Dream - Buried The Universe Here

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Wars in the world, people are dying, but what if the war is inside you?And it seems like something is killing you from the inside… Can you win your war without killing a part of yourself ?

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Buried The Universe Here


There was so much love and light in me, which was replaced by darkness and sorrow, when love dies, everything dies around, even self-love, a form of self-destruction for rebirth, where you are born a different person.

This is what can happen to you just because of one person out of 7 billion people who was special and unique for you, who was afraid to be honest enough to stop this collapse.

Have you ever shouted in silence?


I'm flying into cosmos with you

All the stars are burning just for us,

And the planets are circling around us

In zero gravity far away from everyone

Just me and you in the sight of God's eyes

We dance our waltz under the starry rain and moonlight.

Meet the end with me.

Meet all the sunsets and sunrises with me

Breathing my air with the sea breeze by the campfire

We will study all the stars and every drop of rain,

Every new wrinkle on each other's faces and We will love every new wrinkle more than the old ones.


We have loved each other at all times and in all worlds.

Every time we find each other, wherever our love lives.

We live it again and again, each time with a new lesson,

in order to reunite forever at another time, having passed all the tests.


You said no, this word with pain destroyed the ground under my feet and I fell through there, although I was standing just in place in front of you, but morally I instantly died.

I felt.

In desperation, a wild lioness,

Rushes in a cage,

Fear and shock in her eyes.

Not a roar not a growl does not deafen people around.


And I'm buried alive by your silence, after I drowned in your eyes choking on words


You created us, you destroyed us

How subtly you chose the path

Circumventing the Creator's own mistakes

By creating even more sadness in the world, you have destroyed yourself and me


Alchemy in wonderland flows with the golden light of consciousness, spreading on the wind with golden words from the mouth

Don't lie.

Tell me the truth my friend

Don't be afraid to hurt, open my eyes

Don 't lie to me for the good, tell the truth

Let the truth cut my eyes, better than a knife shredding the heart.

No place.

I wander in to any corner of your soul.

Where is my place there?

I visited the heart,

But I didn't find a place there either,

Where is my place?

I was also in your mind,

It's too crowded there,

So, tell me where my place is?

Tell me, show me, take me there by the hand or send me away if there is no place ....


My love for you is boundless

It's like divine love has penetrated me through you

Like a ray of sunshine blind my eyes

Like the sound of thunder deafened my ears

My love is indestructible and it completely owns me

as the moon owns the sky

as the rain owns the earth

My love is pure and naive

Like a child's smile

Like a dog's soul

My love is forever in my heart, in scars, on pages.

As if our love is still alive,

As if it had never died.


The eyes scream about what the mouth cannot say,

The whole truth of the soul is visible in the eyes.

Language is a tool in love that is not needed. In love, it is in actions.

You feel and hear with your heart what the ears of the mind cannot understand.


As if in a dream we loved each other

As if in a dream we were tormented by longing

As if in a dream we dreamed of each other

As if in a dream we met each other

As if in a dream we were holding hands

As if in a dream we merged in a kiss

As if we lost each other in a dream

As if in a terrible dream.


We always let our gaze into the sky,

To fill our soul with the light of God,

Finding a particle of him in the sparkling stars,

In the rays of the sun at rises and sets

In the sad,

In cold moon and our own eyes

Catching the reflection as if we are standing face to face.


Meet me again,

Follow the footsteps…

Drink some tea.

Lie down on the bed where I'm frozen…

Go where we are pushed by feelings.

close your eyes.

Feel me…

Walk in our footsteps,

Up the stairs, higher and higher…

Close your eyes,

Feel me…

Do you still feel the same calmness?


I want

Feel your madness,

Your wild passion,

Trembling tenderness,

Strength in your eyes on me.

In your hands to feel safe and absolute humility

In front of you.

Still burning…





The shadow of my love, my brave rider, dressed in black with his face covered, lets off sparks from under his hooves and from his dark eyes.

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