to broach. "When shall we be married?"
Caroline raised her brows. "I hadn't really thought that far ahead."
"Well, I suggest you do, for there are certain cavils to be met."
"Yes," said Max. "Given that I left my brother, Darcy Hamilton and Hugo Denbigh about to pay their addresses to my three wards, I suspect we had better return to London tomorrow afternoon. Then, if
you want a big wedding, I should warn you that the Rotherbridge family is huge and, as I am its head,
all will expect to be invited."
Caroline was shaking her head. "Oh, I don't think a big wedding would be at all wise. I mean, it looks
as though the Twinning family will have a surfeit of weddings. But," she paused, "maybe your family
will expect it?"
"I dare say they will, but they're quite used to me doing outrageous things. I should think they'll be
happy enough that I'm marrying at all, let alone to someone as suitable as yourself, my love."
Suddenly, Caroline sat bolt upright. "Max! I just remembered. What's the time? They'll all be in a
flurry because I haven't returned…"
But Max drew her back against his chest "Hush. It's all taken care of. I left a note for Aunt Augusta.
She knows you're with me and will not be returning until tomorrow."
"But…won't she be upset?"
''I should think she'll be dancing a jig." He grinned as she turned a puzzled face to him. "Haven't you worked out Aunt Augusta's grand plan yet?" Bemused, Caroline shook her head. "I suspect she had
it in mind that I should marry you from the moment she first met you. That was why she was so insistent that I keep my wards. Initially, I rather think she hoped that by her throwing us forever together I would notice you." He chuckled. "Mind you, a man would have to be blind not to notice your charms at first sight, m'dear. By that first night at Almack's, I think she realized she didn't need to do anything further, just give me plenty of opportunity. She knows me rather well, you see, and knew that, despite my reputation, you were in no danger of being offered a carte blanche by me."
"I did wonder why she never warned me about you," admitted Caroline.
''But to return to the question of our marriage. If you wish to fight shy of a full society occasion, then
it still remains to fix the date."
Caroline bent her mind to the task. Once they returned to London, she would doubtless be caught up
in all the plans for her sisters' weddings, and, she supposed, her own would have to come first. But it would all take time. And meanwhile, she would be living in Twyford House, not Delmere House. The idea of returning to sleeping alone in her own bed did not appeal. The end of one slim finger tapping
her lower lip, she asked, "How soon could we be married?"
"Tomorrow, if you wish." As she turned to stare at him again, Max continued. "Somewhere about
here," he waved his arm to indicate the room, "lies a special licence. And our neighbour happens to be
a retired bishop, a long-time friend of my late father's, who will be only too thrilled to officiate at my wedding. If you truly wish it, I'll ride over tomorrow morning and we can be married before luncheon, after which we had better get back to London. Does that programme meet with your approval?"
Caroline leaned forward and placed her glass on the table. Then she turned to Max, letting her hands
slide under the edge of his robe. "Oh, yes," she purred. "Most definitely."
Max looked down at her, a glint in his eyes. "You, madam, are proving to be every bit as much a houri
as I suspected."
Caroline smiled slowly. "And do you approve, my lord?"
"Most definitely," drawled Max as his lips found hers.
The Duke of Twyford returned to London the next afternoon, accompanied by his Duchess. They
went directly to Twyford House, to find the entire household at sixes and sevens. They found Lady Benborough in the back parlour, reclining on the chaise, her wig askew, an expression of smug satisfaction on her face. At sight of them, she abruptly sat up, struggling to control the wig. "There
you are! And about time, too!" Her shrewd blue eyes scanned their faces, noting the inner glow that lit Caroline's features and the contented satisfaction in her nephew's dark face. "What have you been up to?"
Max grinned wickedly and bent to kiss her cheek. "Securing my Duchess, as you correctly imagined."
"You've tied the knot already?" she asked in disbelief.
Caroline nodded. "It seemed most appropriate.
That way, our wedding won't get in the way of the others."
"Humph!" snorted Augusta, disgruntled at missing the sight of her reprehensible nephew getting leg-shackled. She glared at Max.
His smile broadened. "Strange, I had thought you would be pleased to see us wed; Particularly considering your odd behaviour. Why, even Caro had begun to wonder why you never warned her
about me, despite the lengths to which I went to distract her mind from such concerns."
Augusta blushed. "Yes, well," she began, slightly flustered, then saw the twinkle in Max's eye. "You
know very well I'm aux anges to see you married at last, but I would have given my best wig to have
seen it!"
Caroline laughed. "I do assure you we are truly married. But where are the others?"
"And that's another thing!" said Augusta, turning to Max. "The next time you set about creating a
bordello in a household I'm managing, at least have the goodness to warn me beforehand! I come
down after my nap to find Arabella in Hugo Denbigh's lap. That was bad enough, but the door to the morning-room was locked. Sarah and Darcy Hamilton eventually emerged, but only much later." She glared at Max but was obviously having difficulty keeping her face straight "Worst of all," she continued in a voice of long suffering, "Miriam went to look at the roses just before sunset. Martin had apparently chosen the rose garden to further his affair with Lizzie, don't ask me why. It was an hour before
Miriam's palpitations had died down enough for her to go to bed. I've packed her off to her sister's
to recuperate. Really, Max, you've had enough experience to have foreseen what would happen."
Both Max and Caroline were convulsed with laughter.
"Oh, dear," said Caroline when she could speak, "I wonder what would have happened if she had
woken up on the way back from the Richardsons' ball?"
Augusta looked interested but, before she could request further information, the door opened and Sarah entered, followed by Darcy Hamilton. From their faces it was clear that all their troubles were behind them-Sarah looked radiant, Darcy simply looked besotted. The sisters greeted each other affectionately, then Sarah drew back and surveyed the heavy gold ring on Caroline's left hand. "Married already?"
"We thought to do you the favour of getting our marriage out of the way forthwith," drawled Max, releasing Darcy's hand. "So there's no impediment to your own nuptials."
Darcy and Sarah exchanged an odd look, then burst out laughing. "I'm afraid, dear boy," said Darcy,
"that we've jumped the gun, too."
Sarah held out her left hand, on which glowed a slim gold band.
While the Duke and Duchess of Twyford and Lord and Lady Darcy exchanged congratulations all around, Lady Benborough looked on in disgust. "What I want to know," she said, when she could make herself heard once more, "is if I'm to be entirely done out of weddings, even after all my efforts to see you all in parson's mouse-trap?"
"Oh, there are still two Twinnings to go, so I wouldn't give up hope," returned her nephew, smiling
down at her with transparent goodwill. "Apropos of which, has anyone seen the other two lately?''
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