On another occasion his astounded expression might have amused her, but at that moment she felt as though she might never laugh again.
Emilio swore under his breath, the muscles along his strong jaw tightening as his scorching dark gaze swept across the features turned up to him. Being furious with her was not reducing the level of his painful arousal. If anything it was feeding the desire that licked through his veins like a forest fire, out of control—did he want to control it?
Emilio shifted his weight in a futile effort to ease the pain in his groin. This was not a moment for deep analysis. He could barely string a sequence of intelligible words together, let alone indulge in self-analysis of the complex mixture of emotions that he was struggling with.
Megan, her head tilted to one side, watched through the veil of her lashes as he dragged a shapely brown hand through the ebony strands of his gleaming dark head. Her level of fascination with his fingers, the size, elegance, strength and shape of his hands, was beginning to escape her control.
What control? asked the ironic inner voice in her head.
‘Por Dios, there is every need to shout,’ he contended, studying her flushed face with an air of scowling disbelief as he fought to subdue the protective feelings that surfaced when he saw the reflection of whatever inner battle she was fighting shining in her eyes.
It was easier to focus on his anger.
He knew she was feeling the erotic charge that hung heavily in the air between them. How could she not? It almost had a physical presence.
Why was she fighting it? Why couldn’t she just relax and let it happen? His jaw clenched in frustration. It was as if she couldn’t get past the fact he’d been the one to rescue her from an unpleasant and potentially dangerous situation.
Was it because he’d seen her vulnerable? Did that not mesh with the cool, controlled image she obviously wanted to project?
He dragged a hand down his jaw and decided it was useless to try and figure out her reasoning because, quite clearly, there was none.
‘WAS I drunk?’
The simmering hostility in Emilio’s manner as much as the abrupt question made Megan blink. ‘What? ‘
His dark eyes flashed. ‘Was I forcing myself on you? Por Dios, no, I was not! ‘
‘I never—’
‘So at what point did I become the bad guy?’ he demanded, cutting across her.
‘I never—’
‘The fact is you were lucky I was there, but you’re too stubborn to admit it! You are just as stupid now as you were then!’
Megan’s chin went up at the insult. Eyes narrowed, she threw back her head, glaring up at him with simmering hostility. ‘And you are just as arrogant and judgemental.’
A hissing sound of irritation escaped his clenched teeth. ‘Also, do you know,’ he drawled, ‘how incredibly boring this ugly-duckling routine of yours is?’
Megan’s amber eyes lit up like beacons with anger. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry to bore you.’ If she’d been some long-legged lissom beauty with plastic boobs attached to a skeletal clothes-hanger frame he would no doubt make allowances for an IQ in single figures.
Emilio’s teeth audibly ground in response to her sarcastic insincerity.
‘Of course, if I had known I was expected to entertain you, I’d have made more of an effort—worn a funny nose, perhaps?’ she suggested, pressing the tip of her finger to her small, classically perfect nose.
He gave a hard laugh and watched as her hand fell, revealing the delicate purity of her features only spoiled from being textbook classical by the generosity of her lips. Emilio, his eyes glued to the full, lush curve, did not think it spoiled anything.
It took every ounce of his strength not to grab her and crush her mouth under his. He inhaled sharply through flared nostrils and snarled.
‘Do not be absurd! ‘
His dismissive, plain nasty attitude fed her anger and sense of growing resentment. ‘So I’m assuming for “absurd” read anyone who says anything you don’t like?’
Which couldn’t, she reasoned darkly, be something that happened very often. The problem with Emilio Rios was that people were willing to cross oceans, let alone roads, to avoid antagonising him, and from where she was standing it was easy to see why.
He had not gained the reputation of being a bad man to get on the wrong side of by accident! And he did look pretty magnificent if you liked your dark and moody with an edge of danger.
And she, it turned out, did!
As Megan watched a shaft of sunlight from an angled skylight hit his face. He had no reason to fear the unforgiving light; there were no flaws or shortcomings to be revealed.
He was perfect.
A furrow of concentration appeared between Megan’s feathery brows as her rapt gaze lingered on the hard angles and hollows of his patrician face, the strong, sculpted contours emphasised by the dusting of dark hair sprinkled already over his clean-shaven jaw. She wondered how it would feel against her skin and shivered, unable to tear her rapt gaze from his face.
He was nothing short of breathtaking to look at!
‘You make a great deal of effort to be rude to me, querida. I wonder why?’ he mused.
‘It’s no effort, believe me, and don’t call me that,’ she snapped, her discomfort increased by the casual endearment.
Privately she conceded he did have a point. Where was the diplomacy she was famed for? Winding Emilio up was a bit like getting into a tiger’s cage and throwing sticks at it.
A person had to expect the tiger to leap so the question remained why? A mental image of Emilio falling across her body flashed into Megan’s head, the erotic fantasy so powerful that she could actually feel the weight of his body, the heat of him bearing down on her.
The effort of expelling the erotic intrusion wrenched a soft grunt from her aching throat that drew a quizzical look from Emilio.
Megan decided to avoid tiger analogies for the foreseeable future and took refuge in hostility —again.
‘What can I say? My job entails being pleasant to men who have to be told at regular intervals how marvellous they are. I’m on my own time.’ Her dad might disagree on that detail, but then nothing she had done so far today was going to make him break out in song. ‘I don’t have to play nice.’
A white line of anger appeared around the sensual outline of his sculpted lips as Emilio drew himself up to his full intimidating height.
‘I am not your father,’ he snarled, totally incensed by the implied comparison she made with a man he despised.
Megan, aware she had been appallingly indiscreet, not to mention unprofessional, began to back-pedal furiously. ‘I didn’t mean Dad, just men in a position of power generally,’ she finished lamely.
Emilio ignored her protestations. ‘And I do not,’ he imparted grimly, ‘need my ego stroked.’
How about other parts?
Shocked, not just by the shameless question that popped into her head, but the accompanying images that followed the thought, Megan dropped her gaze from his as she felt the shamed colour fly to her cheeks. She was not the sort of girl who went around mentally undressing men.
‘It’s the effect you have on me,’ she mumbled, struggling to find a plus side to this situation. He couldn’t read her mind, though sometimes when he looked at her she did get the uncomfortable feeling that she had no secrets from him.
‘It was not my intention to …’ His voice faded as she began to nibble nervously at her full lower lip.
The silence stretched way beyond dramatic pause and into nerve-shredding territory until finally Megan could bear it no longer.
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