Piers had been an absentee parent, finding plenty of reasons to stay in the city rather than at the Hall. As for his mother—he supposed she’d loved him in her own abstracted way. But she’d been more focused on her personal disappointment in marrying a man who loved not her but the wealth she’d brought with her.
Jonas slipped a hand into his jacket pocket and withdrew the photocopied cheques.
‘Here.’ He held them out, daring her to take them. ‘I never lie.’ His father had been an expert at distorting the truth for his convenience. As a kid Jonas had vowed never to do the same.
He watched Ravenna swallow, the movement convulsive, then she reached out and took the papers. Her head bowed as she stared at them.
The sound of her breath hissing in told him he’d finally got through to her. There was no escaping the truth.
The papers moved as if in a strong breeze and he realised her hands were trembling.
In that instant guilt pierced his self-satisfaction. Belatedly it struck him that taking out his anger on Silvia’s daughter was beneath him.
His belly clenched as he reviewed their encounter. Even given his determination to make Silvia pay for her crime, he’d behaved crassly. He’d stalked in, making demands when a simple request for information would have done. Worse, he’d been too caught up in own emotional turmoil to spare a thought for the shock this would be for Ravenna.
‘Do you want to sit down?’ The words shot out like bullets, rapid and harsh with self-disgust.
She didn’t say anything, just stood, head bowed, staring at the papers in her shaking hands.
Hell! Was she in shock?
He leant towards her, trying to read her expression.
All he registered was the stiff set of her jaw and the scent of warm cinnamon and fragrant woman.
And the way she bit her bottom lip, pearly teeth sinking deep in that lush fullness.
Jonas breathed in slowly, telling himself the heat whirling in his belly was shame, not arousal.
The idea of being turned on so easily by any woman was anathema to a man who prided himself on his restraint. When she was the daughter of the woman who’d destroyed his mother... Unthinkable!
‘Ravenna?’ His voice sounded ridiculously hesitant, as if the ground had shifted beneath his feet.
She looked up, her eyes ablaze as they met his. Then her gaze shifted towards the window.
‘You’re mistaken.’ Her voice sounded wrong, he realised, tight and hard. ‘Silvia had nothing to do with this.’
‘Stop denying, Ravenna. It’s too late for that. I’ve got proof of her forgery.’
‘Proof of forgery, yes. But not Silvia’s.’ She shifted, standing taller.
Jonas shook his head, weary of the unexpected emotional edge to this interview. ‘Just tell me where she is and I’ll deal with her.’
Those warm sherry eyes lifted to his and he stilled as he saw how they’d glazed with emotion.
‘You don’t need to deal with her. She had nothing to do with it.’ Ravenna tilted her chin up, her gaze meeting his squarely. ‘I did it. I took your money.’
RAVENNA’S PULSE KICKED as Jonas stiffened. Her throat dried so much it hurt to swallow. But she didn’t dare turn away. Instead she met his stare unflinchingly.
She feared if she showed even a flicker of the emotions rioting inside, he wouldn’t believe her.
He had to! The alternative, of pinning the theft on her mother, was untenable.
With Jonas’ revelation so much fell into place—Piers’ remarkable generosity in not just covering her medical costs these last months, but funding the long convalescent stay at an exorbitantly expensive Swiss health resort.
Only it hadn’t been Piers making that final, massive payment, had it? It must have been Silvia—breaking the law to help her daughter.
Ravenna’s heart plummeted as she recalled her mother’s insistence that she needed total rest to recuperate. That without the health resort there was a danger of the treatment failing. Ravenna, too weary by then to protest when all she wanted was to rest quietly and get her strength back, hadn’t put up much resistance.
She’d never sponged off Piers’ wealth, and had silenced her protesting conscience by vowing to pay back every last euro. It was only when she’d arrived at the Paris apartment the other day that she realised they were euros Piers and her mother could ill afford.
Guilt had struck Ravenna when she saw how much they’d sold off. But she’d never for a moment thought her mother had purloined money that wasn’t hers!
Oh, Mamma, what have you done?
Through the years Silvia had gone without again and again so Ravenna could have warm clothes and a roof over her head. And later, so she could go to the respected school her mother thought she needed. But to take what wasn’t hers...!
‘You’re lying.’ Jonas’ frigid eyes raked her face and a chill skimmed her backbone.
Ravenna smoothed damp palms down her trousers and angled her chin, trying to quell the roiling nausea in her stomach.
‘I don’t lie.’ It was true. Maybe that was why she hadn’t convinced him. Her muscles clenched as desperation rose.
She couldn’t let him guess the truth. Already a broken woman, Mamma would be destroyed by the shame and stress of gaol.
For a moment Ravenna toyed with blurting out the whole truth, revealing why her mother had stolen the funds and throwing them both on Jonas Deveson’s mercy.
Except he didn’t have any mercy.
That softer side he’d once shown her years before had been an aberration. In the six years Silvia and Piers had been together, Jonas hadn’t once condescended to acknowledge his father’s existence. He had ice in his veins rather than warm blood, and a predilection for holding a grudge.
Now it seemed he had a taste for vengeance too.
That might be ice in his veins but there was fire blazing in his eyes. It had been there since he shouldered his way into the apartment, prowling the room with lofty condescension as if his father’s death meant nothing to him.
His hatred for her mother was a palpable weight in the charged atmosphere.
He blamed Silvia for his father’s defection. He’d sided with the rest of his aristocratic connections in shunning the working-class foreigner who’d had the temerity to poach one of their own.
Ravenna had to keep this from her. If Mamma found the theft had been discovered she’d come forward and accept the penalty. Ravenna couldn’t let her do that, not when she saw the violence in Jonas Deveson’s eyes. She couldn’t condone what Mamma had done but could understand it, especially since she must have been overwrought about Piers.
‘You haven’t got it in you to do that, Ravenna.’ He shook his head. ‘Theft is more your mother’s style.’
Fury boiled in her bloodstream. She didn’t know which was worse, his bone-deep hatred of her mother or that he thought he knew either of them when at Deveson Hall family hadn’t mixed with staff.
His certainty of her innocence should have appeased her; instead, tainted as it was by prejudice, Ravenna found herself angrier than she could ever remember. Rage steamed across her skin and seeped from her pores.
‘You have no idea of what her style is or mine.’ Her teeth gritted around the words.
His damnably supercilious eyebrows rose again. ‘I’m a good judge of character.’
That was what Ravenna feared. That was why she had to work hard to convince him.
Maybe if her mother had a spotless reputation she’d ride out a trial with nothing worse than a caution and community service. But sadly that wasn’t the case.
Years before, when Silvia had been young and homeless, kicked out by her father for shaming the family with her pregnancy, she’d resorted to shoplifting to feed herself. She’d been tried then released on a good behaviour bond. That had terrified the young woman who’d been until then completely law abiding.
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