Стивен Косслин - Два игрока на одном поле мозга

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Два игрока на одном поле мозга: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Gazzaniga, Michael S., Joseph E. Bogen and Roger W. Sperry. Some Functional Aspects of Sectioning the Cerebral Commissures in Man // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 48 (1962). P. 1765-69.

Laterality Effects in Somesthesis Following Cerebral Commissurotomy in Man // Neurospychologia 1 (1963). P. 209-215. Observations on Visual Perception After Disconnexion of the Cerebral Hemispheres in Man // Brain 88 (1965). P. 221-236.

Gordon, H. W, Joseph E. Bogen, and Roger W. Sperry. Absence of Deconnexion Syndrome in Two Patients with Partial Section of the Neocommisures // Brain 94 (1971). P. 327-336.

Slade, Margot and Eva Hoffman. Brainwork Is Rewarding Work // New York Times, October 11, 1981.

Sperry, Roger W. (1961). Cerebral Organization and Behavior: The Split Brain Behaves in Many Respects Like Two Separate Brains, Providing New Research Possibilities // Science 133 (1961). P. 1749-1757.

Brain Bisection and Mechanisms of Consciousness // In Brain and Conscious Experience: Study Week September 28 to October 4, 1964, of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum in Rome, edited by J. C. Eccles. P. 298-313. New York: Springer Verlag, 1965.

Brain Research: Some Head-Splitting Implications // The Voice 15 (1965). P. 11-16. Lateral Specialization in the Surgically Separated Hemispheres // In Third Neurosciences Study Program, edited by F. Schmitt and F. Worden. P. 5-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974.

Mind-Brain Interaction: Mentalism, Yes; Dualism, No // Neuroscience 5, no. 2 (1980). P. 195-206. Some Effects of Disconnecting the Cerebral Hemispheres // Nobel Lecture, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981, www.nobelprize.org /nobel prizes /medicine /laureates /1981 /sperry-lecture_en.html #.

Science and Moral Priority: Merging Mind, Brain and Human Values // Convergence, vol. 4 (Ser. ed. Ruth Anshen). New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.

Consciousness, Personal Identity and the Divided Brain // Neu-ropsychologia 22 (1984). P. 661-73. Sperry, Roger W., and Michael S. Gazzaniga. Language Following Surgical Disconnection of the Hemispheres // In Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language, edited by D. Millikan. P. 108-121. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1967.

Origins of the Left, Right Theory Goleman, Daniel. Split-Brain Psychology-Fad of the Year // Psychology Today 11 (1977). P. 88-90.

Mitzberg, Henry. Planning on the Left Side and Managing on the Right // Harvard Business Review 54 (1976). P. 49-58.

Life Magazine began publishing its dramatically illustrated five-part series about the brain on October 1, 1971.

Ornstein, Robert E. The Psychology of Consciousness. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman & Company, 1972.

Time, Hemispherical Thinker, about Robert E. Ornstein, July 8, 1974.

Pines, Maya. We Are Left-Brained or Right-Brained; Two Astonishingly Different Persons Inhabit Our Heads // New York Times Magazine, September 9, 1973.

Brain Myths and Urban Legends Harnad, Stevan and Horst D. Stek-lis. Comment on J. Paredes and M. Hepburns The Split Brain and the Culture-and-Cognition Paradox // Current Anthropology 17 (1976). P. 320-322.

Flines, Terence. Left Brain /Right Brain Mythology and Implications for Management and Training // Academy of Management Review 12 (1987). P. 600-606.

Milner, Brenda. Interhemispheric Differences in the Localization of Psychological Processes in Man // British Medical Bulletin 27 (1971). P. 272-277.

Ornstein, Robert E. The Right Mind: Making Sense of the Hemispheres. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997.

Pietschnig, Jakob, Martin Voracek and Anton K. Formann. Mozart Effect-Shmozart Effect: A Meta-Analysis // Intelligence 38 (2009). P. 314-323.

Pink, Daniel H. A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. New York: Riverhead, 2005.

