When he started to imagine that sweet voice of hers begging him to make love to her, it was more than he could take. He came so hard he had to brace himself against the shower wall.
Gasping for breath, he let the water sluice down his body, rinsing away his need for her. He had to do something about this before it got any worse.
Maybe I should find somewhere else to stay? After all, what would she think of him if he dared to act on his urges? He had gone there to spend time with her sister.
Rafe rejected the idea of leaving, though, the moment it occurred to him. No way, wasn’t going to happen, he told himself. He didn’t want to be away from her. So even if he couldn’t—or rather, shouldn’t—have her, he’d still spend as much time with her as possible. She might drive his body wild, but she was a balm for his soul. The previous night had been the first without nightmares in years. He’d been so consumed with thoughts about her before he fell asleep that she’d filled his dreams.
“Rafe?” Hell, she was in his room.
“In the shower,” he called out to her. “Just a minute.”
He doused himself in freezing cold water to dampen the fire raging in his blood. Twisting off the knob, he sucked in a breath and wrapped a towel around his waist.
Just as he went from the bathroom into the bedroom, Kelly was setting an envelope on his pillow.
“Oh.” Her eyes flashed wide, and he watched as her gaze traveled from his chest all the way down to his toes and back up to his face. “I—”
Obviously, he affected her as much as she did him. Grim satisfaction surged through him. Her demeanor was exactly the sign Rafe needed—well, once he settled matters with Mimi. And he couldn’t rush at Kelly like he wanted to. This would take time. She was special, and he didn’t want to screw it up by coming across like some horny teenager.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you,” he told her, and gave her his best smile.
“That’s—” she swallowed hard “—okay. I wanted to see if you’d be my date, well, not actually a date, maybe escort. No, no, that isn’t right, either.” She looked in one direction then another as if flustered.
“I’m happy to go wherever you need me to.”
“I was hoping that it might be nice for you to meet some of the ex-pats who live here,” she said. “What I was trying to say is that we could go together to this party that one of my sponsors is throwing tonight. I want to show my face so that they don’t forget about me.”
No one could ever forget her, of that he was certain.
He couldn’t tell her no, and in fact, he didn’t want to.
“What do I need to wear?”
“It’s always casual around here. Jeans or shorts and a shirt would be great. It starts at eight, but we don’t need to get there until about nine. That’s when the band plays.” She turned and all but bounced from the room.
Band, that meant the possibility of dancing. Rafe smiled slowly. He didn’t mind that one bit. Even with his bum leg he might be able to do a slow dance or three.
Thoughts of holding her close appealed to him.
“And lunch is ready when you are,” she announced, stopping at the doorway to face him. She was fiddling with her hair and at one point she slapped her hands together. The fidgeting was provocative and inviting. He wanted to catch her hands in his and pull her close to him right then.
Never in his life had he wanted a woman so much. It was the universe messing with his head. If he played the gentleman like he’d planned to, he might never taste her lips or—
No. That wasn’t likely.
He kept his hands fisted at his sides and the towel in place. She gave him another one of those shy, sexy smiles and escaped into sand and sunshine.
Pressing flesh with Kelly was definitely intriguing, but he had a code he lived by. If he could possibly avoid it, he wouldn’t hurt her or Mimi.
He needed a solution and fast.
Picking up his cell phone, Rafe prayed that he could reach Mimi in time.
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