He stepped away from the desk, scanning the rest of the apartment as he considered his next move. He could wait here, but who knew when she’d be back? By now, she’d received his email and would know she was a target. Was she running scared, or would she go to ground? Probably the latter, he mused. Her dossier gave no indication she’d know how to evade him, so even if she was running, it wouldn’t be hard to track her down.
He wandered into the kitchen, considering his options. He could hide here, attack her when she came home and grab the package then. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. That would be the easiest thing to do. But then his gaze snagged on the glasses in the sink, incongruous in the otherwise spotless kitchen. Two glasses. One for her, and one for someone else.
Damn. She had protection. He hadn’t expected that so soon. He’d known it was a possibility, of course, had even suggested that to his employer. The icy voice on the other end of the line had told him in no uncertain terms that he was to do as he was told, no questions asked. They’d wanted Novikoff’s image sent to her, so he had done it. Part of him wondered now if they had wanted to make this job more difficult for him, to give them a convenient excuse to dispose of him later.
A cold ball of anger settled in his stomach. He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.
Waiting in the apartment was out. She might come home with someone, and he needed to know what he was up against before making his move. Going back to the desk, he carefully rearranged the drawer, placing all the contents back in order. At first glance, she wouldn’t suspect anything was different. He needed to keep the advantage of surprise for as long as possible. He cast an assessing look around the apartment, making sure he hadn’t left anything out of place, then slipped out the door.
“I’ll be back,” he whispered, the promise hanging in the empty air.
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