In a carpetbag he found a stocking to be mended, along with an unfinished needlework project depicting a spray of forget-me-nots around an old-fashioned tower house. The caption read, “One father is more than an hundred schoolmasters.” A faint floral scent clung to the bag. Ian dropped it and raked a hand through his hair.
He knew nothing about this woman.
Except that she read wonderful books and liked dangerous paintings and loved her father.
And that when he’d held her, he had felt a reluctant stirring in his heart.
“Och, I dinna believe my eyes,” Duffie exclaimed.
“What do you mean?” Ian asked in annoyance.
“The great MacVane of the Highlands actually felt something other than hatred and rage. Ah, dinna deny it. I saw it in your pretty face. You care about the lass, don’t you?” Duffie gave a sly wink.
Ian clutched the back of a wooden chair and glared down at his gloved hands. The gloves spared him from seeing the stump of his finger, from remembering the past.
“She’s a puzzlement, Duffie. There was something...not right about her that night.”
“People dinna generally appear their best following a massive explosion,” Duffie observed helpfully.
“It was more than just panic and confusion. It was—” Ian nearly strangled on his own words as a blinding flash of memory cleaved his thoughts. Just for a moment, he was in another place, another time...
Burning buildings, thick smoke, people running to and fro. And his mother, unable to stand what they had done to her, had that same look in her eyes. That look of madness...
“Madness, you say?” Duffie asked.
“Did I say that?”
“Well, if people were to perceive the poor lass to be mad, then...”
Duffie and Ian looked at each other. At the same time, they snapped their fingers and spoke the same thought.
Marriage is for life. If I were in your place,
I should tie my sheets to a window and be off.
—Queen Maria Carolina of Naples,
grandmother of Empress Marie-Louise
Ian disliked Dr. Beckworth on sight. It had taken a small fortune in bribes to get this far into the horror chamber that was Bedlam, and now Beckworth stood in the middle of his office, the implacable guardian at the threshold.
“What do you mean, you willna take my coin?” Ian demanded.
“I am a man of ethics as well as science, sir. I do not take bribes.” Above a boiled collar, he lifted his chin to a haughty angle.
“Would you consider a grant in the name of charity, then?”
Beckworth tightened his mouth until it resembled a sphincter. “Please.”
“I merely want to see Miss Stonecypher.”
Beckworth’s hands gripped the lapels of his frock coat. “Stonecypher.”
Ian cursed himself for showing a card to his opponent. He needed to play them closer to the chest. “There, you see. The poor lass has been here four days and you haven’t even found out her family name.”
Beckworth sat down behind a writing table. He fingered a quill stuck in the inkwell, staring at the feathers, turning it this way and that. “It’s very irregular. I can speak of this case with no one save the girl’s family...”
“She has no family.” Ian said. Then, gambling all, he added, “Except me.”
The doctor lifted a monocle to one eye. “You are related to Miss, er...”
“Stonecypher.” Beckworth tasted the unusual name again.
“I am betrothed to her,” Ian assured him. Lying had always come easily to Ian. He had learned it at an early age and considered it one of the most fundamental of survival tactics. Please, sir, I canna work today. My cough is infectious...
“Why didn’t you explain that right from the start?” Beckworth asked.
He’s as suspicious as I am, Ian thought. “Perhaps, like you, I prefer to guard my privacy.”
“Ah.” Beckworth tucked the monocle into the pocket of his waistcoat and took a deep breath. “Have you any proof of this betrothal?”
“I do.” Ian levered himself up out of his chair and paced the office. He ducked his head beneath the lime-washed ceiling beams. He stopped in front of the table and slammed his palms down on the surface.
Beckworth flinched.
Ian leaned forward and said, “Aye, I have proof, but she’s locked up like some moonstruck lunatic, damn your eyes!”
“She can’t remember anything,” Beckworth blurted out, then clamped his mouth shut, clearly angry at himself for having divulged Miranda’s condition.
This, Ian realized, was no gamble after all. She would not recognize him, but that, of course, would all be part and parcel of her affliction.
“I want to see her,” Ian stated. “Now.”
Beckworth hesitated. Ian subjected him to the coldest, most menacing stare he could summon. The stare worked. The doctor stood. “Follow me.”
Moments later, Ian wondered if Beckworth was leading him along a circuitous route just to punish him. They passed through a long gallery lined with barred cells. Dank shadows hung in the unlighted corners. Sleek rats scurried in and out through cracks in the walls. A babble of nonsense talk, moans and tuneless singing joined with the foul stench to make the air almost unbreathable.
Fashionable people strolled along with handkerchiefs pressed to their noses and they stopped to gape at the inmates. It was a common diversion to buy a ticket to view the insane. Ian, who had looked madness in the face, found the practice more disgusting than anything he could see behind bars.
“Oh, look at that one,” a lady exclaimed, giggling and pointing. “What is he doing with his—”
“Surely he is thinking of you,” Ian whispered in her ear as he passed behind the woman.
She gave a little shriek. She and her gentleman friend hurried out.
A cleric clutching a prayer book nodded mournfully as he passed. Several inmates reached through the bars, grasping at the air as if it represented freedom itself. Ian fought the urge to run, far and swiftly, away from this place that evoked such uncanny reminders of his past.
This was different, he told himself. Perhaps this woman could be saved. He despised the idea that the girl with the large brown eyes had been trapped in this place for four days. If she wasn’t insane before, she surely was now.
When Beckworth brought him to a large, barred common room for female inmates, Ian spied her immediately. She sat on a wooden stool in a flood of sunlight that streamed through a high window. On a bench in front of her, a chess board was scratched into the wooden surface, small light and dark stones serving as chessmen.
She wore an unbleached muslin gown, plain and much mended, and her abundant brown hair was tied back with a bit of string. Her face looked clean but weary, her complexion smoother and richer than the heart of a rose.
In her lap, propped on her knees, she held a broken piece of slate. She was reciting aloud to a group of uncannily attentive women. “It is time to affect a revolution in female manners—a time to restore to them their lost dignity—and make them, as part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves, to reform the world.”
Ian was familiar with the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft. He had discovered a set of treatises by the female zealot while waiting out a long calm during a sea voyage. But hearing Miranda recite the words aloud, with such conviction, and to such rapt women, was stirring indeed. “You said she had no memory,” he whispered to Beckworth.
“She has perfect recall of general knowledge. It’s really quite astonishing. Yet she has no recollection of personal matters.” Beckworth motioned him into the common room.
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