Kate Reynolds - Introduction to TESOL

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Introduction to TESOL: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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A comprehensive introduction to TESOL for new and future teachers of English, offering a full and detailed view of the process of becoming a language teacher  Introduction to TESOL: Becoming a Language Teaching Professional Written with the needs of the introductory student in mind, this book delves into the essentials of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching, covering professional organizations, language acquisition theories, instructional practices, professional development, and more. Readers are provided with clear descriptions of recent research and contemporary practices, numerous illustrations and examples highlighting key material, and engaging real-world vignettes from professionals teaching internationally. Offering a coherent overview and contextualized orientation of the field of TESOL, this guide: 
Discusses the differences in TESOL approaches in international settings Addresses the current state and potential future of TESOL with a view for new developments in teaching pedagogy and language research Explores the history and development of the field, including the political, social, and cultural decisions made about language teaching and learning Describes the specializations, niches, and subfields within the discipline of TESOL Explains what, how and why TESOL educators need a working understanding of linguistics and second language acquisition theories Outlines the scope of the profession and how to engage in professional organizations to grow in expertise 
 is essential reading for students and educators planning to enter this dynamic and rewarding area of language teaching.

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Introduction to TESOL

Becoming a Language Teaching Professional

Kate Mastruserio Reynolds, Kenan Dikilitaş, and Steve Close

This edition first published 2022 2022 John Wiley Sons Inc All rights - фото 1

This edition first published 2022

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To all the newcomers to teaching and our daughter, Maddy,

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

– Harriet Tubman

Kate Mastruserio Reynolds and Steve Close

To all the teachers shaping the future of children with education and to my son, Derin,

“A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

– Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Kenan Dikilitaş


1 Cover

2 Title page Introduction to TESOL Becoming a Language Teaching Professional Kate Mastruserio Reynolds, Kenan Dikilitaş, and Steve Close

3 Copyright

4 Dedication

5 Acknowledgments

6 Introduction

7 Part One: The Field of TESOL 1 What Is TESOL? 2 How Is TESOL an Academic Profession? 3 With Whom and Where Do Those Prepared in TESOL Work?

8 Part Two: TESOL Professionals’ Knowledge of Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition 4 What Are the Five Areas of Linguistics and How Do They Help TESOL Educators? Why Do TESOL Educators Need a Working Understanding of Linguistics? 5 What Are the Various Areas of Second Language Acquisition Theory and How Do They Guide Instruction?

9 Part Three: TESOL Professionals’ Knowledge of Instruction, Planning, and Assessment 6 How Does Theory Inform and Guide Instructional Practice? 7 What Do Educators Need to Know About Teaching the Language Skills... 8 How Do TESOL Educators Teach Speaking and Writing in Integrated Language Instruction? 9 Tools: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Spelling 10 What Themes, Topics, and Content Can I Employ? 11 How Has Digital Technology Changed Language Teaching and Learning? 12 What Are Ways of Planning for Second Language Instruction and Assessing Learning?

10 Part Four: TESOL Professionals’ Knowledge of Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition 13 How Does TESOL Develop Its Body of Knowledge and Share Professional Knowledge? 14 What Are the Current Situations in TESOL and New Directions To Be Taken?

11 Acronyms in TESOL/Applied Linguistics

12 Index

13 End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 ACTFL Proficiency Scale.Figure 1.2 WIDA performance definitions—speaking and writing.Figure 1.3 WIDA performance definitions—listening and reading.

2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Broader settings for language teaching.Figure 3.2 Lao elementary school resources.Figure 3.3 In the Ukrainian classroom, students share resources.Figure 3.4 Classroom taken over by goats in Laos.Figure 3.5 EAP levels.Figure 3.6 Types of bilingual education programs.Figure 3.7 Maintenance bilingual program example.Figure 3.8 Language use in one-way transitional bilingual programs.Figure 3.9 Two-way transitional bilingual education programs.

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Locations of articulators for vowel sounds.

4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Instructional methods over time...

5 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Relationship between four language skills and tools.Figure 7.2 Pre-, during, Postreading sequence, part one.Figure 7.3 Pre-, during, postreading sequence, part two.Figure 7.4 Pre-, during, postreading sequence, part three.

6 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Educators focus on fluency and accuracy by proficiency level.Figure 8.2 Continuum of speaking activity difficulty.Figure 8.3 The writing process.

7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 English verb tenses.Figure 9.2 Deductive and inductive approaches to grammar instruction.Figure 9.3 Sequence of a deductive grammar lesson.Figure 9.4 Sequence of an inductive grammar lesson.Figure 9.5 Mind map of a young learner’s concept of cat.Figure 9.6 Concept of cat developing conceptually

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