Wieder, Charles G. The Left-Brain /Right-Brain Model of Mind: Ancient Myth in Modern Garb // Visual Arts Research 10 (1984). P. 66-72.

General Background Kosslyn, Stephen M. and Olivier Koenig. Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience. New York: Free Press, 1992 and 1995.

Springer, Sally P., and Georg Deutsch. Left Brain, Right Brain: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1981 and 1998.

Глава 6

Gregory, Richard L. «The Brain as an Engineering Problem». In Current Problems in Animal Behaviour, edited by W. H. Thorpe and O. L. Zangwill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961.

Macmillan, Malcolm. An Odd Kind of Fame: Stories of Phineas Gage. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

Глава 7

Biederman, Irving, and Maggie M. Shiffrar. Sexing Day-Old Chicks: A Case Study and Expert Systems Analysis of a Difficult Perceptual-Learning Task // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 13 (1987). P. 640-645.

Bouchard, Thomas J., Jr. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits: A Survey // Current Directions in Psychological Science 13 (2004). P. 148-151.

Ericsson, K. Anders, William G. Chase and Steve Faloon. Acquisition of a Memory Skill // Science 208 (1980). P. 1181-1182.

Kagan, Jerome, and Nancy Snidman. Early Childhood Predictors of Adult Anxiety Disorders // Biological Psychiatry 46 (1999). P. 1536-1541.

Kagan, Jerome. Galen’s Prophecy: Temperament in Human Nature. New York: Basic Books, 1994.

Plomin, Robert, John C. DeFries, Valerie S. ICnopik and Jenae M. Neiderhiser. Behavioral Genetics, 6th ed. New York: Worth Publishing, 2012.

McManis, Mark H., Jerome Kagan, Nancy C. Snidman and Sue A. Woodward. EEG Asymmetry, Power, and Temperament in Children // Developmental Psychobiology 41 (2002). P. 169-177.

Saudino, Kim J. Behavioral Genetics and Child Temperament // Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 26 (2005). P. 214-223.

Глава 8

Biederman, Irving and Maggie M. ShifFrar. Sexing Day-Old Chicks: A Case Study and Expert Systems Analysis of a Difficult Perceptual-Learning Task // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 13 (1987). P. 640-645.

Bouchard, Thomas J., Jr. Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits: A Survey // Current Directions in Psychological Science 13 (2004). P. 148-151.

Committee on Support for Thinking Spatially. Learning to Think Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the K-12 Curriculum. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006.

Ericsson, K. Anders, William G. Chase and Steve Faloon. Acquisition of a Memory Skill // Science 208 (1980). P. 1181-1182.

Ericsson, K. Anders, V. Patel and Walter Kintsch. How Experts’ Adaptations to Representative Task Demands Account for the Expertise in Memory Recall: Comment on Vicente and Wang (1998) // Psychological Review 107 (2000). P. 578-592.

Hu, Yi, К. Anders Ericsson, Dan Yang and Chao Lu. Superior Self-Paced Memorization of Digits in Spite of a Normal Digit Span: The Structure of a Memorises Skill // Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (2009). P. 1426-4742.

Kagan, Jerome. Galen’s Prophecy: Temperament in Human Nature. New York: Basic Books, 1994.

Kagan, Jerome, and Nancy Snidman. Early Childhood Predictors of Adult Anxiety Disorders // Biological Psychiatry 46 (1999). P. 1536-1541.

Kagan, Jerome, Nancy Snidman, Marcel Zentner and Eric Peterson. Infant Temperament and Anxious Symptoms in School Age Children // Developmental Psychopathology 11 (1999). P. 209-224. McManis, Mark H., Jerome Kagan, Nancy C. Snidman and Sue A. Woodward. EEG Asymmetry, Power, and Temperament in Children // Developmental Psychobiology 41 (2002). P. 169-177. Saudino, Kim J. Behavioral Genetics and Child Temperament // Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 26 (2005). P. 214-223.

Wright, Rebecca, William L. Thompson, Giorgio Ganis, Nora S. Newcombe and Stephen M. Kosslyn. Training Generalized Spatial Skills // Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 15 (2008). P. 763-771.

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