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Nicole Edwards: Chasing Dreams

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Nicole Edwards Chasing Dreams

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Cooper Krenshaw knows what it’s like to feel the bright lights upon him, the sound of the crowd roaring when he walks on stage; after all, he happens to be one of the biggest names in country music at the moment. And he has knowingly just dropped off the grid. The first decision he has made on his own in quite some time. Cooper only thought he was looking for a challenge when he walked off of that concert stage in Chicago. After finding himself in Devil’s Bend, Texas, he soon realizes that the dream he’s been chasing might not be the one he was after all along. Now he’s found himself not only starting over in a new town, but he’s pretty sure he’s met the toughest challenge of his life... she just happens to be an angel in blue jeans. Tessa Donovan hasn’t been the best of friends with Fate for quite some time now. Owning and operating The Rusty Nail, a small bar in her hometown of Devil’s Bend, has been enough to keep her going through the motions of her life. But it’s the only thing she’s got. After losing her husband fifteen short months after they were married, Tessa has spent the last four years chasing dreams in order to maintain her sanity. Only those dreams are soon ripped right out of her grasp by a sexy country music star who claims he descended on her small town by accident. Coincidence? Or has Fate stepped in once again? Whatever the case, Tessa knows the handsome cowboy might get to overtake her dreams, but she’s bound and determined that he won’t take her heart.

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Suddenly, a shrill, ear-splitting whistle sounded and to Cooper’s surprise, the rumble of voices died instantly. The two idiots stopped throwing punches, but neither of them moved far.

“Get your asses out of here,” the giant of a man said, his tone frighteningly calm as he moved closer to the two men who were now sweating, bleeding and breathing like they’d just run a marathon… in quick sand.

It took Cooper a minute to realize he was still holding the girl, her petite body pressed tightly against his as they stood on the sidelines staring back at the cowboy who managed to halt the fight with a whistle.

“Jack,” the woman said breathlessly, successfully wrenching out of Cooper’s arms and moving away.

Before she walked away, she turned to look at him, her pale green eyes meeting his as a blinding smile tilted the corners of her full pink lips. Cooper tipped his hat slightly at the same time he felt something strange and exciting stir up inside of him, rendering him speechless as he smiled back.

“Damn,” he groaned, turning away from the crowd and moving back to the stage. The least he could do was provide some entertainment and hopefully, by the end of the night, he’d have a chance to talk to the angel in blue jeans.

Chapter Three

When they first walked out of the building, Tessa had fallen into step with her brothers at the same time two women began yelling obscenities from directly behind them. As much as she wanted to say something, she kept her mouth closed. No matter what she told them, the ladies weren’t likely to listen to reason anyway. Luckily, it only took Adam one piercing glare in their direction before they stopped their yapping.

Escorting the two hot-headed men over to Shane, one of their cousins who worked at the bar most frequently, Adam and Jack left them with instructions to ensure the men got home safely – and that meant they weren’t going to get behind the wheel of their own vehicles.

“You’ve got seriously good timing, you know that?” Adam asked Jack as they made their way back inside.

That he did. It seemed one of her brothers, usually Jack, was always having to come along and break up one fight or another. For the most part, they occurred at least once, sometimes twice on a Friday or Saturday night. Especially when they booked the more popular talent. Although, Tessa was pretty sure they had never had anyone bigger than Cooper Krenshaw on their stage.

As Tessa made her way back to the bar, she looked up to see him on the stage, his guitar in hand while he successfully distracted the crowd. A sudden flush of heat traveled from the base of her skull right down her spine when her eyes met his from across the room. Not five minutes before, she’d somehow landed practically in his lap, and her body had immediately taken stock of the feel of his hard body against her.

Something she hadn’t felt in… Well, since Richie.

While Cooper had been off with Adam during his break, Tessa received an earful about the country music phenom from a group of women standing around the bar, attempting to capture Eric’s attention since the superstar was nowhere in sight. Not that Tessa would trust anything she heard, but then again, since most of the chatter was about how nice his ass appeared in the Wrangler’s he wore, she could pretty much check that out herself.

Not that she would.

Ok, so she did.

And they were right.

“Is that Cooper Krenshaw?” Jack asked Adam as her brothers stood along the back corner of the bar where the sound system control panel was discreetly hidden.

“The one and only,” Adam answered easily, sounding entirely too proud of himself.

Tessa watched her baby brother as he moved behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of Southern Comfort from the shelf. Jack was the youngest of the three, and although they all had the same mother, she and Adam had a different father. For whatever reason, she found that she was closer to Jack than she was to Adam. Tessa was only a year younger than Adam, but she was three years older than Jack and, needless to say, she’d been an overprotective older sister. It wasn’t until Jack hit his twenties that he had taken over the protective role.

Tessa listened to her brothers as she tried to help out with the drinks, all the while her mind drifted back to the brief interlude she’d just shared with the famous country music star. Her body still tingled from where Cooper had touched her. It was the first time in a damn long time that her body actually craved the attention of another human being.

Considering she’d spent the better part of the first year and a half after Richie died grieving rather than living, Tessa hadn’t had much time for intimate relationships, nor had she wanted any. After one failed attempt at another relationship about a year ago, it hadn’t been until recently that Tessa even realized when the opposite sex was around her. At least not in any way that mattered.

In Cooper’s case, there was something in his touch, albeit brief, that felt familiar yet exciting at the same time. And oh, holy moly, he smelled so good. She would admit that she might’ve leaned against him a tad longer than was necessary just so she could sniff him.

Working to try and forget all that happened a few minutes ago, Tessa got wrapped up in passing out drinks while listening to that provocative voice that filtered through her bar. Thankfully, by tomorrow, all thoughts of Cooper Krenshaw would be a thing of the past and she could get on with her life.

No need to start dreaming about anything more now.

Especially about things even farther out of her reach.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Morning for Tessa didn’t begin until roughly noon on most days, but that was because she tried to get the required eight hours of sleep and going to bed at four o’clock in the morning meant the day was halfway over by the time she crawled out of bed.

She was a creature of habit, so it didn’t matter what time she woke up, the first thing she did each and every day was make coffee and sit on the front porch while Havoc and Harmony, her beloved Siberian Huskies that she had rescued from the animal shelter just over a year ago, frolicked in the yard in front of the house. Ever since she brought them home to live with her, they preferred to be outside as opposed to inside. Just like her.

So, this morning wasn’t much different than any other morning, with the exception of the dream that Tessa could not seem to stop thinking about. It continued to stream through her mind as she listened to the birds chirp and her dogs rumble and growl as they played in the grass just a few feet away from the steps she was perched on.

For the life of her, Tessa couldn’t get Cooper Krenshaw out of her head. Remembering the way it felt when the tall, dark haired cowboy had wrapped his arms around her, keeping her from stumbling right on her ass the night before was becoming annoying in its own right. Not only that, but that strange, bubbling sensation in her tummy when she pictured him in her mind wasn’t doing her any favors either.

The man was sexy, she’d have to give him that much. His face was a mishmash of rugged, chiseled features that, when blended together, made one of the most handsome faces she’d ever seen. A strong, angular jaw with that scruffy stubble that was just a smidge darker along his jawline. His perfect white teeth were framed by lips that looked like they were made to kiss.

But what had captured her almost instantly were his eyes. Light brown and so bright, they were almost gold. And he wasn’t perfect which probably made him all the more appealing. His nose was slightly crooked but just barely noticeable unless of course one was staring at him the way she had been. And Tessa could’ve stared at him for hours.

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