“Someone coming home.”
“Do you have other identification?”
She was, Travis thought as Hank produced his photo ID, a typically suspicious New Yorker—which wasn’t a bad thing to be.
A couple of locks clicked, then the door opened and Celeste Langley gazed warily out at them.
The snapshot hadn’t done her justice. In living color, her eyes were the deep blue of sapphires. Her mouth was positively lush, and while in the picture she’d been wearing a tailored suit, tonight she had on a dark silk shirt and slacks that revealed slim curves.
Reminding himself why they were here, he said, “I’m Detective Ballantyne’s partner, Ms. Langley. Detective Travis Quinn. May we come in? We need to talk to you.”
For a moment he thought she was going to ask what this was about, then she simply stepped backward and ushered them inside.
Travis closed the door and followed her and Hank into the living room—wishing he were just about anywhere else. He knew she was assuming they’d come with bad news. People always did. But that didn’t make delivering it any easier.
He glanced around as they sat down, doing his standard quick assessment. The room, large enough to easily serve as a combined living and dining room, was tastefully decorated with quality furniture. The antique dining room suite was undoubtedly from the 1800s, or even earlier, and he’d guess that the artwork was worth a fair bit.
After taking a second to psyche himself up, he focused on Celeste Langley. “Steve Parker is your brother?”
“Yes...my half brother, actually.” She paused for a beat, then said, “What’s happened to him?”
“I’m afraid he was murdered last night. I’m sorry.”
Her eyes filled with tears, and even though she managed to blink them back she suddenly seemed so fragile that Travis’s heart went out to her.
That wasn’t good, he told himself. He made a point of staying as detached as he could from cases. It went a long way toward helping him maintain his sanity. But, sometimes, keeping his emotions completely in check was tough.
“I’m sorry,” he said again.
When Celeste nodded, he could tell she was trying hard not to let her tears escape.
After giving herself a few seconds, she focused on him again and said, “How did it happen?”
“He was shot. In his apartment. If it makes things easier, he died instantly.”
“I...thank you for telling me that. And...who did it? Do you have any idea?”
“Not yet. We were hoping you’d be able to help us with that. Thought you might know if he had any enemies, or if there’s been recent trouble in his life.”
She slowly shook her head. “If Steve was having problems he didn’t mention them to me. We didn’t have the sort of relationship that...we weren’t very close.”
“He’d listed you as his next of kin,” Hank Ballantyne said.
“Well, yes, I’m...I was the closest relative he had in the city. But...” Celeste paused. Even at the best of times, it was hard to explain that she barely knew her own brother.
“Steve’s father was my mother’s first husband,” she continued. “After they’d divorced and she married my father, before I was even born, Steve went to live with his father. So he wasn’t around much while I was growing up. And since he was fifteen years older than me...”
“I understand,” Travis Quinn said, sounding so much as if he truly did that she tried to smile at him.
It didn’t feel like much of a smile, but it was the best she could manage.
Then Hank Ballantyne was saying, “Ms. Langley, it’s possible your brother had a female visitor shortly before he was killed. So just for the sake of elimination, I have to ask if you were in his apartment last night.”
“No. I haven’t been in his apartment since...not since our mother’s birthday, back in March. And I wasn’t anywhere last night. I mean, I was right here. Working.”
“On a Saturday night?”
“Yes. I’m a freelance editor, and I have a deadline looming.”
The detective nodded. “Okay, then getting back to your brother, when was the last time you saw him?”
“A few weeks ago. Our mother died in July, and after her service we decided we wanted to work on building more of a relationship. Neither of us had other siblings, so... Well, we had dinner together around the start of September and were going to make it a monthly date, but now...I...would you excuse me for a minute?”
She pushed herself up and headed to the bathroom, her tears making good their escape before she reached it.
Normally, she wasn’t a crier. Her father had come from stiff-upper-lip English stock, and she’d learned early to conceal her emotions—especially from strangers. But first her mother’s death, and now learning that Steve’s life had been cut short, too...
They might not have been close, but that didn’t mean she’d had no feelings for him. And the thought of someone murdering him had her completely torn up inside.
Leaning against the closed door, she stood with her eyes shut until she’d more or less regained her composure. Once she had, she splashed cold water on her face, wondering whether those detectives figured she was a basket case—then trying not to think she really might be.
Telling herself she was simply into emotional overload, she checked her image in the mirror and combed her fingers through her hair.
She looked as awful as she felt, as if she needed a month’s sleep. But before she could try to get even one night’s she was going to have to finish talking to those detectives.
Squaring her shoulders, she opened the bathroom door and walked back to the living room.
“I’m sorry,” she said, pausing in the doorway. “My self-control is usually better.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Travis Quinn said. “It’s awful news to get hit with. And we won’t bother you anymore while you’re so upset. But if you’d just tell us one more thing?”
She nodded.
“With your mother and brother dying so close in time... Detective Ballantyne and I were wondering if there could be any connection between their deaths. So if you’d just explain how your mother died?”
That was hard to talk about, but she managed to say, “She was struck by a car. On Madison. The driver’d run a light and kept on going after he hit her. As far as I know, they haven’t caught him.”
Both detectives mumbled sympathetic responses, then rose.
“We’ll want to talk to you again,” Travis Quinn said. “Can we reach you here during the day?”
“Usually. Now and then, there’s some reason for me to be at a publisher’s. But I normally work here.”
He nodded, then took a card from his pocket and handed it to her. “My cell phone’s always on. If you think of anything that might help us with your brother’s case, anything at all...”
“Yes,” she whispered. “Of course.”
* * *
“JUST WHAT WE FIGURED,” Travis said after he and Hank had left Celeste Langley’s apartment and were heading down the stairs. “There’s not a chance in the world she’d ever murder anyone.”
“Oh?” His partner shot him a questioning look. “You’re sure about that?”
“You’re not?”
“How tall would you say she is?”
“Five-five? Five-six?”
“Right. Average height. Wearing heels, she’d be maybe five-eight. And don’t forget that Parker let his killer in. It was someone he trusted, someone he’d never have expected to shoot him.”
“It wasn’t her,” Travis said firmly.
Hank shrugged. “I’d have liked a chance to check her closet for a gray trench coat. And a big black purse.”
“A gray trench coat and a big black purse. Oh, yeah, I bet there aren’t more than two or three women in the entire city who’d have both those items.”
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