Louis Cha - The Deer and the Cauldron

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The Deer and the Cauldron, also known as The Duke of Mount Deer, is a novel by Jin Yong (Louis Cha) and the last and longest of his novels. The novel was initially published in Hong Kong as a serial, and ran from 24 October 1969 to 23 September 1972 in the newspaper Ming Pao. Although the book is often referred to as a wuxia novel, it is not quite typical of the genre: the protagonist, Wei Xiaobao, is not an adept martial artist, but rather an antihero who relies on wit and cunning to get out of trouble.A complete set of Cha’s novels runs to thirty-six volumes, and in their original language they have sold hundreds of millions of copies throughout the Chinese-speaking world and have been adapted into countless movies, cartoons, operas, TV-series and video games. For a long time banned as decadent and frivolous in Mainland China, for the past 30 years or so they have become enormously popular with Mainland readers too, and were among the favourite reading matter of statesmen such as paramount leader Deng Xiaoping (鄧小平, 1904-1997) and Jiang Zemin (江澤民 born 1926, President of China 1993-2003, a personal friend of Cha’s). His addictive story-telling style, combining fluent traditional Chinese prose narrative with a vividly modern cinematic touch, his fertile imagination and magical ability to transform Chinese history and culture into swash-buckling romance, together with his prodigious output over the years, have often caused him to be compared to the great Alexandre Dumas père, prolific author of The Three Musketeers and many other historical romances. Cha’s own Western name, Louis, was inspired by his admiration for that other great story-teller Robert Louis Stevenson.

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A Martial Arts novel

by Louis Cha

Translated and edited

by John Minford

with Rachel May



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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available

Library of Congress Cataloging’in’Publication Data

Chin, Yung, 1924’[Lu ting chi. English]

a martial arts novel ‘ by Louis Cha;

translated and edited by John Minford,

ISBN 019’590327’7 Translations into English. I. Minford,

John. II. Title.

PL2848.Y8L7913 1997




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Published by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd

18th Floor, Warwick House East, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay Hong Kong

For my mother, Patricia CONTENTS

Translator’s Note xi Important Dates in the Historical Background xii Glossary of People and Places xv General Glossary of Terms xxxvii Note on Pronunciation

Chapter 20-In which Princess Ning castrates her Groom and ‘commits Suicide’, and Viscount Trinket rescues the Wrong Girl; he meets the Peerless Consort and hears her sing; a Confrontation takes place between General Bash’em, the Satrap, the. White Nun, and the Peerless Consort; and Trinket secures Safe Passage back to Peking for himself and his Entourage Fire Alarm in the Gardens of the Princess-A Strange Mutilation, and an Attempted Suicide-An Attempt on the Satrap’s Life-At the Satrap’s Palace-The Assassin’-Story behind a Story-At His Wits’ End-The Peerless-The Ballad of the Peerless Consort-Revelations-An Extraordinary Gathering-Memories-Doing a Deal-Departure from Kunming Chapter 21-In which Trinket and Party make their way to the 65 Province ofGuizhou, and thence to Peking; there is Singing on the River, and Tales are told of Taiwan; Two Elderly Jesuit Fathers prove their Skill at the Art of making Cannon; Devoted Doublet pieces together the Map; and Trinket is put in command of a Naval Expedition In the Mountains-A Number of Familiar Faces-In the Gambling Den-A Surprising Intervention-Beggar, Meatball, and other Combatants-Triad Talk-The Log Rafts-Exit Sir Zheng-The Storm on the River-The Helmsman presents an Old Hero-The Helmsman Informed-The Art of Escape-In the Capital Once More-Of Jesuits and Cannon-Piecing together the Scraps-me Cauldron-Cannon of

Divine Might-Mission Impossible-The Three Treasures of Manchuria-Pacifying the Ocean-Strategy, and a Golden Bowl-Trinket at Sea-Meatball, and other Floating Objects-Smoke Signals and Big Guns

Chapter 22-In which Trinket falls once more into Mystic Dragon 142 Hands; travels North with Doublet, and crosses the Ice to Albazin; meets a Beautiful Princess and travels to Moscow; and finally Returns

