"There are the new hitmons in there," the boy began. "They are in the game console of the blue series. But Rauruk is not there because he belongs to the brown series. And the coaches gather up Hitmons and Tom wants to be champion. Do you know there are already 100 hitmons? But Rauruk is my favorite. He is really sweet. But you must not touch him too tightly, otherwise he will bite. And everyone has his abilities. As you can..."
"Stop, Niki," Benny interrupted him energetically. "You drive Me crazy!"
His son's eyes widened in horror. Benny took a deep breath and continued:
"I've always believed you were interested in something sensible. For example science. Instead, you spend all your spare time with these stupid creatures, who neither promote the memory of a child nor are useful. At my time there were television series, in which the people were still stimulated to think. But today only stupidity has succeeded. I do not want you to be a victim of this fraud. If I have to listen to the music of today's music, I feel bad. This can not be borne by a normal person. "
Both had stopped.
"Well," Niki said, "can I do something for you to listen to classical music?"
"I do not like classical music," the father said. "I'm on the right track."
"What do you know about sound music?" Niki asked, laughing.
"More than you believe," replied his father. He leaned and laid his hands on his son's arms.
"You know, you should at least be more reasonable."
Niki looked at his father. There was something like repentance in his eyes.
"Oh, are you angry now, Daddy?" He asked in a low voice.
"For a father whose son is interested in such useless things, I am very much in the mood." Came Benny.
Niki lowered his gaze and stood motionless for a few seconds. Then he looked up and said softly,
"But you always said that I had to build my own world to get to know life better."
"You got me wrong, Niki," corrected Benny. "I meant that you should not stick to fashion waves, because that is not only seductive, but also damaging. I want to tell you what the hitmons are. It's ... it's Hitmons. "
Niki had hitherto listened silently, but now he was back in his famous trickbox. At first he looked at his father with his kulleraugen and said softly:
"I love you."
Benny took his son in his arms and said,
"I love you too, Niki."
A thick and tender kiss between father and son was now the reaction.
Shortly after, Niki looked at his father with bright eyes.
"You know," he began. "It would not hurt you to marry again."
For a second fraction, the smile froze on Benny's face. Then he grinned and gave back:
"Well, I know it would not hurt you. Come, child! "
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