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Виктория Холт: The Demon Lover

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Виктория Холт The Demon Lover

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When Kate Collison, to help her ailing father, completes his portrait of the powerful Baron de Centeville, her only thought is to be a dutiful daughter. But when the Baron presents her to Parisian society as the painter, Kate finds herself basking in the recognition . . . until she discovers that the Baron has plans for her -- shocking plans that will change her life unless she can fight the Baron with his own weapons...

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I had always felt a longing to see these things for myself, and one of my secret dreams was that I should be recognized as a great painter as my father was and that these invitations would come to me. If only I had been born a man I could look. forward to that. But here I was shut in imprisoned in my sex, really-in a world which men had created for themselves. Women had their uses in that world. They were necessary for the reproduction of the race and they could do this most important of all tasks while providing a very agreeable diversion; they could grace a man’s household and table; they could even help him on his way, stand beside him but always a little in the background, always being careful to make sure that the limelight fell on him.

It was for Art that I cared, but when I realized that my miniatures could bring as great a reward as those of my father-but only because they were believed to be his was maddened by the unfairness and stupidity of the world; and I could understand why some women were refusing to toe the line and accept the assumption of masculine superiority.

When we arrived back at the house on that night it was to find James Callum there.

“You must forgive me for calling at such an hour, Mr. Collison,” he said.

“But I had to see Evie.”

He was so excited that he could scarcely speak. Evie went to him and laid a calming hand on his arm.

“What is it, James. Not… a living!”

“Well, hardly that. It’s a … a proposition. It depends on what Evie says …”

“It might be a good idea to ask me and find out,” Evie pointed out in that practical way others.

“It’s this, Evie I’ve been asked to go to Africa … as a missionary.”


“Yes, and they think I should have a wife to take with me.”

I saw the joy in Evie’s face but I did not look at my father. I knew he would be battling with his emotions.

I heard him say: “Evie … That’s wonderful. You’ll be superb … and keep them all in order.”

“Evie,” faltered James.

“You haven’t said.”

Evie was smiling.

“When do we leave?” she asked.

“There’s not much time, I’m afraid. They’ve suggested in a month if that’s possible.”

“You’ll have to get the banns up right away,” put in my father.

“I think that takes three weeks. “

I went to Evie and embraced her.

“It’s going to be awful for us without you, but you’ll be wonderfully happy. It’s just right for you.

Oh Evie, you deserve everything of the best. “

We clung together. It was one of those rare moments when Evie allowed herself to show the depth other feelings.

Being Evie, she made our problem hers, and in the midst of all her happiness and the bustle of getting ready at such short notice she did not forget us.

I had never seen her as excited as she was at this time. She read a great deal about Africa and was determined to make a success of this job for James and herself.

“You see, he’s taking someone else’s place. The previous one came home on holiday and developed chest trouble. He can’t go back. That has given James his chance.”

“He deserves it-and so do you.”

“It’s all worked out very well in many ways. Jack Meadows can give his father a hand until something is settled. Isn’t it miraculous? The only thing that worries me is you … but I’ve been thinking and Clare came into my mind.”

“Who’s Clare?”

“Clare Massie. Would you like me to write to her? Do you know, I believe she is the answer. I haven’t seen her for some years but she has kept in touch. We write to each other every Christmas.”

“Do tell me about her.”

“Well, I thought she might come here. Last Christmas she wrote that her mother had died. She’d been looking after her for years. You know the sort of thing … the younger daughter … it’s expected of her. The others all have their own lives to lead and there’s nothing for her but to look after ageing parents. There was a sister. She married and went abroad. Clare rarely hears from her. But she was saying last Christmas that she might have to find some post…”

“If she’s a friend of yours …”

“She’s a distant connection … cousin so many times removed that we’ve lost count. She must have been about fourteen when I last saw her. It was at the funeral of a great-aunt. She seemed to be such a good-natured girl and already she was looking after her mother. Shall I write?”

“Oh yes, please do.”

“If I could get her to come before I left I could show her a few things.”

“Evie, you’re a wonder. In the midst of all this excitement you can think of others. Please write. If she is related to you I am sure we shall love her.”

“I will… immediately. Of course, it may be that she has found something by now …”

“We’ll hope,” I said.

It was only two weeks after that conversation that Clare Massie arrived. She had accepted the offer with alacrity and Evie was delighted.

“It is just right for you and just right for Clare,” she said; and she was in a state of bliss. Not only was she marrying her dear James but she had settled us and her distant relative Clare at the same time.

I went with Evie in the dog-cart to the station to meet Clare and my first glimpse other was on the platform with her bags around her. She had looked quite forlorn and I felt an immediate sympathy for her.

What should feel, facing a new life among people I had never met before with only a distant cousin to help me over the first days and that prop soon to be removed?p>

Evie swept down on Clare. They embraced.

“Kate, this is Clare Massie. Clare, Kate Collison.”

We shook hands and I looked into a pair of large brown eyes in a rather pale, heart-shaped face. The light brown hair was smoothed down on either side of her head to end in a neat knob. Her straw hat was brown with one yellow daisy in it and her coat was brown too. She looked nervous . fearful of giving offence. She must have been about twenty-eight or thirty.

I tried to reassure her and told her how glad we were that she had come. Evie had told us so much about her.

“Oh yes,” she said.

“Evie has been very good.”

“We could have the luggage sent on,” said Evie, practical as ever.

“Then we could all go in the dog-cart quite comfortably. Bring a small bag. Have you got one? Oh yes, just the things you’ll need immediately.”

“I hope you are going to be happy here,” I said.

“Of course she will,” said Evie.

“I only hope I shall be able to …”

Evie silenced her.

“Everything will be just right,” she said firmly.

We talked about Evie’s marriage and imminent departure.

“I’m glad you’ll be here for it,” I said.

Thus we brought Clare home, and soon after that Evie was married. My father gave her away, the vicar performed the ceremony and afterwards we had a reception for her at Collison House with just a few friends and neighbours. Later that day the bride and bridegroom left on the first lap of their journey to Africa.

Clare quickly fitted into the household. She devoted herself to us with such assiduous care and determination to please that if she were not quite Evie and we had convinced ourselves that nobody could be that-she was undoubtedly the next best thing.

She was extremely gentle and easy to get along with, which made us realize that, wonderful as Evie had been, she could at times imply a little criticism to those who did not conform to her own high standards which of course none of us did.

Perhaps the house was not quite so well cared for. Perhaps the servants were not quite so prompt to answer our calls, and there was certainly an easing of discipline; but we were soon all very fond of Clare and delighted that she had come.

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