a little.’ Her tongue sought the roof of her mouth. ‘It hasn’t been an easy time for him.’
‘It has not been an easy time for anyone.’ Rafe stifled a curse, glancing about them in some exasperation. ‘And do you honestly expect me to continue this conversation here?’ He nodded across the street. ‘There is a man over there who has been watching me ever since I left the agency. What do you think he is doing, hmm? Propping up the sidewalk? Checking out the talent? I think not.’
Lily couldn’t help herself. Ignoring his groan of frustration, she turned to look. And, sure enough, there was a man standing across the street. But whether he was watching them was arguable. Besides, he had a camera hanging from his neck, just like any other tourist.
‘You think I’m paranoid, sí?’ Rafe taunted her. ‘You do not think that, after all this time, I might not recognise a paparazzo when I see one?’ He shook his head. ‘So, will you have lunch with me? If not, I—and my escort—will leave you alone.’
Lily’s lips parted as once again she gave the man, who did indeed appear to be watching them, another quick appraisal. It occurred to her that it might be herself that he was watching and her skin prickled as it had done that evening on the beach.
‘Who is he?’
‘I have no idea.’ Rafe shrugged. ‘He may be working for one of the tabloid newspapers, or perhaps he is DEA, or CIA. I do not care to find out.’
Lily stared at him. ‘But why would either the DEA or the CIA be interested in us?’
Rafe pulled a face. ‘Evidently you do not read the newspapers. Dios, my name was splashed across the headlines for weeks.’
Lily was stunned. She knew the DEA was the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. ‘Are you saying you were involved with drugs?’
‘Mierda! No!’ Rafe didn’t mince his words. ‘But I have no intention of defending myself here. What is your decision?’
Lily hesitated. What she knew she should do was thank him politely for his invitation and walk away.
Yet she couldn’t deny she was tempted.
She found herself saying, ‘All right. I will have lunch with you.’
If only to find out why he’d gone to see her father, she reassured herself staunchly. Not because just looking at him caused a funny feeling in her stomach.
Without any further hesitation, Rafe took her arm and steered her along the street.
However, Lily pulled away as soon as she was able and said tersely, ‘But I’d prefer not to eat in a restaurant. I usually have a sandwich in Palmetto Park.’
‘And you are suggesting I should do the same?’ he queried incredulously, and Lily caught her breath.
In khaki cargo pants and a black tee shirt, he looked lean and dark—and dangerous, she thought, her skin prickling again. Was she really thinking of getting involved with this man?
‘That’s up to you,’ she said now, half hoping he would refuse.
But he didn’t. ‘Very well,’ he agreed with a swift glance over his shoulder. ‘You had better tell me where we find this—picnic—lunch.’
Lily started to respond and then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the man he had spoken of earlier. He was standing, half hidden by the bole of a palm tree, just a dozen yards away.
‘We…we’re still being observed,’ she said abruptly, realising she hadn’t quite believed him before. ‘That man—the one you mentioned. He’s over there.’
Rafe knew a momentary twinge of impatience. It crossed his mind that he shouldn’t involve her in his affairs. She was too young, for one thing. And did he seriously want another female’s feelings on his conscience?
‘I did warn you,’ he said now, giving the man a passing glance. ‘So perhaps lunch is off, sí? We should just agree to go our own separate ways.’
Lily hesitated. ‘Um…not necessarily,’ she heard herself say with some amazement. Why, when she’d been having such doubts about her involvement with him, wasn’t she seizing this chance to get away?
But then, Oliveira had said he might tell her what was going on with Ray, she defended herself fiercely. Taking a breath, she added, ‘That is, if you’re still willing to join me in the park.’
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