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Gerri Hill: The Cottage

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Gerri Hill The Cottage

The Cottage: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The Cottage is the story of two women who meet by chance. . . or did they?  Jill and Carrie, both married with teenaged children, fall into a routine of meeting during Jill's lunch break at the local park, forging a friendship that deepens with each visit. Jill Richardson gave up teaching high school years ago, instead choosing to manage an office despite objections from her family. Her husband still lives and breathes the coach’s life, a life that leaves him little time to spare for Jill. Left on her own more and more, Jill is searching for that something that’s missing in her life. Married to a successful businessman, Carrie Howell retired early from a career in real estate to spend more time with her teenage boys, and to pursue her lone passion—painting. She, too, realizes something is missing. This is the story Jill tells, a story of two women pulled by a force stronger than their marriages, stronger than themselves. They give into their desires—their love—as they find something in each other that was lacking in their marriage and their life . . . they find their soul mate. Jill shares their story for the first time with a stranger. Jill tells her about the stolen moments during a rushed lunch hour, moments stolen at a cottage that becomes their haven. She describes a love so destined it couldn’t be denied . . . stolen moments to be cherished forever. It was a love so complete, having it for only a brief moment in time did nothing to dispel the joy of a true, true love. The Cottage is their story . . . Jill and Carrie . . . two women, one love.

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"I don't want to go to the party."

Jill stared at her daughter, both of them standing with hands on their hips. She cocked

her head, her frown as pronounced as Angie's. "You don't have a choice."

Angie stomped one foot, then crossed her arms at her waist.

"I should have a choice. I'm not a child! And anyway, I've been invited to Shelly's."

"Look, I don't want to go to this party any more than you do. But he's making me. So if I've

got to go, you've got to go."

Angie stared at her. "Are we going to the lake for fireworks?"

"I suppose so. We always do."

Angie shifted her feet then finally uncrossed her arms. "Can I invite Shelly over here?"

Jill smiled. "Of course. You can invite whomever you like."

They stared at each other for a moment before Angie spoke. "Okay. Well, I might hang

around then."

"Good. I'd hate to think you were going to run away from home on the Fourth of July."

Angie smiled. "Well, it is your birthday."

Jill sighed. "Yeah. I'm forty."

"Good God! Forty? Man, you're old," she said as she fled from the room.

Jill watched the swinging of the kitchen door, a smile on her face. "My daughter is teasing

with me," she murmured. "Whatever in the world is wrong with her?"

"Who are you talking to?"

Jill turned, finding Craig in the doorway, his cap still turned backward. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God. You shaved your moustache."

He laughed. "You'd make a terrible detective. It's been gone all week."

"But you've had it forever. You had it when we met. Why in the world would you shave it?"

He rubbed his upper lip with his fingers, smiling. "I figured I needed a change."

"Well, not that my opinion holds a lot of weight anymore but please grow it back. You look

naked without it."

He grinned. "How would you know? You haven't seen me naked in months."

Before she could respond, he was gone, his whistling echoing through the house as he

headed upstairs.

"Well, I see you've come to your senses."

Jill lowered her glass of wine. "How so?"

"Or is it just because it's your birthday you agreed to this party?" Arlene waltzed into the

kitchen, a huge cake in her hands. "And isn't it a bit early for wine? You don't want to have

the guests talking, do you?"

Jill blew out her breath, vowing not to let her mother-in-law get to her today. So she

smiled sweetly. "As with everything else, Arlene, it's none of your goddamn business." She

had the pleasure of seeing her mother-in-law gasp before walking out to the deck. Craig

and his father were measuring off the out-of-bounds lines for the volleyball games.

Despite her loathing for her mother-in-law, she'd always gotten along well with Carl. But

given the current situation, she wouldn't blame him if he chose to ignore her. He didn't.

"Jill, how are you?"

"Fine, Carl, thanks."

