Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Transformation

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Transformation: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Discusses the impact of AI on organizational transformation which is a mix of computational techniques and management practices, with in-depth analysis about the role of automation & data management, and strategic management in relation to human capital, procurement & production, finance, and marketing.

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Table of Contents

1 Cover

2 Title page

3 Copyright

4 Foreword

5 Preface

6 1 Artificial Intelligence Disruption on the Brink of Revolutionizing HR and Marketing Functions 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Research Methodology 1.3 Artificial Intelligence in HRM 1.4 Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 1.5 Discussion and Findings 1.6 Implication for Managers 1.7 Conclusion References

7 2 Ring Trading to Algo Trading—A Paradigm Shift Made Possible by Artificial Intelligence 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Ring Trading 2.3 Features of Generation 1: Ring Trading 2.4 Generation 2: Shifting to Online Platform 2.5 Generation 3: Algo Trading 2.6 Artificial Intelligence 2.7 AI Stock Trading 2.8 Algorithmic (Algo Trading) Trading 2.9 Conclusion References

8 3 AI in HR a Fairy Tale of Combining People, Process, and Technology in Managing the Human Resource 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Problem Recognition 3.3 Journey of AI in HR “From Where Till What” 3.4 Work Methodology of AI in HR 3.5 Branches of AI in HR 3.6 Implication Stages of AI in HR 3.7 Process Model of AI in HR 3.8 Key Roles of AI in HRM 3.9 Broad Area of Uses of AI in HR 3.10 Dark Side of AI 3.11 Conclusion References

9 4 Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Profession: A Paradigm Shift 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Evolution of Artificial Intelligence 4.3 Changing Role of Human Resource Professionals 4.4 Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Profession 4.5 Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in HRM 4.6 Conclusion References

10 5 Artificial Intelligence in Animal Surveillance and Conservation 5.1 History 5.2 Introduction 5.3 Need of Artificial Intelligence 5.4 Applications of AI in Animal Surveillance and Conservation 5.5 Some Other Tools of Artificial Intelligence References

11 6 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The Impact That AI Has on Marketing 6.3 The Community Regulation “GDPE” and Artificial Intelligence: Here’s How Technology is Governed 6.4 The Case Study Estée Lauder 6.5 Conclusion References

12 7 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming the Face of Banking Organizations 7.1 Objectives 7.2 Introduction 7.3 Existing Technology 7.4 Methodology 7.5 Findings 7.6 Conclusion 7.7 Suggestions References

13 8 Artificial Intelligence and Energy Sector 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Challenges of Indian Power Sector 8.3 Artificial Intelligence for Energy Solutions References

14 9 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Development and Growth of Entrepreneurship 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Entrepreneurship 9.3 Artificial Intelligence 9.4 Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship 9.5 Process of Entrepreneurship 9.6 The Need of Artificial Intelligence for Business Development 9.7 Some Important Facts About AI 9.8 Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Business 9.9 Further Research Possibilities 9.10 Conclusion References

15 10 An Exploratory Study on Role of Artificial Intelligence in Overcoming Biases to Promote Diversity and Inclusion Practices 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Research Gaps Identified 10.3 Experiential Work 10.4 Synthesis of the Study 10.5 Managerial Implications and Conclusion References

16 11 Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing India Byte by Byte 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Objectives of the Chapter 11.3 AI for India’s Transformation 11.4 Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence 11.5 Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Various Sectors 11.6 SWOT Analysis of Artificial Intelligence 11.7 Conclusion References

17 12 AI: A New Strategic Method for Marketing and Sales Platforms 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Objectives of the Chapter 12.3 Importance of Artificial Intelligence 12.4 Research Methodology 12.5 AI: The Ultimate B2B Growth Accelerator 12.6 The Existing Methods of Marketing and Sales 12.7 AI Will Shape Marketing Strategies of Startup in the Future 12.8 Artificial Intelligence is Shaking up the Job Market 12.9 The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Marketing 12.10 Conclusion References Website

18 13 Brain and Behavior: Blending of Human and Artificial Minds Toward Stress Recognition and Intervention in Organizational Well-Being 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Research Methodology 13.3 Fundamentals of Stress 13.4 Embracing AI Opportunity in Stress Management Interventions 13.5 Existing Technology for Stress Recognition 13.6 Discussion and Findings 13.7 An AI—Eye to the Future 13.8 Conclusion 13.9 Limitations of AI in Human Resource Management 13.10 Conclusion References

19 14 Alternative Financing 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Alternative Financing 14.3 Models of Alternative Financing 14.4 Scope of Alternative Financing in India 14.5 Alternative Finance as a Tool of Financial Inclusion 14.6 Regulation of Alternative Finance References Further Web Links Dissertation

20 15 Application of Machine Learning in Open Government Database 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Literature Review 15.3 Overview of Open Government Data 15.4 Open Government Data in India 15.5 How to Create Value from Data 15.6 Artificial Intelligence 15.7 Why AI is Important? 15.8 Machine Learning 15.9 Concerns About Machine Learning on Government Database 15.10 Conclusion References

21 16 Artificial Intelligence: An Asset for the Financial Sector 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Types, Technology, and Application of AI 16.3 Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services 16.4 Conclusion 16.5 Glossary References Bibliography

22 17 Artificial Intelligence With Special Reference to Blockchain Technology: A Future of Accounting 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Objectives 17.3 Literature Review 17.4 Research Methodology 17.5 Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting 17.6 Usage of Blockchain in Accounting 17.7 Impact of AI on the Field of HRM 17.8 Challenges in Execution 17.9 Conclusion References

23 18 AI-Implanted E-Learning 4.0: A New Paradigm in Higher Education 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Research Methodology 18.3 Progression of Web and E-Learning 18.4 Artificial Intelligence in Learning 18.5 Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) 18.6 Conclusion Concise Summary References

24 19 Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Banking on Artificial Intelligence 19.3 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Indian Banking Industry 19.4 Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Indian Banking Industry 19.5 Reasons Behind Elongated Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry 19.6 Indian Banks Using Artificial Intelligence 19.7 Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Sector 19.8 Intelligent Mobile Applications Drive Growth in Banking 19.9 Conclusion References

25 20 The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Public Healthcare Industry 20.1 Introduction 20.2 The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare References

26 21 Banks to Lead Digital Transformation With Artificial Intelligence 21.1 Artificial Intelligence 21.2 Artificial Intelligence History Timeline 21.3 Why Artificial Intelligence in Banks 21.4 Goal of Artificial Intelligence 21.5 Artificial Intelligences Used by Different Banks 21.6 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Banking 21.7 Path Ahead Chatbots in Banking 21.8 Advantage of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Sector 21.9 Types of Risks and Threats Associated With Banking 21.10 Nature of Risks in Wireless Banking 21.11 Advent of Information Technology in Indian Banking Sector 21.12 Future Scope of AI 21.13 Conclusion References

27 22 Effectiveness of E-HRM Tools Using the Functionalities of Artificial Intelligence During Remote Working in Lockdown Period 22.1 Introduction 22.2 Literature Review 22.3 Objective of the Study 22.4 Research Methodology 22.5 Impact and Efficiency of AI-Enabled EHRM Tools in Work From Home Scenario Under Lockdown 22.6 Conclusion Reading List

28 Index

29 Also of Interest

30 End User License Agreement

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