What do we place into the third ring from the outside, and what should we put into the innermost ring? The complexity of the situation has been drastically reduced by now, since both “unimportant” combinations have already been assigned. Therefore, the two remaining rings must contain “important” areas. So we are left with the question where “important and urgent” and “important but not urgent” belong. Here, too, most people concur that “important and urgent” belongs in the center. This is where many people believe we should be spending our time! Really? Here is the crucial point at which time intelligence falls by the wayside, the reason many working people find themselves in the so-called rat race. Let’s take a look at the entire picture.
Contrary to the majority of time management experts, we feel that “important and urgent” belongs in ring number three (still counting from the outside), and not in the innermost one! What belongs in the category “important and urgent”? All functions that have a distinct impact (and are therefore important) that you need to complete under time pressure. Most working people “live” here, spending the majority of their work time under these conditions.
What effects does it have to work on high-impact tasks under time pressure? First, let’s look at the positive aspect: you achieve relatively good results. If you consistently filter out unimportant things (rings one and two, both urgent and not urgent), you have an above-average sense of priority management and therefore also above-average results.
What’s the negative aspect of this way of proceeding? The price you pay is a permanently high level of stress. This third ring therefore is called the “fire department zone,” since the fire department necessarily carries out activities that are both important and urgent at the same time. If no one puts out the fire, the house will burn down – definitely not a good result! And the urgency is clear: if you wait three days to put out a fire, it will be too late.
Psychological reasons can play a role in why some people spend a lot of time in a high-stress category. Those who are chronically extremely busy are often perceived by others to be highly important; at least many chronically busy people believe that other people see them that way. Of course, those other people may be too occupied with themselves to spend a lot of energy admiring their busy coworkers.
Now we come to the bull’s-eye. Here we place “important but not urgent.” Even people with a large share of high-importance, high-urgency functions should aim to spend more time in this area. Why? All activities that fall into this category lay the groundwork for and are prerequisites to being fast and effective when that metaphorical fire should happen to occur. The fire company needs practice drills and maintenance. The gas and water tanks need regular refilling, optimally without the two being confused. So, among other things, preparatory and preventive measures belong in this ring.
Will it be possible for the world’s best fire department to prevent every fire? Of course not. But if it can prevent four out of the next twenty fires, and develop better and faster methods of putting out another three, then that is truly important work being done in ring four. Let’s compare the results of this fictional fire company with those of a fire company that is very skilled at putting out fires but only operates in ring three. What do we see? Ring four means both better results (fewer overall fires, and some of them extinguished more quickly than before) and less stress – certainly a most desirable situation! How much of your time do you spend putting out sudden and unexpected fires?
We have already established that it is impossible to avoid all acute situations, which is why we need a ring three. No one is completely prescient. Let us take an example from private life. Imagine you get a call from school that your daughter has had an accident. It’s nothing life-threatening but she has broken her arm. In this case it is naturally important as well as urgent to take care of the matter. In the work world, such “emergencies” arise frequently. But in fact, many matters that originated in ring four, and optimally could have been completed there, wander over to ring three with time (or rather the lack thereof) without anyone having done anything, quite literally.
A classic example is your tax return. If you live in the U.S.A., you know it’s due on April 15. The topic is important because it can have distinct negative consequences if you do it wrong or fail to hand it in. You are informed long in advance of this deadline and therefore theoretically have more than enough time to get the tax forms filled out. Without your doing anything, the activity drifts one ring farther to the outside with the passage of time and lands in the stressful ring three.
The additional time we’re recommending you spend in the bull’s-eye, ring four, has to come from somewhere. Where is it supposed to come from? Primarily this time must be taken from the two outer “unimportant” categories. Classic examples from your private life could be reducing the time you spend watching TV, arguing less, and organizing things so that you don’t need to spend lots of time looking for them and can get errands done faster. Topics at work can involve redundant activities, getting bogged down in details, excessive perfectionism in less important areas, time for tactical games, small talk (of the kind that does not deepen the business relationship), and of course wasting time in meetings that are less than optimally productive (more on this topic later).
You can immediately spend more time in the bull’s-eye if you are disciplined about limiting the time you spend in rings one and two. In the medium run, you will increase the percentage of time you spend in the innermost productive category by learning from those stressful situations and sudden fires. You can become better able to prevent some situations from recurring while becoming better prepared to face others. That is true time intelligence. With time and practice, it is absolutely possible to have a successful career and spend more than half of your time in this zone of time intelligence. The two are in no way mutually exclusive. On the contrary: there is a clear positive correlation between amount of time spent in the time intelligence zone and professional success, satisfaction, and low stress level.
Goals? Good Results and Less Stress!
“Think globally, act locally, panic internally.”
We have already reached the conclusion that if we spend more time in the center of the time target our level of stress is lowered. And low stress was part of our “point system” in this game of darts. But what about the other part of keeping score, the measurement of results? Do our results tend to be better or worse for living in the bull’s-eye? They’re definitely not worse, because we are concentrating on important matters (as in ring three). In the short run you may not notice a difference in the results, but in the medium run you will, as does the fire department that prevents some fires and manages to put others out faster.
Through focusing on the time intelligence zone we become more strategic. We concentrate more strongly on activities that have a more powerful effect. Instead of spending time executing your processes themselves, you spend more time working on the processes, meaning they are being optimized. You are now working more on the department rather than in it. As a sales manager you now spend more time refining the sales process rather than making the sales. As an entrepreneur you are free to spend time you used to devote to transacting your business on refining how your business runs. The difference may, on first reading, seem small, but in terms of your business philosophy and results it will make a huge difference. We could say it is one small step for you and one giant leap for your results.
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