Jessica Frost - The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty

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The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Texas Rangers James Sandford and Trevor Kent are on a secret mission. A range of robberies have been happening in Fort Smith, Arkansas. They believe it’s the notorious, sultry outlaw Isabelle LaRue who’s to blame. When they meet the gorgeous saloon singer Belle Samson, they think she’s the famous and ruthless outlaw in disguise. Belle Samson never expected things to get so complicated. Her plan was simple, hang out at Eden's Paradise and pretend to be a saloon singer. But when she meets two handsome, mysterious men at the saloon who don’t seem at all the simple cowboys they’re pretending to be, she figures she should keep a close eye on them. What she doesn’t realize is they planned the same thing. Soon the spies become the spied and when sexual tension rises to a climactic peak between these three, secrets are revealed that will put them all in danger.

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James stared at him, waiting. “So?”

“So what?” Trevor glanced at him.

“How was the date?”

Trevor took a deep, relaxing breath and then leaned back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. “I told you before, I didn’t get anything out of her that proves she’s Wild LaRue.” Then he beamed serenely. “But she is one smart lady.” He lifted his chin slightly to glance at James. “You know you and her got a lot in common?”

James perked his ears. “Oh? What?”

“A lot of stuff. Philosophy, books, other things.”


When Trevor didn’t continue, James coaxed him. “So what else happened on the date?”

“We joked and ate. The food was great.”

James slapped Trevor’s foot when he put it on top of James’s lap. He was in his way as Trevor stretched on the bed. “No, you oaf. I’m talking about kissing her. How was that?”

“Oh, that.” Trevor laughed again.

James got up and jumped onto his bed. He lifted his head and brought it to rest on his palm while he stared at his friend on the other bed. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Trevor glanced at him briefly, then averted his attention once again to the ceiling. “Hell, yes.” He gasped. “How do you think it was?”

“Amazing.” A smile spread over James’s mouth.

“Better than amazing. Spectacular, partner. It was simply spectacular. Stars exploded in my mind with every kiss I stole.” He put his hands near his lips to reiterate. “Her lips, gosh, they were so soft, warm, and her tongue…”

“You slipped your tongue in her mouth?”

“And more.” Trevor nodded.

James sat up. He sported an erection now that left him fidgety. “Damn.” His mind roamed once more. He imagined he, not Trevor, was kissing Belle, first caressing her lips with the tips of his fingers and then brushing his mouth over hers, then probing inside it, exploring every valley and mountain. And his tongue would dance with hers, enticing her.

God, his arousal rose when he envisioned fondling her breasts and sliding his hand down every curve until he came to her pussy.


Trevor interrupted his lewd daydream. “We would have gotten to the ‘much more’ after that if you hadn’t been here,” he said when he turned to his side to face James.

“Where was I supposed to go after checking the train?” James shrugged.

“Eden’s Paradise would be a start.”

James got up. His penis strained in his confining pants and by walking, he hoped his erection would soon subside.

“I could have done that. But then I wouldn’t—“

Trevor sprang up to sit in the bed. “You knew I’d bring her back here, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes. I was hoping you would.” James smiled.

Trevor pushed himself to the edge of his bed. He obviously didn’t want to miss any sizzling tidbit James had to throw his way.

“So why did you want to be here when I did?”

“Well, remember I told you I heard that Wild LaRue and her gang were into multiple partners.”

“How could I forget something like that?” Trevor joked.

“Well, why don’t we test this rumor out?”


“Use your imagination, Trev.” James gave him a sly grin.

Trevor chuckled. “Partner, your face says it all.” He sat up. “All right, let’s see if those rumors are true.”

He paused and seemed to be lost in thought for a second.

James was compelled to ask, “What’s wrong, Trev?”

Frowning, he replied, “Well, partner, I want to catch Wild LaRue and her gang as much as you do, but a part of me wishes Belle won’t take the bait tonight and she turns out not to be Wild LaRue.”

“Me, too, Trev. Me, too.” James nodded in agreement.

* * *

Trevor sprang to his feet the moment the knock came. “I’ll get it.” He opened the door and his breath got stuck in his throat.

“Sorry I’m late, but I couldn’t decide exactly what to wear. That dress was so uncomfortable, and I wanted to feel more relaxed.”

He tried swallowing his saliva to dislodge the air trapped in his throat, but it didn’t help. His gaze flicked from her beautiful face, down to her exposed porcelain neck, down to her unbelievably low neckline, much lower than the sinful dress she wore earlier had been, if that were possible. God, what he wouldn’t give to unfasten each and every hook and eye in her corset. The blouse she wore under it was transparent, and he could glimpse her milky white mounds.

He guessed that her concealed areolas lay less than an inch below, and her nipples were most probably fully perked and waiting. Given how tightly the bustier enveloped her chest and waist, he wondered what would happen if she took an enormous breath. Her bosom would likely break free of the confining corset.

Heaven mercy .

Trying to hold back his drool, he responded. “Oh, gosh, this certainly was worth the wait.”

She smiled as she came in and placed her hand on his lips, staring deep into his eyes. He brought his lips to hers, and to his delighted surprise, she snaked her tongue into his mouth to caress the inside of his lips and then dance with his tongue.

His cock rose and threatened to pop out of his pants then by the surge of arousal that shot straight to his cock. He brought his arms around her waist, pulling her in, crushing her body to his. And he dipped her partially backward while his tongue dominantly took over in hunger to probe her mouth thoroughly.

She gave out a low, sultry moan and then took an intake of air. It appeared to Trevor she was having a problem breathing. Who wouldn’t, wearing a bustier as tight as that?

A few seconds later, he heard a “Mmhmm.” Then Belle broke the erotic kiss to glance to his left. James stood there sporting the dumbest smile he ever saw. Trevor couldn’t help but grin himself. His partner’s reaction amused him.

James’s gaze trailed over her body starting from her head, down to her neck, chest, waist, and all the way to her feet, while his brow lifted in obvious admiration. “You sure do look lovely in that outfit, Belle.”

She smiled back and said, slightly out of breath, “Why thank you, James.” She looked over to the bureau where they placed the bottle of whiskey, a pitcher of water, and three glasses. “I wouldn’t mind having a drink right about now. I’m awful thirsty.” She sauntered to James’s bed on the other side of the room and sat down looking first at James and then at Trevor.

James was the first to react. “Of course, Belle.” Then he strode over to pour two shots and a glass of water, brought her one, bowing, and grinned slyly. “There you go, sweet lady.’’

She only tilted her head back in response since her corset obviously didn’t allow her much mobility. “Thank you, kind gentleman.”

He handed Trevor his drink and then raised his glass of water in the air. “Here’s to Miss Belle Samson, the most beautiful and talented singer in all of Fort Smith.”

“I’ll second that, James,” Trevor added while noting her blush spreading to both cheeks. He couldn’t tell if she was blushing out of shyness or because of her labored breathing.

“Thank you, boys.” She took a swill of whiskey and then tried to catch her breath.

James snuck a look at Trevor, signaling him to follow his lead while he sat on Belle’s right side.

“So, Belle, you have an amazing voice. How long have you been singing? Were you always a saloon singer?” James asked.

Trevor sat on her left side. “Yes, pretty lady, how long?”

“Been singing since I was a kid. My ma sang in the church choir. She taught me. No, I’ve just been singing in saloons recently.” She took a second large mouthful of booze and emptied her glass. She handed it back to James, huffing. “Would you mind if I had another?”

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