Christopher Marlowe - Tamburlaine the Great - Part 1

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Tamburlaine the Great Part 1 Christopher Marlowe – Tamburlaine the Great Part 1 by Christopher MarlowePart 1 opens in Persepolis. The Persian emperor, Mycetes, sends troops to get rid of Tamburlaine, a Scythian shepherd and, at that point, a nomadic bandit. In the same scene, Mycetes' brother Chosroes plots to overthrow Mycetes and take the throne.The scene shifts to Scythia, where Tamburlaine is shown courting, capturing and conquering Zenocrates, the daughter of the Egyptian king. Confronted by the soldiers of Mycetes, he convinces first the soldiers and then Chosroes to join him in a fight against Mycetes. Although he promises Chosroes the Persian throne, Tamburlaine reneges on this promise and, after defeating Mycetes, takes personal control of the Persian Empire.Now a powerful figure, Tamburlaine turns her attention to Bajazeth, emperor of the Turks. He defeats Bajazeth and his tributary kings, capturing the emperor and his wife Zabina. The victorious Tamburlaine keeps the defeated ruler in a cage and feeds him the leftovers from his table, freeing Bajazeth only to use him as a stool. Bajazeth later kills himself on stage by banging his head against the bars after hearing of Tamburlaine's upcoming victory. After finding his body, Zabina does the same.Having conquered Africa and appointed himself emperor of that continent, Tamburlaine sets his sights on Damascus, a goal that places the Egyptian sultan, his future father-in-law, directly on his path. Zenocrates begs her future husband to spare her father. He obeys, making the sultan a tributary king instead. The show ends with the marriage of Tamburlaine and Zenocrate, who is crowned Empress of Persia.

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Christopher Marlowe

Tamburlaine the Great - Part 1



Tamburlaine the Great. Who, from a Scythian Shephearde

by his rare and woonderfull Conquests, became a most

puissant and mightye Monarque. And (for his tyranny,

and terrour in Warre) was tearmed, The Scourge of God.

Deuided into two Tragicall Discourses, as they were

sundrie times shewed vpon Stages in the Citie of London.

By the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruauntes.

Now first, and newlie published. London. Printed by

Richard Ihones: at the signe of the Rose and Crowne

neere Holborne Bridge. 1590. 4to.

The above title-page is pasted into a copy of the FIRST PART OF TAMBURLAINE in the Library at Bridge-water House; which copy, excepting that title-page and the Address to the Readers, is the impression of 1605. I once supposed that the title-pages which bear the dates 1605 and 1606 (see below) had been added to the 4tos of the TWO PARTS of the play originally printed in 1590; but I am now convinced that both PARTS were really reprinted, THE FIRST PART in 1605, and THE SECOND PART in 1606, and that nothing remains of the earlier 4tos, except the title-page and the Address to the Readers, which are preserved in the Bridge- water collection.

In the Bodleian Library, Oxford, is an 8vo edition of both PARTS OF TAMBURLAINE, dated 1590: the title-page of THE FIRST PART agrees verbatim with that given above; the half-title-page of THE SECOND PART is as follows;

The Second Part of The bloody Conquests of mighty

Tamburlaine. With his impassionate fury, for the death

of his Lady and loue faire Zenocrate; his fourme of

exhortacion and discipline to his three sons, and the

maner of his own death.

In the Garrick Collection, British Museum, is an 8vo edition of both PARTS dated 1592: the title-page of THE FIRST PART runs thus;

Tamburlaine the Great. Who, from a Scythian Shepheard,

by his rare and wonderfull Conquestes, became a most

puissant and mightie Mornarch [sic]: And (for his

tyrannie, and terrour in warre) was tearmed, The Scourge

of God. The first part of the two Tragicall discourses,

as they were sundrie times most stately shewed vpon

Stages in the Citie of London. By the right honorable

the Lord Admirall, his seruauntes. Now newly published.

Printed by Richard Iones, dwelling at the signe of the

Rose and Crowne neere Holborne Bridge.

