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Rebecca Zanetti: Under the Covers

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Rebecca Zanetti Under the Covers

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Opposites don’t attract. They ignite. The small Montana town near the Kooskia reserve seemed like the perfect place for Juliet Montgomery to hide from her not-so-law-abiding family. But when her peace is shattered by a break-in and threatening phone calls, it’s clear someone back in New York knows where she is. It’s time to plan her getaway, and fast—but first, she needs to tie up a few loose ends. Namely, finding out exactly what the town’s sexy cowboy sheriff is hiding in his holster... Sheriff Quinn Lodge has enough demons of his own to know when someone’s hiding something. Clearly, he needs to do a thorough investigation to uncover what’s beneath Juliet’s uptight, city-girl exterior—preferably one piece of clothing at a time. But when their chemistry goes from fizzy to full-on explosive, things start getting complicated. How can Juliet stay beneath the covers with Quinn, when doing so means blowing her cover?

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Juliet reached for her Riesling and cut him a quick glance.

Next to her, Amy Nelson chattered on about the summer collection of designer shoes she’d just bought. What was it with women and shoes? She should’ve spent more money on material for a dress. The white one she wore stretched tight against her ample bust and stopped several inches too far away from her knees. Her boobs pushed out the sides and up the top, and she’d probably have bruises from the fabric cutting in. Her uncle, the governor, sat next to her, texting something on his phone. A widower, he’d apparently brought his niece as a date.

Next to him sat Miles Lansing, one of Quinn’s two opponents in the sheriff race. Lansing was a politician, not a cop, and didn’t belong with a gun in his hand. His wife, a brunette with hard eyes and a slinky black dress, sat to his left, her gaze appraising.

Quinn glanced at Juliet again. Her green dress clasped at one shoulder, leaving the other one bare and inviting for his mouth. It cinched at her tiny waist and flared down to her feet. Although the sparkles covered most of her, she was sexy as hell. An Irish sprite in his Montana world. He cock instantly sprang to attention, which was nothing new when Juliet was near. He leaned over to whisper, “You really do look stunning, Juliet.”

A sweet blush rose from her neck up over her porcelain skin.

Sophie’s head jerked, and she raised an eyebrow at Amy, the expression a woman got when she was about to defend a friend. Quinn rolled back the last few minutes of chatter in his mind. Oh. Amy had made a comment about homespun dresses and Juliet’s sparkles. That was a girl insult, right?

He opened his mouth to say something nice about the dress, only to stop when Juliet patted his hand. The innocent touch shot straight to his groin, and he snapped his jaw shut to keep from groaning.

She smiled. “Oh, Amy, you’re so sweet. I bought this at Barneys in New York last season. They have the nicest personal shoppers in the designer section. You really must give them a try—they’re masters at helping women choose the, well, the right size for their figures.” She turned toward Sophie. “How is the design for the golf course in North Carolina coming?”

Delight flashed across Sophie’s pretty face. Quinn had a feeling the delight was due to the smack-on insult Juliet had delivered so classily and not from the question about design, but who the hell knew. Women had a language he’d never fully understood, although Juliet had a couple of levels to her he hadn’t anticipated. Classy, elegant, and tough. She handled the political situation like she’d done so her whole life. But she came from a small town in Idaho, right?

“I’m almost finished with the practice greens,” Sophie said with a grin. Multitalented, Sophie designed golf courses when she wasn’t painting. Her first art show would be in a month at Juliet’s gallery, and both women seemed to be working hard.

Amy interrupted Sophie, her blue eyes flashing sparks. “When where you in New York, Juliet?”

Juliet took a sip of her wine. “Last year. Every once in a while, I like to visit the galleries in the city to see what’s new, just so our Western art is up to speed at the gallery.”

Her hand shook slightly as she set her glass down. Most people wouldn’t have noticed.

Quinn Lodge wasn’t most people. The woman lied. Why?

