“Oh, come on, we were happy,” Bandera protested.
“We were something, but it wasn’t happy.”
“We were happy! Last was always telling us how good it used to be.”
Mason merely shook his head and glanced out the other window. Holly caught Bandera’s gaze on her and sent him a sympathetic look. Maybe their youth hadn’t been as happy as they were pretending? “Thank you for picking us up,” she told him.
“It was nothing. We had nowhere pressing to be.”
“Although we’d like to get there eventually,” Mason said with a growl. “You just reminded me why I travel light, without family.”
Holly’s brow puckered. “So we are getting you off track?”
“No,” Mason said with a sigh. “Our tracks are never quite straight.”
“That’s right. Everybody out. Holly’s going to sit up here by me, so that she can read the map for me.”
“I’m not a very good map reader,” she said quickly, “I’m afraid I’d get you even more behind than you are.”
“Yes, but that’s Mason time you’re worried about,” Bandera said. “My time is slow and easy.”
She blinked, caught by his words and the drawl. Without consciously wanting to, she thought about sex. Slow and easy sex. Lots of it. With Bandera.
Whew. Not ten minutes after her ex had bawled her out for making him wait until the wedding.
Something was wrong with her. She definitely had rebound fever.
“I cannot read your map,” she said decisively. You represent the lure of the unattainable, and I am in a weakened state.
Mike hopped out, taking his beer with him. “Out,” he said to Holly. “Go read the man’s map.”
“Now, look,” she protested. “I don’t know that I like traveling with three men who are developing caveman instincts!” Sitting next to Bandera was going to get her nothing but trouble. She had a funny feeling he had cracked her code: sensitive, brokenhearted female needs a little male attention, some savvy sweet talk, a little cowboy chivalry and, shazam! She’s saved from a tragically unhappy ending!
“We’re not cavemen,” Mason said. “We’re trying to treat you like the lady you are.”
She hesitated. Mike shrugged. “I like them,” he said to her. “Better than Chuck.”
“We don’t know them,” she said. “And they’re men.”
“Ahh,” the three men chorused.
“What?” Holly demanded.
“Man issues,” Bandera said. “Even before the big breakup, you had man issues.”
“You’re a freak,” she said, “and I’m going to read your map for you, just so you can have plenty of time to think over your own issues once I get us all good and lost.”
“Drop me off at the bike shop before you lead us the wrong way,” Cousin Mike said. “I fancy a card game with some fellow bikers.”
She sighed and crawled into the front seat. “I have now entered the danger zone,” she said, her tone a trifle mocking.
“You have no idea,” Bandera declared with a grin.
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