The half-title-page of THE SECOND PART agrees exactly with that already given. Perhaps the 8vo at Oxford and that in the British Museum (for I have not had an opportunity of comparing them) are the same impression, differing only in the title-pages.

Langbaine (ACCOUNT OF ENGL. DRAM. POETS, p. 344) mentions an 8vo dated 1593.

The title-pages of the latest impressions of THE TWO PARTS are as follows;

Tamburlaine the Greate. Who, from the state of a

Shepheard in Scythia, by his rare and wonderfull

Conquests, became a most puissant and mighty Monarque.

London Printed for Edward White, and are to be solde

at the little North doore of Saint Paules-Church, at

the signe of the Gunne, 1605. 4to.

Tamburlaine the Greate. With his impassionate furie,

for the death of his Lady and Loue fair Zenocrate: his

forme of exhortation and discipline to his three Sonnes,

and the manner of his owne death. The second part.

London Printed by E. A. for Ed. White, and are to be

solde at his Shop neere the little North doore of Saint

Paules Church at the Signe of the Gun. 1606. 4to.

The text of the present edition is given from the 8vo of 1592, collated with the 4tos of 1605-6.



Gentlemen and courteous readers whosoever: I have here published

in print, for your sakes, the two tragical discourses of the

Scythian shepherd Tamburlaine, that became so great a conqueror

and so mighty a monarch. My hope is, that they will be now no

less acceptable unto you to read after your serious affairs and

studies than they have been lately delightful for many of you to

see when the same were shewed in London upon stages. I have

purposely omitted and left out some fond 3 and frivolous


digressing, and, in my poor opinion, far unmeet for the matter,

which I thought might seem more tedious unto the wise than any

way else to be regarded, though haply they have been of some

vain-conceited fondlings greatly gaped at, what time they were

shewed upon the stage in their graced deformities: nevertheless

now to be mixtured in print with such matter of worth, it would

prove a great disgrace to so honourable and stately a history.

Great folly were it in me to commend unto your wisdoms either the

eloquence of the author that writ them or the worthiness of the

matter itself. I therefore leave unto your learned censures 4both the one and the other, and myself the poor printer of them

unto your most courteous and favourable protection; which if you

vouchsafe to accept, you shall evermore bind me to employ what

travail and service I can to the advancing and pleasuring of your

excellent degree.

Yours, most humble at commandment,

R[ichard] J[ones], printer.



From jigging veins of rhyming mother-wits,

And such conceits as clownage keeps in pay,

We'll lead you to the stately tent of war,

Where you shall hear the Scythian Tamburlaine

Threatening the world with high astounding terms,

And scourging kingdoms with his conquering sword.

View but his picture in this tragic glass,

And then applaud his fortunes as you please.


MYCETES, king of Persia.

COSROE, his brother.



ORTYGIUS, ] Persian lords.



TAMBURLAINE, a Scythian shepherd.


USUMCASANE, ] his followers.

BAJAZETH, emperor of the Turks.








MAGNETES, ] Median lords.

CAPOLIN, an Egyptian.

PHILEMUS, Bassoes, Lords, Citizens, Moors, Soldiers, and


ZENOCRATE, daughter to the Soldan of Egypt.

ANIPPE, her maid.


EBEA, her maid.

Virgins of Damascus.




CENEUS, MENAPHON, with others.

MYCETES. Brother Cosroe, I find myself agriev'd;

Yet insufficient to express the same,

For it requires a great and thundering speech:

Good brother, tell the cause unto my lords;

I know you have a better wit than I.

COSROE. Unhappy Persia,—that in former age

Hast been the seat of mighty conquerors,

That, in their prowess and their policies,

Have triumph'd over Afric, 5 and the bounds

Of Europe where the sun dares scarce appear

For freezing meteors and congealed cold,—

Now to be rul'd and govern'd by a man

At whose birth-day Cynthia with Saturn join'd,

And Jove, the Sun, and Mercury denied

To shed their 6 influence in his fickle brain!

Now Turks and Tartars shake their swords at thee,

Meaning to mangle all thy provinces.

MYCETES. Brother, I see your meaning well enough,

And through 7 your planets I perceive you think

I am not wise enough to be a king:

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