“How long have you lived in Whitehorn?” he asked as she passed him the platter of turkey.
“Since early June,” she said. “Before that I lived in Arizona for a few years and before that, Chicago.”
“Is that where you’re from?”
“Yes. I grew up in a wealthy suburb you’ve probably never heard of, where my most complex decision was which invitation to accept to the prom. The boy’s coolness was, of course, the deciding factor.”
She was teasing but also telling the truth, he thought. Funny, she didn’t look like the idle princess type. “You were one of the popular girls?”
“Even a cheerleader. I wince at the memory of my shallow existence.” She passed him a green bean casserole, followed by a dish of yams. “I went off to college without a clue as to what I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course, I don’t think I actually wanted to be an adult. I kept switching majors and playing rather than studying. I nearly accepted a marriage proposal rather than choose a direction for my studies.”
Her blue eyes darkened with the memories. “Not my finest hour.”
He had a hard time reconciling her story with the woman in front of him. “What happened?”
She took a bite of turkey and chewed. When she’d swallowed, she said, “My parents died in a car crash. I was unprepared, to say the least.” She hesitated, as if there was more she was going to say.
Mark waited. The detective in him wanted to push for information, but he reminded himself that he was a guest in her home and it was a holiday.
“This is really good,” he said when he’d tasted the turkey.
“How old were you when your parents died?”
“Twenty, but ignorant, if you know what I mean. In addition to dealing with the shock of losing them at once, I had the horror of getting calls from their attorney, who wanted to explain things to me.”
She sighed softly at the memory. “My parents left a pile of bills. Apparently they’d been separated for a couple of years but hadn’t wanted me to know. My dad had a penthouse in the city, we all had new cars. By the time everything was paid off, there wasn’t much left. I had to drop out of school.” She stabbed at her mashed potatoes.
“The sad part is, I could have handled the news of their pending divorce if they’d bothered to tell me. At least we could have had an honest conversation before they died. Plus it turned out most of my friends were more interested in my lack of social standing and financial resources than in staying loyal. I grew up fast. By the time the dust settled, I was ready to take care of myself.”
She had an open face, he thought, watching her. Every emotion flashed across her eyes. She would be a lousy poker player.
“You seem to have done a good job,” he said.
“Thanks. I tried.”
He touched the dining room table. “This looks old. Is it a family antique you managed to salvage?”
She laughed. “I’m sure it’s someone’s but not mine. I bought it a couple of years ago at a garage sale. The hutch came with it.” She grinned. “These days, I live for a good bargain. You should see me at the half-yearly sales. I’m formidable.”
“Sounds like it. Do you miss being rich?”
“Who wouldn’t?” She scooped up a forkful of stuffing. “But I like who I am now a whole lot more than I liked who I was before. I consider that a plus.”
She was a pint-size bundle of trouble, he thought grimly. Pretty, sexy, single and appealing. Why had he ever accepted her invitation?
“What brings you to Whitehorn?” he asked. “It’s a long way from Arizona.”
For the first time that evening, she avoided his gaze. “I wanted to experience ‘big sky country,”’ she said breezily. “You know—the myth of the Old West. I just sort of found my way here.”
Mark’s chest tightened. She was lying. He would bet his life on it. Which meant there was something she didn’t want him to know. Like Sylvia, she was a woman with secrets—and off-limits to him.
After dinner, they cleared the table, then Darcy led the way into the small living room. Mark followed, sitting at the opposite end of the sofa.
“That was great,” he said. “I’m impressed.”
“Thank you.” She patted her stomach. “I’m full but don’t feel as if I’m about to explode. I consider that a positive statement after a Thanksgiving dinner.”
“I didn’t get through my half of the turkey.”
She laughed. “That’s right. You were supposed to eat your whole twelve pounds’ worth. Maybe I should pack it up and you can take it home. I have a great recipe for turkey enchiladas. I could write it down for you.”
“I don’t cook much.”
She pretended surprise. “I thought all New York City detectives were incredibly domestic.”
“I missed that class.” He studied her. “So you know I lived in New York. Am I a regular topic for gossip or is it just a sometime thing?”
Darcy refused to give in to the embarrassment she could feel growing inside her. “Everyone has his or her fifteen minutes of fame at the Hip Hop Café,” she said casually. “You were a hot topic when you moved back, but things have calmed down some since then.”
“Good to know.”
Darcy sipped her wine and regarded her guest over the rim of her glass. He was a good-looking man. Too good-looking for her long-celibate state. Tall, strong, with compelling green eyes. She liked that his dark brown hair was a tad too long and that his tailored slacks showed off his perfect butt nearly as much as his jeans did.
She took another quick sip to keep herself from grinning. She couldn’t believe she was sitting here thinking about Mark’s butt. She had no right—nor was it her style. Even back in the dark ages when she’d actually dated, she’d never been overly interested in sex. She’d given in because it had been expected, but most of the time, she’d been faintly bored by the experience. In the past five years she’d missed the emotional closeness of male-female relationships more than the physical intimacy…right up until she’d laid eyes on Mark.
Something about the man set her body to humming. She sort of enjoyed the sensation of being faintly aroused without him actually doing anything. At least it was a change from her usual worry and exhaustion.
He’d surprised her by being a pleasant guest. She’d thought he might not talk at all, which had made the thought of just the two of them at the table fairly horrifying. For a few minutes he’d seemed to withdraw into himself, but he’d recovered and had continued with his questions. Speaking of which…
“I think it’s my turn to play detective,” she said teasingly. “You learned everything about me at dinner, so now I should learn about you.”
“Ask away.”
She shifted so that she was facing him. “How did a man born and bred in Montana end up in New York? As a detective, no less?”
“It’s something I wanted from the time I was a kid. I never got the rodeo bug, so I wasn’t interested in steer wrestling or bronc riding. I spent my time reading police procedurals. When I graduated from college, I headed for New York where I got a job on the police force. I worked my way up from there.”
His expression didn’t change as he spoke and Darcy had a difficult time figuring out if the memories made him sad.
“What brought you back?” she asked.
“I was shot.”
She nearly spilled her wine. “In the line of duty?”
“A murder suspect didn’t like the way the investigation was going. She took out her temper on me.”
Darcy stared at him in shock. “She? A woman shot you?”
“Women can be killers, too.”
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