"Lydia Mae Lester, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
The minister's voice echoed resonantly within the walls of the small wooden church as he made the sign of the cross on the tiny forehead of the baby nestled comfortably in Noelle's arms. Lydia Mae smiled toothlessly at her new godmother, and Noelle hugged her in return. She was a beautiful baby, and at the moment, Noelle wished without reservation that she were hers. She looked up at Quinn standing next to her and saw that his face had softened. Their eyes caught, and for a brief moment, there was a union between them.
It was then that Noelle knew what she would do.
A hot afternoon rain began to fall as they made their way back to Televea, and the inside of the closed carriage was stifling. Noelle fanned herself with her gloves and thought about what she would say as she watched little rivulets of rainwater sweat down the window beside her. They rode in silence until the carriage turned into the driveway leading to Televea.
"She's a beautiful baby, isn't she?" Noelle made her voice as casual as she could.
"Yes, she is."
"I've never seen anyone as happy as Emily and Julian."
"They've waited a long time for that child."
Noelle stared straight ahead. "Have you ever thought about having children?"
"I've thought about it."
When he said nothing more, Noelle knew this would be even more difficult than she had imagined. Surely he understood. Why did he have to make it so hard for her?
"Yes! I-I suppose most people have thought about it," she faltered.
His eyes, cold and demanding, caught her. "Highness, what are you trying to say?"
Noelle's tongue flicked out over her dry lips. "Only that- This afternoon when I was holding the baby, I-I realized I was being very unfair to you. We've been married for two years. Of course, we don't have an ordinary marriage, but still-it would be cruel of me to deny you children."
As suddenly as it had started, the rain stopped, leaving the air even heavier than before and the atmosphere in the carriage more oppressive.
"So. Once again you're prepared to do your duty."
"No! Not-not duty exactly. It's just that…" She tried to hide her confusion. "I think it's time we had a child."
Abruptly the carriage stopped. "You do, now." The contempt in each word was so unexpected that she recoiled.
"It-it really doesn't make any difference," she said miserably, wishing she had never started this. "Just forget-"
"No. No! Put in your order!" He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her toward him, beginning to shake her slowly and methodically. "Do you want a boy? A girl? Fair? Dark? Tell me what you want!"
"Stop it!" she screamed, covering her ears against his taunting.
He pulled her hands away and jerked her to within inches of his face. "I won't stud you, Highness!"
The carriage came to a halt, and with a cry of humiliation, Noelle yanked herself away from him and jumped out, stumbling as she ran toward the house.
Quinn stepped to the ground more slowly, watching her with tortured eyes as she disappeared inside. He knew he had never wanted her as much as he did at that moment, but his anger and the sheer force of his will kept him rooted to the spot. She would come to him honestly, or she would not come at all. There would be no more excuses, only her own admission that she wanted him.
Despite the heat, Noelle shut all the windows in her bedroom and pulled the draperies closed until only a thin shaft of light penetrated the dim room from one window where the draperies did not quite meet at the center. Overcome with hatred and humiliation, she could think of nothing except sealing herself away from him, from the servants, from everyone, even herself.
Her dress was damp with perspiration, torn at the hem where she had caught it when she leaped from the carriage, and she pulled it off along with her petticoats, leaving them all in a crumpled heap on the floor. Her hair came undone as she was undressing, and it clung to her damp body and curled in moist tendrils at her hairline. Clad only in her thinnest chemise, she threw herself on the bed and cried. The temperature in the room rose with the final force of the afternoon heat.
When she could cry no more, she rolled over onto her back and threw her forearm over her burning eyes, trying to shut out her mortification as she repeated the scene in the carriage over and over in her mind. The room gradually darkened, but evening provided no relief from the heat now trapped inside.
It was nighttime when a knock sounded at her door. Noelle lay silently. When the knocking continued, growing firmer and more insistent, she snatched a porcelain vase from the table next to her bed and hurled it at the door. The footsteps quickly retreated.
The interruption opened her wound once again, and shame and the suffocating heat of the room choked her until she could barely breathe. She lay motionless, arms at her sides, sweat trickling down between her breasts, drawing one conscious breath after another. A mosquito landed on her bare leg, but she didn't bother to brush it away even when she felt the sting of it drawing out her blood.
The door in the adjoining room opened and then shut. She heard the sound of his movements, water splashing, and, finally, the creak of the bedsprings. Dragging herself from her bed, she began to pace the room, her chemise so wet that it was transparent, her hair tangled honey falling to her waist over glistening shoulders.
Six steps in one direction. Eight in the other. She was almost demented from her hunger for him, her need to have him and still keep her pride. Back and forth. One… two… three… four… One step after another.
Dear God, her desperate thoughts raged, he has driven me to the brink of insanity, poisoned me, but I must have him. I must have his fingers burning into my flesh. My hands on him, kneading muscles like steel. Touching him. Tasting him.
Propelled by a force stronger than her pride, she found the doorknob that separated them twisting in her hands. The moonlight streamed in the open windows of his room, and the fresh air was cold against her wet flesh. He propped himself up on one elbow and watched her come toward him, the sheet that covered his bare chest slipping down to his waist.
She stood at the foot of the bed in a shaft of moonlight so he could see her clearly, so there would be no misunderstanding. Her fingers tugged at the thin blue ribbon that held the bodice of her chemise together. As it came undone in her hands she locked her eyes with his and opened the garment slowly until she had unveiled the gleaming mounds of her breasts to him. Only then did she bend over and peel the damp chemise off.
Even when she was naked, she did not move, did not try to hide from the burning eyes that branded her flesh. Instead, she reached to the back of her neck and, with both of her hands, lifted the weight of her hair high so that nothing was hidden from his gaze.
His nostrils flared, and she felt a flash of triumph. Let him reject me now, her hatred cried.
With her hands still holding up her hair, she walked toward him with the slow seductiveness of Eve and then set one knee up on the side of the bed. "I want you," she said huskily.
With a dark moan, he reached out toward her, but she evaded him. Now it would be on her terms. Slowly she leaned across his chest, lowering herself until her burning nipples were pressed against his cool flesh. Thrusting her fingers roughly into his thick black hair, she clamped his mouth to hers, plunging her tongue between his teeth.
With only her instincts to guide her, she made love to him so agonizingly, so expertly, that when she was done, he could only crush her to him, unable to bear the thought of having her steal away from his side.
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