Sean resumed pacing in the small, rustic office. He finally stopped at a large wall calendar of the month of May, almost every day filled with penciled notes in what Colin assumed was Mary Bracken’s handwriting. “York’s untouchable,” Sean said, turning from the ragged calendar. “It’s impossible now to arrest him for the thefts in Declan’s Cross.” The Irish detective sucked in a breath. “I don’t need to tell you what he’s doing these days.”
Working with MI5. No, Sean didn’t need to spell it out. “Did York come to Ireland alone?” Colin asked.
“Apparently, yes,” Sean said. “I’m checking. Are you certain you’re in Ireland only because of your honeymoon?”
“I’m being straight with you, Sean. That’s it. That’s why I’m here. Fin offered me use of his cottage and that’s where I’ve been until this afternoon.”
“I know the place,” Sean said.
Colin remembered that the detective’s friendship with Finian Bracken went back to the deaths almost eight years ago of Finian’s wife and two young daughters. Finian had been working here at the distillery, expecting to join his family on a sailing holiday. Before he could, a rogue wave capsized their boat. Sally Bracken and little Kathleen and Mary had all drowned.
“You didn’t sound surprised I was in Ireland. Did Fin warn you I was coming, or do you have my name flagged so you’re notified when I enter the country?”
Sean shrugged. “I spoke with Fin earlier.”
Colin didn’t blame his fellow law enforcement officer for the incomplete answer.
“Fin wasn’t concerned about Mary’s trip to Maine until I mentioned Oliver York,” Sean added. “But he knows her. She’s stubborn. She won’t change her plans.”
“Stubbornness is a Bracken trait,” Colin said with a sigh. “Fin knows I’m here arranging my honeymoon but I haven’t mentioned it to anyone else. I’m keeping it a secret, especially from Emma. It’s a surprise. I want for us to visit Ireland as if we’re a pair of regular tourists.”
“You don’t want your friends pestering you on your honeymoon,” Sean said, with the first hint of real amusement since he’d greeted Colin in the distillery parking lot.
Colin grinned. “That, too.”
“Well, your secret is safe with me. Where did you fly in from?”
“Via Hell, I expect. I’m glad you’re safe, Colin.”
“Thanks.” He didn’t elaborate on his whereabouts prior to Rome, and he knew Sean wouldn’t ask, as a professional, whatever his suspicions. “I planned to stay in Ireland through Saturday and head back on Sunday.”
“The Sharpe open house is on Saturday.” Sean cocked an eyebrow. “Or is that why you’re here instead of in Maine?”
“It’s a Sharpe thing. I don’t need to be there.” Colin didn’t know that Emma needed to be there, either. “I imagine Fin’s invited.”
“He’s bringing Mary. She’s looking forward to it.”
Colin could hear his friend’s ambivalence. Happy for Mary to visit her brother and have a harmless adventure or two. Uncertain about her leaving Ireland and her safe world at Bracken Distillers. “I wasn’t sure Wendell Sharpe would ever return to Maine,” Colin said, deliberately lightening his tone. “But he’s there. He wanted to be at the open house.”
“That’s something, then.” Sean stared out at the quiet main floor. “You’re reconsidering your plans, aren’t you, Special Agent Donovan?”
Colin stood up from the stool. Yesterday’s sleep had helped with some of the raw edges of his fatigue, but not enough. “I’m thinking about jumping on a flight to London and going to see Oliver.”
The detective turned to him with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“I’ll bet you were,” Colin said. “You know, Oliver has a standing offer for me to stay in the guest suite at his London apartment.”
Sean groaned. “Dear heaven. You aren’t considering—”
“Not a chance. Just thought you’d appreciate a taste of how hard my job is.”
“A sense of humor helps. Oliver York’s a character, I’ll say that. Quite the charming rogue, and a past I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” Sean glanced at his watch and stood abruptly. “Come. If we hurry, I can put you on a flight to London out of Kerry airport tonight.”
“On what, a carrier pigeon?”
“It’s a small airport but it offers several nonstop flights a day to London.” Sean moved toward the door. “You have your bag?”
“In my car, which is a rental, by the way.”
“I’ll take care of it. We want you on that flight.”
“The thing about living on an island,” Colin said, tugging open the door, “you have to fly or take a boat to get most anywhere.”
“Fortunately, everything I need is here,” Sean said.
They went out into the main room of the bustling distillery. It was medium-sized, not one of the huge, well-known Irish distilleries but not one of the small start-ups, either. The Bracken brothers had gotten their start before the explosion in independent distilleries and had established a brand known for excellence.
Declan Bracken was waiting for them, and Sean explained that Colin was off to London, a last-minute change of plans. Declan looked as if he had a dozen questions, but he simply nodded and wished Colin a safe flight and a quick return to Ireland. Colin thanked him but noticed Sean was almost to the front entrance.
“When will you be planning your honeymoon?” Colin asked as he caught up with the detective.
A quick smile. “As soon as I can talk Kitty into marrying me.”
“Have you proposed to her yet?”
“I’m getting there. She’s not sure she believes in marriage anymore. That’s what she says.”
“There’s never been a woman who’s played hard-to-get like Kitty O’Byrne, has there?”
Sean grunted. “She’s not playing.”
But the pair couldn’t hide from themselves or anyone else how deeply in love they were. Colin wondered if people had the same thought about Emma and him, but he put that out of his mind as he grabbed his duffel bag and tossed it in the back of Sean’s car. Two minutes later, they were on their way to Farranfore, the small village between Tralee and Shannon where the Kerry County airport was located. A fine mist had collected on the windshield and the early evening light shone on the twisting road back through Killarney.
“Mary Bracken doesn’t live in the world you and I do, Special Agent Donovan,” Sean said, driving one-handed.
“I know, Sean. Fin knows, too.”
“She’s had a devil of a time since Sally and the girls died and Fin turned to the priesthood. Now he’s left Ireland altogether and she’s afraid he won’t be back.”
“Father Callaghan is due to return to Rock Point from his sabbatical in a few weeks,” Colin said.
Sean glanced at him, looking troubled. “Is he?”
“Do you have information to the contrary?”
“No, but Fin dodges the question when I ask him what he plans to do when he returns to Ireland. But that’s a problem for another day. I wouldn’t describe Mary as naive, but she thinks the best of people. I don’t like that Oliver York intercepted her in Declan’s Cross. It feels planned to me.”
“He plans his heists. I don’t know if he plans much else.” Colin watched out his window as the car sped through rolling fields. “I’ll talk to him. I appreciate the heads-up.”
“I’m sorry I took you away from your honeymoon planning.”
“The honeymoon isn’t what matters.”
“True enough.”
Sean pulled into the parking lot of the small airport. The mist was now a soft rain. “Good thing I’m not a nervous flier,” Colin muttered. “Have you ever flown out of here?”
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