He glanced at his brother to see if Jake had noticed, but Jack was busy tracing Sophie’s knuckles with his fingers. Damn newlywed. “Jake, how did your hearing go today?”

Jake lifted his gaze, his expression knowing. Oh yeah, he’d noticed Juliet’s discomfort. “Fine. The hearing was a status one regarding an upcoming trial. Not nearly as interesting as a good election fight.”

“Speaking of campaigning”—Miles looked down his patrician nose—“I find it odd Bennington isn’t here tonight.”

The governor shrugged. “Perhaps he’s not as serious about running for sheriff as the two of you.” Faded eyes appraising, the governor surveyed the room.

“He’s probably busy running his ranch,” Quinn said smoothly. He liked Bennington, but the guy had a fierce temper and shouldn’t carry a gun or badge. He should stick to his ranch.

“Bennington doesn’t have much backing.” Miles leaned forward. “I’ve heard the Kooskia Tribe doesn’t support him. Frankly, the tribe only supports its own.”

Quinn smiled. “The tribe supports the best person for the job, regardless of tribal affiliations. Always has, always will.” Right now, the Kooskia Tribe backed him, and he liked to think it was because he did a damn fine job. Though he was self-aware enough to know it probably didn’t hurt that he was a tribal member and his grandfather the chief.

Miles rubbed his Rolex. “I’m sure you could always get a job with the tribal police force.”

“I’m sure I could.” Quinn met the man’s gaze evenly. “But I like collaborating with them and still policing the entire county.”

Mile’s quick smile promised fierce competition. “Interesting.”

Juliet smoothed out her napkin. “Miles, what experience do you have in law enforcement?”

Warmth flooded through Quinn. The little redhead had just defended him.

Miles cleared his throat. “I’m more of a financial leader, which we need in the county. Not every sheriff needs to swagger around and shoot people.”

Jake snorted. “You been swaggering and shooting again, Quinn?”

“I guess so. Don’t tell Mom.” Quinn slid his arm around Juliet’s chair, careful not to touch. Something in him wanted to tuck her close and hold tight.

Dinner passed quickly and included veiled insults from Amy, classy counters by Juliet, and threats from Lansing about how new blood was needed in the sheriff’s office. By the time the waiter removed their dessert plates, Quinn’s temples pounded.

Sophie nudged him. “I can’t believe you’re not drinking,” she whispered.

He could use a Scotch. Or three shots of tequila. “I’m driving Juliet home, and I’m on call tonight.” Several deputies were out with the damn flu going around town, and he needed to be alert.

“Bummer.” Sophie took a healthy gulp of her orange juice.

Sometimes Quinn wanted to drop his sister-in-law in the lake. At her impish grin, he smiled back. Nah. He adored the pixie-sized smart-ass.

An orchestra in the corner started playing softly, and he pushed away from the table, glad for the reprieve. “Juliet? Let’s stretch our legs. Please excuse us, folks.”

“I’d love to, Sheriff.” She rose from the table, all grace, all beauty, and smiled at the group at large. “Thank you for a wonderful dinner. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

The governor patted his round belly. “We’ll see you Saturday at the charity ride? It’s for the boys group outside of Missoula and is so important to our constituents.”

“We’ll be there,” Miles Lansing said, a smirk on his lips.

Quinn forced a smile. “Juliet and I wouldn’t miss it. See you then.”

They needed to get the hell away from the table. Quinn followed her as she all but glided around tables and people to a quiet area by the bar. Tall and curvy, she moved with an intriguing elegance. Her backless dress revealed a sexy spine right down to her tiny waist. Damn, he loved backless dresses. His fingers itched with the need to touch her silky skin, but he’d made a promise. Damn it.

Juliet stopped, turned, and rested against a three-foot-wide wooden pillar. “Well, dinner was interesting.”

His shoulders relaxed for the first time all evening. “Do you understand why I didn’t want to escort the governor’s niece?”

“Yes. I can’t believe you dated her.” Juliet’s eyes glowed like emeralds in the soft lighting.

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