Bolitho heard the blare of a trumpet, and pictured the enemy gun crews at their quarters. Eyes peering over the muzzles, the next shots and charges already to hand.
'Hoist Benbow's number.' Bolitho took Keen aside as the flags were swiftly bent on to the halliards. 'I dare not wait too much longer, Val.' They both stared at the converging lines of ships, like one great arrowhead which must soon meet at some invisible westerly point.
There was a dull bang and Bolitho saw a puff of smoke drifting away from San Mateo 's side. The ball hit the sea, rebounded and smacked down, flinging a ragged waterspout half a cable clear. A ranging shot? Or was it merely to raise the spirits of the Spanish seamen who had been sharing the same agony of suspense as Hyperion's?
'Benbow's acknowledged, sir!'
Make the signals as few as possible. Bolitho had always believed it a good idea in principle. It was not difficult for an enemy to guess or determine the next move from another's signals. It was likely too that the prize, Intrepido, had been captured with some secret signals still intact.
When poor Captain Price had run his ship aground he could never have visualised any of this.
Bolitho looked at Keen and his first lieutenant. 'We will alter course in succession. Hyperion and Benbow will lead the two divisions.' He saw them nod; Parris was watching his lips as if to read what he had not said.
'It will be as close to the wind as she can lie, so it will reduce our progress.' He saw their understanding. It might also mean that it would give the enemy more time to traverse his guns. Bolitho walked to the starboard side and stood on the truck of a quarterdeck nine-pounder, his hand gripping the bare shoulder of one of its crew.
He could see Benbow's masts beyond the others astern, Her-rick's flag rippling out from the mizzen. Benbow was still flying her acknowledgement, just as Hyperion had kept her number hoisted close-up. Like a trumpet signalling a cavalry charge into the jaws of hell. A charge which cannot be halted once it has been urged to attack. Bolitho feit the man's shoulder tense as he turned to stare up at him. Bolitho looked at him. About eighteen. The sort of face you saw around the farms and lanes of Cornwall. But not in times of war.
He said, 'Naylor, am I right?'
The youth grinned while his mates winked at each other. 'Aye, Sir Richard!'
Bolitho kept his eyes on him, thinking of the terrified midshipman, and Jenour, who was more frightened of showing fear than of fear itself.
'Well, Naylor, there is our enemy. What say you?'
Naylor stared at the nearest ships with their trailing banners and curling pendants, some of which almost touched the water. 'I reckon we can take 'em.' He nodded, satisfied. 'We can clear the way for t'others, Sir Richard!'
Some of the gun crews cheered and Bolitho climbed down, afraid that his eye might choose this moment to betray him.
Just an ordinary sailor, who if he survived today, would likely end in another battle before he was a year older.
He thought suddenly of the grand London house, and Belinda's scathing words to him.
He nodded to the bare-backed seaman called Naylor. 'So we shall!' He turned quickly. 'Captain Keen!' Again, time seemed to stop for both of them. Then Bolitho said in a more level tone, 'Alter course three points to starboard, steer nor'-by-west!' He waved to Jenour. 'Now! Execute!'
Every man in Herrick's flagship must have been poised for the moment. For as the flags were hauled down Eenbow appeared to swing immediately out of the line, as if she, and she alone, was mounting a solitary attack on the enemy.
Keen watched closely, as pursued by Parris's speaking trumpet the scrambling seamen hauled on the braces, while others freed the big maincourse even as the yards creaked round.
Penhaligon spread his legs while the deck leaned to larboard, as the wind explored the braced sails and thrust the ship over.
Then Keen was at the compass, although Bolitho had not seen him move.
'Meet her! Steady as you go!'
The sails boomed and thundered in protest, and the driver rippled from peak to foot as if it was about to tear apart. She could stand no closer to the wind, and from the Spanish line it must appear as if all her sails were overlapping fore-and-aft.
Bolirho clutched the rail and stared at the enemy. Someone was firing, but the nets rigged above the maindeck gunners, and the huge billowing maincourse hid the flashes.
Bolitho saw Benbow drawing level abeam, barely three cables away. The others astern of her were already following round, with Tybalt tacking wildly to take station as the last of the line.
Keen exclaimed, The Dons are taken aback, by God!'
Bolitho looked at the Spanish flagship. Now she seemed to be heading away from Hyperion's larboard bow, two others still following her as before.
Bolitho shouted, 'Load and run out, Captain Keen!'
The order was repeated to the deck below, and it seemed barely a minute had passed before each gun captain was faced aft, his fist above his head.
'All loaded, sir!'
'Open the ports! Run out!'
Squeaking noisily, the guns were hauled up to their ports. On the lee side the sea appeared to be curling up to the black muzzles as if to drive them inboard again.
Hyperion's deck shivered violently as the nearest enemy ships opened fire. But the two small divisions had taken the Spanish admiral by surprise, and most of his guns could not be brought to bear. Several tall waterspouts shot above the gangways, and Bolitho felt the tell-tale crash of a ball hitting Hyperion's lower hull.
'Brail up the courses!'
Shots whimpered overhead, and the gun crews crouched even lower, their faces running with sweat as each group peered through their open port, waiting for a target.
As the forecourse was brailed up the scene opened on either bow as if a giant curtain had been raised.
Bolitho heard one of the midshipmen gasp with alarm as the stern of the nearest Spaniard appeared from nowhere, or from the depths – her high, ornate gallery, stabbing musket fire from above, and her name, Castor, reflecting the spray beneath her counter.
'Stand by to larboard!' Lovering, the second lieutenant, was striding inboard from the first division of guns. 'As you bear!'
Keen raised his sword, then sliced it down. ''Fire!'
The larboard carronade on the forecastle hurled its huge ball into Castor's stern with terrible effect. Bolitho heard the roar of its explosion within the other ship's hull, could imagine the scything horror of the packed grape as it swept through the ship. Cleared for action, any man-of-war was most vulnerable when an enemy was able to cross her stern.
The ship on the other side was looming through the smoke, her guns shooting out vivid orange tongues.
Bolitho was deafened by the roar of guns as both sides vanished in swirling smoke and charred fragments from the charges. The ship to starboard was already being engaged by Obdurate, and Bolitho could see just her mastheads rising above the dense smoke like lances. He felt the deck jar again and again, Parris yelling, 'On the uproll, lads!' Then the next division fired as one, and Bolitho saw the Castor's mizzen mast topple, suspended momentarily in the rigging and stays before going over the side with a sound like thunder.
Keen strode across the quarterdeck, his eyes streaming, as the upper battery recoiled singly and in pairs on their tackles, the crews leaping forward with sponges and rammers, ready to tamp home the next ball. To do what they had been taught, to keep on firing no matter what was happening about them.
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