"I'm glad you both decided to have the party. It just wouldn't seem like the Fourth

without it."

Jill looked at Craig, nodding at his smile. "So I'm told." She walked out into the yard to join

them. "Your mother made a cake," she said. Then, quieter, "You don't suppose she would

resort to arsenic, do you?"

Craig laughed. "I'll eat the first piece."

Jill bypassed the lawn chairs Craig had set out on the deck, choosing instead the more

familiar swing. Craig was certainly in a good mood today. So was Angie, for that matter.

She wondered if it was only the prospect of the party, or if they thought—since she'd

agreed to it—that things were going to return to normal.

She pushed off with her foot, setting the swing in motion, watching them as they marked

the lines. Their guests would be here any minute and she still wasn't sure how she was

going to play it. Pretend everything was fine, just to avoid uncomfortable questions? In

other words, lie. Or be herself and keep her distance from Craig, letting everyone know

that the rumors they'd most likely heard were true. Or perhaps she could use her current

favorite line—none of your goddamn business.

She smiled, imagining saying that to Whitney Myers, wife of Craig's best friend. Wife,

teetotaler and Sunday school teacher. Of all of Craig's friends' wives, she got along well

enough with most of them. However, she and Whitney had never hit it off. She always came

away with the impression that Whitney was judging her. And finding Jill sorely lacking.

She stood in the shadows of the deck, watching the others as they laughed, their

conversations free and easy. With each other, at least. But with her, the conversations had

been guarded, forced. She took a deep breath and swirled the wine in her glass, wondering

if she dared to open a second bottle.


She turned, surprised to find Mindy standing behind her, watching. She straightened,

moving away from the pillar she'd been leaning against.

"Hey, Mindy," she said. Then she found her manners. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Great party. As always."


Mindy moved closer, blocking Jill's view of the backyard. Jill assumed she was to have her

first inquisition.

"I know we haven't been the best of friends but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here

for you."

Jill raised her eyebrows. "Why would I need someone to talk to?"

"Well... you and Craig, I mean, it's no secret you guys are having problems," she said quietly.

"We haven't seen you two out together in ages."

Jill bit her lip, just barely holding back her new favorite response. Instead, she smiled and

lightly touched Mindy's arm.

"Thanks for your concern, Mindy, but I'm fine. Really."

"So you and Craig, you're not... well, you're not separating?"

It's none of your goddamn business.

Again she smiled. "Our personal life... well, it's personal. You understand."

"Okay, then." She stepped away. "Good. Well, again, if you need to talk," she said.

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

But her easy smile vanished as soon as Mindy walked away. These people—these women—

who she had called friends, weren't really, she realized. They were just acquaintances she

saw sporadically at games and on the rare occasions they shared a meal. And Mindy's offer

as a confidant now was based more on curiosity than concern.

And with that revelation came another. She did indeed need to open the second bottle of


"The burgers were great, babe."

Jill flicked her eyes at him, cringing at the endearment she'd grown to detest. "Thanks."

"But you're not really having a good time, are you?"

She smiled. "Why? Can you tell I'm sitting here, praying I get teleported to Hawaii or


"That bad?"

"Craig, I know you want some normalcy in your life but having this party didn't change

anything," she said softly. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "Angie had a good time. I haven't seen her this happy in months."

Jill nodded. "I know. And I realize how this is wearing on her. I really do." She took a deep

breath. "Maybe it's time we made some decisions instead of continuing like we are," she

said gently.

She saw him swallow, saw his eyes close and she truly felt sorry for him.

"You mean like divorce?" he finally asked.

She nodded but he shook his head.

"I'm not ready to talk about that, Jill. Can we just not talk about that now?"

She nodded again. "Okay, Craig."

He stood. "Do you still want to go to the fireworks?"

"I think I'll bow out, if you don't mind."

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts, his eyes hinting at his inner turmoil.

"Sure. I understand. I'll take Angie and her friends then run them home afterward." He

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