I’m now a working mom-to-be. Call when you and Dev come up for air.
She took a cab back to the Upper West Side and popped out at a deli a few blocks from the Dakota. Osterman’s had occupied the same choice corner location since the Great Depression. Gina and Sarah had developed their passion for corned beef at the deli’s tiny, six-table eating area. The sisters still indulged whenever they were in the city, but Gina’s target tonight was the case displaying Osterman’s world famous cheesecakes. With unerring accuracy, she went for a selection that included her own, her grandmother’s and Maria’s favorites.
“One slice each of the white chocolate raspberry truffle, the key lime and the Dutch apple caramel, please. And one pineapple upside down,” she added on an afterthought.
The boxed cheesecake wedges in hand, she plucked a bottle of chilled champagne from the cooler in the wine corner. She had to search for a nonalcoholic counterpart but finally found it in with the fruit juices. Driven by the urge to celebrate, she added a wedge of aged brie and a loaf of crusty bread to her basket. On her way to check out she passed a shelf containing the deli’s selection of caviars.
The sticker price of a four-ounce jar of Caspian Sea Osetra made her gasp. Drawing in a steadying breath, she reminded herself it was Grandmama’s caviar of choice. The duchess considered Beluga too salty and Sevruga too fishy. Gina made a quick calculation and decided her credit card would cover the cost of one jar. Maybe.
“Oh, what the hell.”
To her relief, she got out of Osterman’s without having the credit card confiscated. A block and a half later she approached the Dakota with all her purchases.
“Let me help you with those!”
The doorman who’d held his post for as long as she could remember leaped forward. Although she would never say so to his face, Gina suspected Jerome assumed his present duties about the same time Osterman’s opened its doors.
“You should have called a cab, Lady Eugenia.”
Sarah and Gina had spent most of their adult years trying to get Jerome to drop their empty titles. They’d finally agreed it was a wasted effort.
“I’m okay,” Gina protested as he tried to relieve her of her burdens. “Except for this.”
She sorted through her purchases and fished out a wedge-shaped box. Jerome peeked inside and broke into a grin.
“Pineapple upside down! Trust you to remember my favorite.”
Gina’s emotions jumped on the roller coaster again as she thought about his devoted loyalty to her and Grandmama over the years.
“How could I forget?” she said with a suspicious catch to her voice. “You slipped me an extra few dollars every time I said I was going to Osterman’s.”
For a moment she thought the embarrassed doorman would pat her on the head as he’d done so many times when she was a child. He controlled the impulse and commented instead on the bottles poking out of her bag.
“Still celebrating Lady Sarah’s wedding?”
“Nope. This celebration is in my honor.”
Riding her emotional roller coaster to its gravity-defying apex, she poured out her news.
“I’m moving back to New York, Jerome.”
“Lady Eugenia! That’s wonderful news. I admit I was a bit worried about the duchess.”
“There’s more. I’ve got a job.”
“Good for you.”
“Oh,” she added over her shoulder as she made for the lobby. “I’m also pregnant.”
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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