“Aye, my lord,” his man answered as he left.
Emalie sat stiffly next to him. She knew something was happening, but did not know what or how to inquire of him.
“I was afraid of just this when she came this time. Would you return to our chambers so we might speak there?”
Without waiting for her agreement, he motioned to her maid to come to her. Rising now, he helped Emalie from her seat and gestured for Alyce to accompany her. But before he rejoined her he had some arrangements of his own to make.
Confirming his worst suspicions, a few minutes later one of the men identified by Luc climbed up the dais and approached Lord Evesham. As one, they watched Catherine leaving the hall with Fatin and Luc.
Bloody, bloody hell.
’Twas all Christian could do not to scream out in anger at this. He had promised on his honor to protect de Severin’s sister from Prince John, and now their masquerade had been found out. He’d let down his guard for a moment, reacting to his wife with his heart and not his good sense, and now Catherine was in danger.
The safest place for her was the convent. If the worst happened and John came to claim her, Christian would not be able to refuse a royal command. The reverend mother could. She could use the power of the church and her office at the convent to prevent John’s actions…at least until something else could be done. Would Richard help in this matter? The king was on his lands in Normandy now, and too busy holding together the fragmented Plantagenet kingdom and plotting against Phillip to involve himself in the affairs of some girl wanted by his brother John.
Christian stood and took his leave of his guests. Seeing the captain of his guards in the hall, he motioned to the man to meet him outside. A small contingent of men, not sizable enough to draw notice, would escort Catherine back to the Convent of Our Blessed Lady in Lincoln on the morrow. With her safely ensconced there, Christian and Geoffrey could turn their attentions back to the reason his brother was there—to make a suitable marriage.
His most difficult task was still ahead of him, for he had to convince his wife of the rightness of his actions without giving her a full accounting of his actions in the past. ’Twould be much easier to honor his vow if the dead would only stay dead.
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