“You’re more than welcome. See you soon.”
Annie turned to leave, telling herself she liked being able to help. And as everyone else had been busy in her family, it was a good thing she’d been home to receive the call. It was nearly Christmas. She refused to be sad. Or feel alone. She was lucky. Her brother was healing, her cousins were doing well. She had a great job and friends and so much to be thankful for. If there was an empty place inside, well, it would heal. By this time next year she would be her old self again.
She walked out a side door to the parking lot. It was already dark but still warm. This was going to be another Christmas with seventy-degree weather. One day she would spend the holidays where it was cold. A white Christmas. But for now, she would enjoy the fact that she didn’t even need a coat.
She headed for her car, but before she got there, someone moved out of the shadows. A man. Duncan.
She came to a stop. Her heart pounded hard and fast, her chest got tight. She wanted to cry and laugh and throw her arms around him. She’d missed him so much.
“Annie,” he said, then smiled at her.
And she knew. It was there in his warm gray eyes. The truth, the love. How he’d realized what was important, how he knew she was the one. Warmth and happiness flooded her. She felt as if she could float or even fly.
Without thinking, she threw herself at him. He caught her and pulled her against him, holding on as if he would never let go.
Home, she thought. She was finally home.
“Annie,” he said again. “I love you.”
“I know.”
He laughed. “You can’t know. I have a whole speech prepared. I have to tell you what I’ve learned and how I’ve changed and why you can trust me.”
He slowly lowered her to the ground. Her feet hit the pavement, but she didn’t let go. Instead she stared into his face, feeling the love spilling out of him.
“I already know all that.”
He touched her cheek. “Valentina was in it for the money. Not that it matters. I was never interested in being with anyone but you.”
“I want to say I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but I’m really not.” She laughed. “I guess that’s bad, huh?”
“No. I feel the same way. Do you want to hear the speech?”
“Maybe later.” Right now she just wanted to be with him, to feel him close and know that he loved her. This was perfect. She’d been given Duncan for Christmas.
“At least let me do this part.” He pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket, then right there in the church parking lot, dropped to one knee.
“I love you, Annie McCoy,” he said. “I will always love you. Please say you’ll marry me. I’ll spend the rest of my life making your dreams come true.”
He opened the box and she gasped when she saw the huge diamond nestled there.
“Duncan? Really? You want to marry me?”
“Don’t doubt me, Annie. You’re the one. Now that I’ve found you, I’ll never let you go.”
She didn’t know how or why she’d gotten so lucky, but she was grateful. She bent down and kissed him.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He laughed, then stood and slid the ring on her finger. Then they hung on to each other as if they would never let go.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered. “I’ve been lost without you.”
“Me, too.”
“You’ve changed me. How did I get so lucky?”
“That’s what I was thinking. That I got so lucky to find you,” she admitted, then opened her eyes. A brilliant star winked in the sky. She pointed. “Look.”
He turned. “It’s just Venus.”
“Don’t tell me that. Can’t it be a Christmas miracle?”
“If it makes you happy.”
“It does.”
“Then that’s what it is.” He kissed her. “Merry Christmas, Annie.”
“Merry Christmas, Duncan.”
is a New York Times bestselling author of more than ninety romances. Her combination of humor, emotion and just-plain-sexy has made her a reader favorite. Susan makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with her handsome husband and possibly the world’s cutest dog. Visit her Web site at www.SusanMallery.com.