He scanned the night again. Still nothing. Tell me if it moves.
I will.Her tension was a lump sitting heavily in the link.
He squeezed her hand lightly and continued on until they reached Matthew's cell. The door was still open, the teenager still sitting on his bed. He didn't even look as if he'd moved.
Something's wrong,she said. No teenager in recorded history has ever sat still for so long.
Maybe he's just scared.Yet he could feel no emotion, taste no fear. Frowning, he touched the teenager's thoughts—and found nothing more than memories. All self-awareness had been wiped away, leaving only the desire to please.
He clenched his fist against the surge of anger. He'd seen this done before, though thankfully only rarely.
Matthew had, in some sense, become a thrall, but not one like Nikki. In Matthew's case, his mind and his will had been sucked from his body, leaving him little more than a robot, waiting to fulfill the wishes of his master. It took a vampire with exceptional telepathic abilities to achieve such a thrall. He could never have done it, despite the fact his gifts were very strong. But Elizabeth could.
Michael, what's wrong with him?
His mind has been wiped.His anger surged through the link.
He felt her wince, then her growing horror. What do you mean, wiped?
Just that. Let's go in for a closer look.
She regarded him doubtfully. Do you think it's safe?
Yes.The trap door had already been sprung, and there was no feel of magic in the air. Cordell was either extremely confident no one would find their way through this darkness, or he was a fool. Maybe even both.
He helped Nikki step over the hole, then guided her past the metal spikes that had threatened to skewer him, and the loose stone that had opened the trapdoor. No sense in hitting it a second time, just in case
Cordell wasn't a fool and he did indeed have a second trap waiting.
"Matthew?" Nikki let go of Michael's hand and walked across to the teenager. There was no response from him, no spark of life. It was if she were facing a robot. A chill ran through her. She squatted down beside him and gently pinched his cheek. "Matthew?"
Michael stopped behind her and crossed his arms. His anger was a storm crowding the link. He knew who was behind this, even if he wasn't saying. Not that it took great intelligence to guess that it was probably Elizabeth.
The teenager didn't respond to either Nikki's touch or her words. She glanced up. Michael's face looked as grim as she felt. Why would someone do this? He's only a kid, for God's sake. They could have just asked him to do what they wanted. They didn't have to do this.
No, they didn't.
She bit her lip, studying Matthew again. What are our options now?
He is little more than a robot. He has no future like this.
What he was really saying was that they had no option but to kill him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I know. But you can't. Not yet. Maybe whoever did this to him could undo it.
No one can replace what has been wiped.
She bit her lip. Can you touch what remains? We need to know why they kidnapped him. If we can't save him, we have to at least try to stop this from happening again.
Nothing remains in him, Nikki. Nothing but memories, and the need to obey.
Memories?Michael might not be able to access memories, but she could. She dug a hand into her pocket. Matthew's watch had survived the dunking, but Michael grabbed her wrist before she could wrap her fingers around it.
Damn it, don't be a fool. His mind voice was as fierce as his grip. You risk losing yourself in his thoughts.
Then be my anchor and pull me out if you feel it's dangerous. He'd done it before when Jasper had kidnapped Jake. We have to try this, Michael. It's our only chance.
He sighed. That was one of the things she loved about this man. He was willing to admit when she was right, and he didn't go on arguing endlessly.
Get comfortable on the bed. I'll open the link fully and keep watch. The minute I feel your thoughts begin to blur into his, I'm pulling you out.
Though she wasn't entirely sure what he meant, she nodded and sat down on the bed beside Matthew.
The teenager didn't move, didn't react in any way.
The link opened fully, and Michael's mind ran beside hers, a field filled with the brilliant color of his thoughts and emotions.
Ready when you are.
His thought was a breeze of wariness. He might be helping her, but he still wasn't happy about it. She could feel his fear, see it in the unhappy tinge of gray that swirled through the link, through her.
She licked her lips and curled her fingers around the watch. While he hadn't worn it for a few days, the images still came thick and fast, thudding through her mind.
Control it, Nikki!
She frowned, concentrating on the images, sorting through them quickly. Found the ones she wanted and dived deep—so deep that she become one with them…
* * *
…Matthew scrubbed the back of his hand across his nose. He hated the darkness, hated the cold, and hated the fact he was so damn scared he was almost pissing his pants.
He had pissed his pants when Lizzie jumped him. She'd laughed and later brought him back a fresh pair but, he could still smell the stink on his skin.
He touched his neck. It was swollen and sore and he had no idea why she'd bitten him. Sucked him. It hadn't really hurt at the time, though. Just scared the piss out of him.
Next time it would be better, she'd promised. Next time, you might just get lucky. He didn't want there to be a next time, even if it did mean staying a virgin. He just wanted to go home.
Footsteps echoed across the silence. He edged back against the wall. The door opened and light filled the room, making him blink. The squat stranger was back. Behind him stood Lizzie. Her eyes looked weird, bright yellow and somehow intense. Like a cat's, he thought, just before it pounces on a mouse.
He swallowed heavily. He didn't want to be her mouse. "What do you want with me?" He sounded like a girl, his voice all high and shrill.
"The time has come to prove your worth, young man." The stranger's voice was as dead as the smell in the air. "Elizabeth, bring him along."
She walked into the room, a smile touching her lips. Lips that were the color of blood. His blood, maybe. He gulped, squeaking in fright when she grabbed him. But she didn't bite him, just dragged him one-handed to his feet and pushed him toward the door.
The stranger was ahead of them, wheeling down the corridor at a rate of knots. A weird little light rotated above his head, sending flickers of red and green up the walls.
They reached some stairs and stopped. The light above the stranger's head pulsated, fading in and out of color. The stranger levitated in the air, scooting forward. Matthew gulped. Lizzie chuckled and dug her nails into his back, propelling him up the stairs.
They came to a doorway, then a small room. It hadn't been used for a while and was filled with dust.
Mom would have had a fit. They didn't stop, heading into a warm, well-lit corridor.
"One wrong word, and you're dead meat," Lizzie whispered, then licked his ear.
It felt like she was tasting him. He shuddered and sidled away. She chuckled again.
A woman stood at a counter, serving a couple of men decked out in shorts and sweatshirts. The stranger greeted her. She smiled and waved and didn't even look at him and Lizzie. It was like she didn't even know they were there.
They went down the hall and into an office. Computers lined the wall. Lizzie locked the door, and the stranger stopped in the middle of the room, then swung around to face him.
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