Dieter Scharnhorst - The Deceased speak out

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Anyone can read it who wants to know if life goes on after death. It is about deceased people who have contacted us through a medium from the hereafter and report how they are doing there. Furthermore all those can rejoice who do much good to others on earth, because they will receive their reward for it in the hereafter. Also those who have to experience much injustice will experience in the hereafter that there is justice there, and the perpetrators will not escape an appropriate punishment. My ebook answers many questions, such as whereabouts, and the whereabouts of our previous loved ones and whether a reunion with them will take place. Also the questionable topic of reincarnation. And furthermore, whether one goes to work there and what kind of activities there are.

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Dieter Scharnhorst

The Deceased speak out

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Titel Dieter Scharnhorst The Deceased speak out Dieses ebook wurde erstellt bei

The Deceased speak out The Deceased speak out This is my second ebook dealing with the afterlife. This time it is not mainly about dogs and other animals, but only about deceased people who have come to our teaching from the hereafter.

Preface: Preface: Everybody has asked himself once, why am I living or what is the meaning of my life, or they also asked themselves, why am I born in Germany and not in America, Africa or maybe India, or why is one person rich, another poor, sick or healthy. Well, you can ask whoever you want, the desired or correct answer, neither the pastor nor science could answer exactly. In order to get to the truth, one has to deal with it seriously and must not ignore the fact that there is a life after death and then a rebirth, because all this is answered by the above mentioned questions. And it would not be fair if one person wallowed in luxury while the other was lying in the street. Already Jesus Christ, the Son of God, promised his disciples shortly before his Ascension that he would send them the Spirit of truth, which is what happened. It had begun then, what is celebrated by us Christians today as the feast of Pentecost, that suddenly his disciples could speak in different languages, whether they were not educated. They suddenly talked about God and Christ and life in the hereafter. Thus, people experienced everything first hand even then. Later on, the disciples trained other people, the so-called media, through whom angels of God spoke. Since that time, there have been media again and again, where angels of God and deceased people report for instruction through them. There are also among the media the so-called black sheep, where demons or foolish spirits report through them. You just have to know the difference. The knowledge of all these things is so extensive that it is similar to a study. But whoever has a sincere desire and feels the inner urge to reach the truth, will find it, because Christ has already said "He who seeks finds, and knocks, and it is opened to you. Suddenly you meet a person or you get your hands on a book, which leads you in the right direction. In this book, I describe to you through my many years of research and study what life after death looks like in the world beyond and how the justice of God prevails. Every person who reads this and thinks that injustice is being done to him on earth can rejoice, because justice is being done to him in the spiritual world.

1.Case study

2.Case study

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34.Case study


Impressum neobooks

The Deceased speak out

This is my second ebook dealing with the afterlife. This time it is not mainly about dogs and other animals, but only about deceased people who have come to our teaching from the hereafter.


Everybody has asked himself once, why am I living or what is the meaning of my life, or they also asked themselves, why am I born in Germany and not in America, Africa or maybe India, or why is one person rich, another poor, sick or healthy.

Well, you can ask whoever you want, the desired or correct answer, neither the pastor nor science could answer exactly. In order to get to the truth, one has to deal with it seriously and must not ignore the fact that there is a life after death and then a rebirth, because all this is answered by the above mentioned questions. And it would not be fair if one person wallowed in luxury while the other was lying in the street.

Already Jesus Christ, the Son of God, promised his disciples shortly before his Ascension that he would send them the Spirit of truth, which is what happened.

It had begun then, what is celebrated by us Christians today as the feast of Pentecost, that suddenly his disciples could speak in different languages, whether they were not educated. They suddenly talked about God and Christ and life in the hereafter.

Thus, people experienced everything first hand even then. Later on, the disciples trained other people, the so-called media, through whom angels of God spoke.

Since that time, there have been media again and again, where angels of God and deceased people report for instruction through them. There are also among the media the so-called black sheep, where demons or foolish spirits report through them. You just have to know the difference.

The knowledge of all these things is so extensive that it is similar to a study.

But whoever has a sincere desire and feels the inner urge to reach the truth, will find it, because Christ has already said

"He who seeks finds, and knocks, and it is opened to you.

Suddenly you meet a person or you get your hands on a book, which leads you in the right direction. In this book, I describe to you through my many years of research and study what life after death looks like in the world beyond and how the justice of God prevails.

Every person who reads this and thinks that injustice is being done to him on earth can rejoice, because justice is being done to him in the spiritual world.

1.Case study

Most people say:

"I believe in one God, I will see everything else after my death, and I will continue to have no thoughts and live no life as Christ lived it. Furthermore, they are not prepared to leave the earthly world as suddenly as is explained in the following article, which was transmitted through the media:

Spirit of God: With this case study I tell of a soul that as a human being believed in God, but did not lead a truly pious life. This man, with the name Martin, was called out of this world together with four other friends by an accidental death.

After the five people had been killed in a car accident, they saw a strange figure standing before them, who told them that they were dead. They did not want to believe the words of the stranger, since they were in their right mind and had a living body. But the strange being said:

"Look here, your earthly body is trapped in your car."

Then they began to think, and one of them asked:

"Is it true? Are we really dead? I can't believe it, because we are alive! "

That's what everyone said. But when they saw their dead bodies, they thought about the words of the stranger more carefully and then they asked this being:

"Have we arrived at the realm of the dead?"

This one answered:

"You are not in the realm of the dead, but in the realm of God."

"But we died as you say", replied the one, "so we are in the realm of the dead. And again the strange being said:

"You are in the realm of the living. They just could not understand the meaning of these words yet, but their attention was already drawn to other things. Now they saw people coming to the scene of the accident and heard it from their mouths that they were all dead.

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