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Владислав Бугера
Москва Наука 2005
А. Х. Махмутов — главный редактор журнала «Экономика и управление», академик АН Республики Башкортостан, доктор экономических наук, профессор
А. Ф. Кудряшев — председатель секции «Онтология» головного совета «Философия» Министерства образования и науки РФ, зав. кафедрой философии и методологии науки Башкирского гос. университета, доктор философских наук, профессор
В. В. Дамье — старший научный сотрудник Института всеобщей истории РАН, кандидат исторических наук
Vladislav Bugera
Moscow Nauka 2005
The original author's conception of the essence of man as the totality of the relations of property & management is stated in the book. The author argues his statements on the basis of the rich factual material from all basic sides of human being — from economy to human sexuality, from family relations to policy, from individual & mass psychics to religion. Readers will discover in this book the unexpected approaches to the explanation of most mysterious & important phenomena of human existence — from the homosexuality to the belief in god & in immortality of soul, from the economical & political crises to the neurotic complexes & psychoses.
The book can be useful not only for professional philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians & psychologists but also for all people who are interested in the actual problems of these sciences.