Geoffrey Jenkins - Hunter Killer

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Peace stirred as the announcer went on:

In the wake of the air search are deployed no fewer than five carriers, eighteen destroyers and nine nuclear submarines. American long-range vP-5 aircraft, flying from British bases, today combed a large area south of the Seychelles group, with negative results. These aircraft are using secret equipment to detect submerged wrecks.

` Meanwhile, in the United States, the National Space

Administration states, that tomorrow is the most favourable day for a space-shot. In view of this, carrier-based aircraft are flying round-the-clock missions in an attempt to stay what political observers in Washington consider the most extraordinary episode in the long history of the United States Presidency.

` The bearing of the American people at this time of crisis is no less extraordinary. Since the news broke, churches have been thronged, special prayers have been said for the President's recovery and the Vice-President's safety, and normal activities in all major cities have almost ceased. Many shops are closed and only essential services are operating. People have withdrawn indoors to the sanctuary of their homes, except in Washington, where crowds have gathered outside the White House in silent vigil while the battle for the President's life goes on. A curious silence has fallen on the nation. In New York-'

Peace leaned forward and clicked off the set. For a long time there was no sound but the wash of the sea in the soft tropical night.

` You have all this to account for if things go wrong,' I said. Peace jumped to his feet. ` They must not find Little Bear!'

Seven hours later they had not located Little Bear. MKG had returned in the cutter within an hour; after a broken night Andre had fetched us as a thin line started to show pearly-grey in the east. Now we were back at the mis212 sile. Peace had stood up in the cutter as we crossed the lagoon, trying to probe the lightening skies. They were empty. Boz and his team were weary but triumphant. She's fine every damn' thing just jim-dandy,' he told MKG. She's hot to trot.'

By contrast with his previous mood, MKG was light-hearted, boyish almost, now that the space-shot was at hand. He glanced down into the softly vibrating cockpit. Let's get her to the launch-point, shall we-got it fixed, John?'

Just one more star-sight,' I said, holding my sextant.

He doesn't need a sextant,' Peace said. He could do it blindfold.'

I took my sight and was satisfied. There was nothing 'to keep us in the lagoon longer. MKG looked thoughtfully at the long missile. ' Just pray that at the Jesus moment she hasn't got a hot bottom.'

Boz stiffened.

Hot bottom?' Adele looked startled.

MKG gestured with one hand. She's never been flight tested-too much heat causes the tail to fall apart. If that happens, she'll wriggle across the sky like a belly-dancer. Goodbye Mr. Vice-President.'

She shivered and he put an arm round her.

Boz said quickly, Doesn't often happen any more. The cermets boys have seen to that. Just an outside chance.'

Andre brought the cutter close to the nose-cone while I fended her off with a rough oar. Boz hitched a rope into the nose-towing wire and Mac eased open the throttle. Andre gestured to me and we slipped our oars into the crude rowlocks. We heaved. Little Bear moved, gathered way. In the smooth water as Peace gunned the engine, Little Bear followed as easily and tamely as a well-trained dog; I could feel the pulse of her machinery along the tow-rope.

Five o'clock.

We cleared the lagoon entrance and I gave Peace a course into the eye of the soft morning.


Boz brought the silver space-suit, which he had unpacked during the night, and helped MKG into it as we moved along. He laid the silver helmet on the thwart-stark, futuristic, against the weather-stained wood. The dawn light glowed on its gold-plated visor which would guard MKG's face against the sun.

The cutter chugged on.

Six o'clock.

Three hours to launch.

Try the radio,' Peace told Adele.

The Navy wavelength said,. Love-Apple Crossing

Involuntarily Peace jerked the throttle. There was nothing more. He glanced skywards and said harshly, Keep it going,


The minute* dragged; the engine throbbed. Love-Apple Crossing had almost submerged its low length into the sea barely two short miles behind. We had about half a mile to go to the launching-point.

The radio said:

Willowtrack to all Red and Blue HUK subs x report your positions to me x'


The voice went on:

' My position Grid E-13 approximately 40 miles due south of Love-Apple Crossing x course zero-zero-five true x speed 12 knots, rigged for utra-quiet x'

My God!' exclaimed Peace. I explained to the tense team:

Tyler was 40 miles away, making straight at us, coasting along with all his listening apparatus and radar going. At 12 knots he would be on us in three hours. If he received an inkling of where we were, he could reach us in an hour at maximum speed, if he chose!

I gave Peace an alteration of course. Boz and the team screwed up their eyes against the sun, scanning the horizon to the south, not speaking. The light reflected off MKG'S spacesuit. Seven o'clock.

Stop!' I ordered.

We were in position.

I'll flood her down at once, Boz,' said MKG. There's no point in staying up. In one hour I shall start the sequencer. Shall we synchronize watches?'

The simple action had all the excitement of a war mission.

Little Bear, with its tapered stern, lay like a giant ray in the water.

Boz picked up the helmet.

PacG stopped him for a moment and surveyed the soft scene, the sea, the low isle in the distance. He looked from one to another of us. My secret thundered like St Brandon surf against my brain-I had to tell him! I glanced round. Mac alone of us was sitting, cigarette in mouth, his hand half under the stern thwart where he kept the Remington. He looked like a snake about to strike. I felt Peace's hand grip my elbow like steel.

MKG waved at Little Bear and the sky., ' This will bring out 214 that great untested source of power in the American people which Lincoln saw over a century ago,' he said. ' It has been given to me to be the bearer of that sacred mission'

Lincoln!' whispered Adele. President Lincoln..

MKG did not seem to hear. The strange timbre laced his words. There are no goodbyes in this. Adele, say also to


He paused, then impulsively took the old fisherman's arm in Andre's own peculiar grip, and shook it. Tears ran down the mahogany cheeks and he said something brokenly to


Adele, her voice thick with emotion, said: 'God be with you. Come back to Limuria.

Boz held out the helmet to MKG. MKG looked quickly in a pocket and brought out a small bible, as if to reassure himself. The scene had a curious unreal air-like a condemned cell, where all normal activity goes on around in a highly abnormal context.

Once the helmet was on, we knew MKG'S voice would become a metallic counterfeit. MKG moved forward to Boz and ducked a little. Boz lifted on the helmet and gave it a half-turn. Boz and the Texan helped him, ungainly now, through the missile's hatchway. He eased himself in and dogged it closed.

MKG was utterly alone.

There was a burp of water at the stern as the ballast pumps started. The missile tilted, its nose at an angle. Then it sank upright to about two-thirds of its length. Boz and the scientists nodded approval. MKG sat in his capsule about 12 feet above us. I think it must have been the bright flash of sunlight on the perspex which brought the frigate-bird down to investigate. I heard the swift rush of wings.

Like lightning, Peace snatched an oar and struck the magnificent bird. It fell, stunned, into the water. Little Bear, on hand signals from Boz to MKG, sank lower until it was the height of a man out of the water.

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