Claire Baxter - Pregnant - Father Wanted

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Pregnant: Father Wanted: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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A holiday romance in Italy that would change her life… She’s pregnant, single, and wants to settle down. Australian travel writer Lyssa Belperio may be pregnant and alone, but she can’t wait to be a mum. A job offer on the Amalfi Coast gives her the chance to make a fresh start…He’s a professional footballer with a celebrity lifestyle. But there is more beneath the surface than Italian playboy Ric lets the world see. Lyssa begins to wonder if he could be the perfect father for her baby?Baby on Board From bump to baby and beyond…

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Adrenalin was still rushing through Lyssa’s body in tremors, provoked by that instant of locked eyes, that brief connection, the reflection of her own awareness in Ric’s eyes.

She knew all the reasons why she should stay away from him, and they were numerous. Yet still, if the chance arose, she would not back away from kissing Ric. She would grab it—just to find out what it would be like to be kissed by him, to be held in his arms.

There. She’d made a decision. No more doubts. Just to satisfy her curiosity, she’d seize the moment. Then he’d go back to his world full of beautiful women, and she’d go back to hers. To the reality of raising a child alone. But at least she would have her memories.


From bump to baby and beyond…

Whether she’s expecting or they’re adopting— a special arrival is on its way!

Follow the tears and triumphs as these couples find their lives blessed with the magic of parenthood…

There’s twin trouble in February

with Caroline Anderson’s latest Romance:

Two Little Miracles

Dear Reader

One of the best things about researching the location for PREGNANT: FATHER WANTED was trawling through recipe books and drooling over tempting pictures of southern Italian dishes.

One of the worst things? Gaining weight as a result of trawling through those same recipe books, drooling over those tempting pictures and then satisfying my self-induced hunger!

But, aside from the food, research for this book was particularly enjoyable. Lyssa is a travel writer, so she was on the move and I saw the Amalfi Coast through her eyes. Of course she was also falling in love, and this might have coloured her view a little. Only a little, though. Renowned for its rugged terrain, scenic beauty, picturesque towns and diversity, the Amalfi Coast is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

I hope you enjoy visiting the Amalfi Coast, and taking an emotional journey with Lyssa and Ric.

Best wishes





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For my editor, Meg Sleightholme, with thanks for

her belief and support—everything from picking

up and reading my first manuscript to suggesting a

Mediterranean location for this, my fourth book.


‘YOU’RE going to Italy?’

Lyssa Belperio grinned as she nodded at her friend Chloe. ‘So, do you mind keeping an eye on the apartment as usual?’

‘Of course not. But I’m so jealous. Come inside and tell me about it. I’ll make a coffee.’

‘No.’ Lyssa waved her palms at Chloe as she stepped into the neighbouring apartment. ‘No coffee for me, remember?’

‘Oh, that’s right. I nearly forgot you were pregnant because you don’t show. I have herbal tea. Peppermint, rosehip or chamomile?’

‘Peppermint, please. You know the new travel magazine I told you about? The ultra-glossy one that I wrote that small piece for?’

‘About shopping in Hong Kong. Yes, I remember.’

‘Well, the editor emailed, offering me a commission. She wants a feature article written with the same wit and humour as the last one.’ She made air quotes around the key words. She’d written the article in her natural voice and couldn’t imagine writing any other way.

‘That sounds good. She must have liked your work.’

Lyssa gave a modest shrug. ‘I guess so. Anyway, this feature is about touring the Amalfi Coast.’

Chloe squealed. ‘You lucky duck. All expenses paid?’

‘Uh-huh. It’s being sponsored by a tour company. They’re going to provide a private driver and tour guide, and everything.’

‘Blimey. Do you need someone to take photos for you? I have a camera phone.’

Laughing, Lyssa shook her head. ‘Matilda said they’ll buy them directly from a local photographer. No amateur shots needed.’

‘Can you squeeze me into your suitcase, then? I’ll be good, I promise.’

‘I wish I could, but I travel lightly, remember?’

‘Cheeky. I’m not that heavy. Anyway, you’ll soon be much heavier than me.’ Chloe dropped the teabags into the bin, then adopted a more serious tone. ‘Are you sure it’s all right to travel in your condition? What if something happens while you’re away?’

‘Nothing’s going to happen,’ Lyssa said firmly. ‘I’ve been all over Asia; I’m sure I can handle Italy. And anyway, I’m only a little bit pregnant.’

‘As opposed to completely pregnant?’ Chloe held out the mug of herbal tea.

Pulling a face at Chloe, she took the mug and settled on one of the comfortable sofas. ‘There’s no problem with travelling at this early stage and, as I don’t show yet, I figure there’s no need for anyone to know.’

‘Are you going to tell your parents before you go?’

‘Oh, Chlo, they’ll be so upset.’ She took a moment to swallow the lump that had jumped to her throat at the mere mention of breaking the news to her parents, then sipped her tea before going on. ‘You know what they’re like.’

‘They’re protective.’

‘They’re incredibly old-fashioned.’

‘Even so,’ Chloe said gently, ‘they’ll have to know.’

Lyssa took another sip. ‘I know, but I’d sooner wait till I get back. If I leave straight after telling them, there’s no knowing what Dominic and Tony might do.’

‘Excuse me? What do your brothers have to do with it?’

‘I wouldn’t put it past them to hunt down Steve and force him to agree to marry me.’

Chloe snorted. ‘I’d like to see that. I wonder what they’d do? Would they actually hit him?’

Lyssa flapped her free hand. ‘Chlo, don’t be ridiculous. You don’t like violence and you can’t stand the sight of blood.’

‘No, but I’d make an exception in Steve’s case. After what he did to you, he deserves it.’

Shrugging, Lyssa acknowledged the little voice that said Chloe was right. ‘Maybe. But I don’t want anything to do with him again and I certainly don’t want Dom and Tony involved.’

‘So you wouldn’t consider taking him back even if he came crawling with an apology and a proposal?’

‘I think you know me better than that, Chlo.’

‘I know that you’ve always dreamed of having the perfect family…husband, babies…’

‘Yes, but…’ After swallowing hard, Lyssa said, ‘I wouldn’t have chosen to be a single parent. I want my baby to have a father—one that is there to see him or her grow up—and I’m terrified of doing this on my own, but I have to. An absent father is better than a bad father.’

‘Um, I hate to play devil’s advocate here, but you don’t know that Steve would be a bad father.’

‘He hates children.’ Lyssa’s hand went to her stomach as if she could protect her baby from the truth. ‘I can’t believe I misjudged him so badly. I thought he only hated other people’s children. I thought he’d want one of his own, but no, I was wrong.’

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