Unfamiliar Valiants-An Artful Customer-Through Ice and Snow-Deer-Mountains and Rivers-Cossacks, and the ; ‘ Fort-The Secret Passage-Princess Sophia-High Diplomacy, High Stakes-To Moscow-Russian Affairs of ¯’.. State-Trinket gives Counsel-Mutiny-Trinket has another Cunning Plan-Trinket Returns

Chapter 23-In which Trinket advises the Emperor on Affairs of 189 State; and is sent on an Important Mission to Yangzhou Trinket in Peking-A Command Performance-Council of

State-An Unusual Friendship-A Small Favour-You

Monster!-For Old Time’s Sake-The Hunting of the Little

Traitor-En route for Yangzhou’ the Wang Wu Clan—

Obsequies on the Mountain

Chapter 24-In which Trinket returns in Triumph to the City of 224 his Youth, and ends up in a very Large Bed with several Delectable Ladies all at the same time; the Rebellion of the Three Feudatories finally breaks out; and Trinket is summoned back to Court

The Fair City of Yangzhou’ of Peonies and other Flowers- ^ Trinket back in the Alley-Mother and Son Reunited-A Strange Brotherhood-Even Stranger Womenfolk-Roll’Call ‘ ‘l -One Touch Here, One Touch There-Bedstead on the .; March-Bedstead Pandemonium-Charges of Treason- ‘, Doublet seeks Revenge-Writing a Letter-Trinket works ; Fast-Spring Fragrance the Sceptic

Chapter 25-In which the Strange Gui Trio, and Iron Hand the 295 Lady Warrior, are introduced; and an Assassination Attempt has Vnpredicted Results News of the War-Strange Companions-Spinning Tops and Playing Tag-Kungfu Pedigrees-Evil is its own Reward-Living Legends-Dead Man’s Head-Of Murder and Assassination-Capital Deliberations-Trinket the Calligrapher-Serious Consequences of a Light Poke-Kang Xi confronts the Old Whore-What Fun!-The Truth will Out-’I don’t know where to go!’-Escape Plans A, B, & , C-Plan C in Action Chapter 26-In which Trinket escapes from Peking, and visits 3fs* Snake Island for the last time; the Leader makes a Last Stand; a Great Hero dies; and Life on Potluck Island is Described Out of the Wok, and into the Fire-Mystic Dragon Dissension-To the Death!-Return to Potluck Island-New Arrivals on the Shore-Death of a Hero-Negotiations for Sir Zheng’s Release-The Informer Revealed-An Unusual IOU-Potluck Island Idyll-Rules for Trinket’s Harem-Modus Vivendi-The Seasons of Potluck Island-Two Tamardy Edicts-Domestic Details-Earl of Potluck Island Chapter 27-In which Trinket travels to Taiwan; and is sent as 434 Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Russians, with Instructions to capture fort Albazin and negotiate the Treaty of Nerchinsk ‘ The Fall of Taiwan-Trinket in Taiwan-Boots Aloft-Trinket in Favour Again-Arrangements for Revenge-The Supreme Commander-Heads You Lose!-Human Shashlik-Winter sets In-Piss Attack-Wobbleski and Chillingoff-A Loyal Servant-More Russian Blarney-Nerchinsk-Conspiracy in the Tent-Not by Halves-An Object for a Cult V

Chapter 28-In which Trinket returns yet again to Peking, and 501 is obliged to supervise the Execution of his Old Friend Whiskers Mao; he meets Four Gentlemen of the Resistance; and finally decides to call it a Day and retire from Public Life Altogether

An Old, Bewhiskered Friend-Making Choices-Trinket the Debt’Collector-A Small Favour-Necessity, the Mother of Trinketian Invention-Aftermath of an Execution-Safe House-Who’d ever choose to be Emperor’-The Urchin Academician-A Puddle tells All-The Way of the Prince - Not Today, not Tomorrow, not Ever!-A Man can only be Who He Is-The Murdering of Trinket-Just like Yours!

Epilogue-The Never’Ending Quest 535


This Third Book finally brings the English Trinket trilogy to a close. Apologies to all (including the author) who have had to wait so long to follow their anti’hero into well’earned early retirement. Special thanks to Anastasia Edwards at Oxford University Press, who has shown extraordinary patience, and provided enormous doses of sympathetic encouragement and enthusiasm at crucial times.

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