First published in paperback in Great Britain 2018
by Egmont UK Limited
The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN
Text copyright © 2018 Sam Watkins
Illustrations copyright © 2018 Vicky Barker
The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted
First e-book edition 2018
ISBN 978 1 4052 8424 0
Ebook ISBN 978 1 7803 1758 8
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Stay safe online. Any website addresses listed in this book are correct at the time of going to print. However, Egmont is not responsible for content hosted by third parties. Please be aware that online content can be subject to change and websites can contain content that is unsuitable for children. We advise that all children are supervised when using the internet.
Title Page
Copyright First published in paperback in Great Britain 2018 by Egmont UK Limited The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN Text copyright © 2018 Sam Watkins Illustrations copyright © 2018 Vicky Barker The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted First e-book edition 2018 ISBN 978 1 4052 8424 0 Ebook ISBN 978 1 7803 1758 8 A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Stay safe online. Any website addresses listed in this book are correct at the time of going to print. However, Egmont is not responsible for content hosted by third parties. Please be aware that online content can be subject to change and websites can contain content that is unsuitable for children. We advise that all children are supervised when using the internet.
Week 1 WEEK 1: Lend a Fin!
Lend a Fin! WEEK 1: Lend a Fin!
Week 2
The Happy Abyss Retired Sharks’ Home
Week 3
The Best Party Ever!
it’s me again, humans. I’m having a whale of a time, because it’s the SUMMER HOLIDAYS! This year it’s doubly exciting because I am also going to Sea Trouts. My best friends, Ozzie Octopus and Myrtle Turtle, have been going for a while and they persuaded me to join.
Sea Trouts is an evening club for kids that’s on every Monkfishday night. We do loads of fintastic stuff like playing games and singing songs, and last week we even did scientific experiments! The experiments were mega-cool so I tried one out at home. Unfortunately it sort of exploded all over the kitchen. 
Mum totally flippered out and Aunt Ditzy had to come round to calm her down. Aunt Ditzy brought a book to help Mum called Inspiring Thoughts for Stressed Sea Life. The first Inspiring Thought is: ‘Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.’
I didn’t think that was very inspiring, but I’ve decided that I’m going to write a Thought of the Day every day in my new diary. My first one is:
Thought of the Day:ALWAYS MAKE A SPLASH!
WEEK 1: Week 1 WEEK 1: Lend a Fin! Lend a Fin! WEEK 1: Lend a Fin! Week 2 The Happy Abyss Retired Sharks’ Home Week 3 The Best Party Ever!
Lend a Fin! Week 1 WEEK 1: Lend a Fin! Lend a Fin! WEEK 1: Lend a Fin! Week 2 The Happy Abyss Retired Sharks’ Home Week 3 The Best Party Ever!
Sea Trouts tonight, yippeeeee! Ozzie and Myrtle came to pick me up. We were all wearing our uniforms – neck scarves held on by wooden rings called woggles. When we got to the Trout Hut there were already loads of Sea Trouts there, screeching and chasing each other around.
Everyone froze as our leader, Brown Trout, swam out. Her main talent is Scowling Disapprovingly.
Everyone shot into their Shoals. There are four Shoals – Blennies, Anchovies, Guppies and Minnows. Ozzie, Myrtle and I are the Minnows.
‘Before we begin, it’s time to change Shoal Leaders,’ Brown Trout said. ‘The new leaders are as follows . . .’
She held up a list.
‘Blennies – Chris Codling. Anchovies – Lyla Longfin. Guppies – Reggie Ray. And Minnows . . . Darcy Dolphin.’
‘Yippee!’ I squeaked, quite loudly I think because Brown Trout gave me one of her Disapproving Scowls. I shut my mouth, but inside my head my brain was doing a happy dance. Myrtle had been Shoal Leader for aaaages. Well, two weeks anyway. Now I was the boss and could tell the others what to do for a change! I would be quite a strict boss, I decided, like Brown Trout. I twisted my face up and pulled my eyebrows together like she does when she’s being particularly disapproving.
‘What are you doing with your face, Darcy?’ Ozzie whispered.
I stopped. ‘Nothing.’
Myrtle giggled. ‘You looked like you ate a rotten sea slug!’
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