After a moment he nodded. “Unfortunately, the ton doesn’t share our opinion.” He moved back a little, giving her space to breathe. “What did Hermione do?”
She told him.
“How much damage did she cause?”
She glanced at the archway, but Hermione hadn’t returned. “Considerable, unfortunately. Some of the most avid gossips, finding that I wasn’t about to feed the scandal, had passed from me to her. She largely undid what I’d done, and then went further.”
She frowned, imagining the outcome and how she might deal with it.
“What are you planning?”
She glanced up, met his eyes. “I’ll have to appear rather more than I would like, but it has to be done.” Raising a hand, she brushed back a loosened lock from her temple, noted that his eyes followed her hand. She turned away. “As I told Hermione, I need to seed doubt-and now I need to do it in far more minds. If the ton grow convinced beyond shaking that Justin is guilty, proving him innocent won’t be enough to clear his name. Even if he’s officially exonerated he’ll never recover his standing. I can’t let that happen. One day he’ll be the Earl of Nunchance and head of the House of Vaux.”
When Christian didn’t reply, she glanced at him. Hands on his hips, he was staring at the floor, a frown marring his handsome face. She grasped the moment to study it, felt as always a visceral tug-searched for distraction and recalled that he’d come to ask for information. “What did you want to ask me?”
He glanced up. She saw him think back-clearly whatever had caused that frown had been something else.
“I need to know the names of Justin’s friends and associates. However many names you know.”
She grimaced. “That’s not all that many.” She thought, then recited, “Ludwell and Arkdale. Geoffrey Amberly. Rittledale. And Banningham. Those are all I know for certain, at least over the last years.”
Christian nodded; he lowered his arms. “I’ll ask around and see what I can learn.” He stepped closer. “We need to locate Justin and get him to tell us what went on. Tell Hermione that’s what I intend to do.”
Letitia’s eyes widened, but she held her ground. Inclined her head. “I will. But she’s stubborn.”
He held her green-gold gaze. “Aren’t you all?”
Once again they were close; once again excruciating awareness arced and all but crackled between them. The past seemed tangible, a web of feeling threatening to snare them anew. Yet…seeing the deep worry clouding her eyes, he couldn’t resist lifting one hand and gently touching the back of one finger to her pale cheek.
Her eyes flared. Ruthlessly suppressing his answering response, he lowered his hand and stepped back. “I’ll let you know what I learn.”
With a brisk salute, he turned-then turned back. “One thing. Barton’s outside, keeping watch. If Justin sends word, or by some chance you find you can get a message to him, warn him not to go to his lodgings, or to come to this house.” He hesitated, then said, “Tell him to come to mine.”
She studied his eyes, then nodded “All right.”
With a vague wave, he turned and left her-standing before her husband’s empty hearth.
Christian swung down the steps into the street and set off for Grosvenor Square.
All those who caught a glimpse of his face gave him a wide berth.
One part of him-the vengeful part-couldn’t believe what he was doing. That, once again, he was falling under the spell of Letitia Vaux, the Jezebel who’d ripped his heart from his chest and then later thrown it away.
Wanting to knock Barton’s teeth down his throat was one thing; given how the runner had behaved, he would probably have felt as strongly had it been any gently bred lady. Or so he’d tried to tell himself.
But today…it was one thing to discover that he still lusted after her as intensely as he ever had, but to allow himself to feel tender toward her-what sort of self-flagellating moron was he?
Even more to the point, how had his plans of revenge, admittedly vague and unformed, degenerated to such a degree? To where he now wanted to comfort her, to soothe her and ease her way?
A scowl darkening his features, he strode along and couldn’t think of an answer. The truth was, when he’d seen her today, bowed down not only with worry for her brother but having to battle the ton’s perceptions, and then shouldering the additional burden Hermione had unwittingly created, all because she understood that for them, in their circle, family came first…he’d understood, to his soul he’d been touched, and he’d felt…
Something he hadn’t felt in years.
Reaching the pavement before his front door, he halted and stared at the highly polished panels.
The truth was…even though he knew that she hadn’t truly loved him, that contrary to what he’d believed, all that they’d shared in the past had been nothing more than a passing fancy to her, it didn’t seem to matter.
He’d loved her then.
And he still did.
Dragging in a breath, he slowly let it out, then marched up the steps and let himself into his house.
C hristian spent the rest of that day trawling through the likely haunts Justin Vaux might have retreated to, innocently or otherwise. That Justin’s man had gone with him suggested a stay somewhere; when nothing came of inquiring at the obvious places-White’s, Boodle’s, Crockfords, and the smattering of other clubs a nobleman of Justin’s age and ilk might frequent-Christian turned to more serious scouting.
Later that evening, using the Bastion Club as a base, along with the support Gasthorpe provided by means of his small army of messengers and footmen, Christian sent out inquiries along the main highways out of London, especially those leading to the ports in the south and southeast, searching for some sighting of Justin’s curricle.
Since returning to London, he’d glimpsed Justin numerous times in the clubs, but hadn’t spoken to him. Letitia’s brother hadn’t made any effort to speak with him either, but courtesy of those vignettes gained across crowded rooms, Christian knew Justin had grown into his family’s legacy; few seeing him, even in a greatcoat, would forget him, and with his striking good looks, his height, and that hair, most could be counted on to remember if asked.
Unfortunately, as he discovered the next morning when he returned to breakfast at the club, no one recalled sighting Justin over the last days along any of the stretches of highway he’d targeted.
He was finishing his breakfast and mulling over his options when Tristan, Lord Trentham, another club member, strolled into the dining room. His eyes lit at the sight of the maps Christian had spread over the table. “Gasthorpe mentioned you were involved in something. Anything I can help with?”
Christian grinned and waved to a chair. “I didn’t expect anyone else would be in town yet.”
Sitting, Tristan sighed. “Lenore apparently needs new gowns, and of course she needs to check on her uncle and brother.” He hooked a thumb in the direction of the house next door. “She’s over there at the moment, but then she’s heading to Bond Street.” He brightened. “So I’m at loose ends, and therefore yours to command.”
Smiling understandingly-all of them missed the action of their former lives-Christian gave him a brief outline of the issues surrounding Randall’s murder, omitting all mention of his previous association with Letitia.
Tristan saw through his ploy. “And you’ve been drawn into this because…?”
Christian held his gaze steadily. “I know the family of old. Our estates are in the same region.”
Tristan studied his face, then smiled. “I see.”
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