“I’ve no idea.”
He withdrew and thrust in again, solid and deep. Her breath caught, and her lids grew heavy.
“No. Look at me.”
She did as he fucked her with a deliberate, steady rhythm that left her breathless.
“Having fun now?” he teased, but his tone was serious, his voice barely more than a growl.
“God, yesss!”
He ground himself a fraction deeper, picking up the pace. “That’s it, hon. Don’t fight it. Feel me.”
The tension grew, the rhythm quickened and her climax was imminent, spreading through her.
“Look at me, Beth.” The instant she did, he plunged in to the hilt once, twice, and shoved her over the edge. He claimed her mouth, drinking in her orgasmic cry, as he slammed into her a third and final time, filling her with his warm release.
Beth stretched her arms over her head, pointed her toes toward the window and groaned in delight as special places ached that hadn’t in way too long.
She glanced around the room, but she needn’t. They were gone. Though she hadn’t heard them leave, the room felt empty. They seemed to fill it, take up all the space, all the air, and she’d liked it that way.
With a smile, she rolled to her side, pulled one pillow to her chest and smiled when she got a good whiff of Reidar’s scent.
Wow .
She wasn’t sure who that woman had been in her room last night with the Falke brothers, but she liked her. Never had she been so bold, so forward, so very comfortable. They weren’t giving her attention because of her profession. They didn’t want to sit and talk science, DNA and genetics. Reidar and Kelan had wanted to fuck her. Then feed her. Then fuck her some more. And hold her…
She moaned as her pussy clenched, and she reached between her legs to press the heel of her hand against her mound. How could she still have any desire left after last night? They’d literally fucked her into unconsciousness somewhere around two-thirty in the morning.
She grinned again, and a laugh slipped out. Never in her life had she been so turned on. By their dominance. Even by Kelan’s high-handedness. He had done things to her she’d only read about. And the way Reidar looked at her when he kissed her so beautifully was the stuff of romance novels.
Romance .
She closed her eyes and pictured the two men sitting at the tiny table in her hotel room, eating the food they’d brought for her. Reidar had been playful, endearing, and Kelan had been quiet, but the heat in his eyes when she caught him looking at her had warmed her to her toes. Especially since they’d wanted her to sit naked and eat. Which, of course, she did, because they promised more pleasure if she
“obeyed” their wishes. It had been naughty and fun.
Oh, the way Reidar had snuggled with her beneath the sheets, his strong arms wrapped protectively around her, his steady heartbeat playing a sleep-inducing cadence beneath her ear. She could get used to giving them anything they wanted.
And that concerned her.
She was only here for the summer. Possibly not even here, but in the vicinity of the Wenatchee National Forest, and after a few meetings and one spectacular night, she could feel herself falling for them. Both of them.
Individually, each man was devastating. Together…
She sighed. The Falke brothers were definitely a dangerous combination to a woman’s psyche, her libido and her hea-A quick, hard rap on the door made her jump. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table and realized she’d overslept then lay there daydreaming for who knew how long.
The quick, knock, knock, knock , sounded again. “Elizabeth.”
“Shit,” she muttered as she jumped from the bed. “Coming,” she called, grabbing her robe off the floor where she’d dropped it the night before when Kelan had told her—made her do it. And Reidar watching…God, she seriously had to stop thinking of the Falke brothers and get her brain in gear for work. When she snatched open the door, there stood Professor Whitmore and Tim, both wearing almost identical frowns, though James Whitmore was a good six inches shorter than Tim, thirty years older, a little thick through the middle and almost completely bald, so his frown lines seemed to travel halfway up his pate.
“I’m so sorry, Professor. I overslept.”
“I see that,” he said with obvious disgust, his lips puckered as if he’d eaten a lemon. “Get dressed and come to the lab. Tim says you have something interesting to show me.”
She couldn’t help the smile that spread over her face. “I do! I will. Ten minutes, Professor. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
The professor gave a single nod and turned away, but Tim remained, frowning at her.
He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then snapped it shut and shook his head. “You never oversleep.” Then he also turned away and headed for the stairs.
Beth didn’t have time to worry about Tim’s reaction, and Professor Whitmore was always uptight, but she wished she’d set her alarm last night. Since she only had a few minutes, she forwent a shower—she’d had two the night before anyway; the rushed one alone before dinner, and a leisurely one with both brothers after dinner—and scrounged a clean pair of khaki shorts, underwear, socks and tank top out of her luggage.
She stopped as she pulled her shirt over her head when a thought occurred to her. Reidar had been creative in his foreplay and was extraordinary when it came to oral sex, but Kelan was the only one who actually had vaginal intercourse with her. Three times. And with no protection. She closed her eyes and mentally slapped her forehead.
Unprotected sex with a virtual stranger.
She was on the pill. Pregnancy wasn’t on her mind. But how freaking stupid was she?
She didn’t have time to worry about that now. After putting on her socks and boots, she grabbed her glasses and purse and dashed out the door, making it to the lab in a little over five minutes instead of ten.
Out of breath, she jogged up the steps and through the open door.
“This is very interesting,” Professor Whitmore said to her, staring at the computer screen in front of him.
Beth cast Tim a scowl. They hadn’t waited for her. That was her information to give the professor, not Tim’s.
“Isn’t it?” she said, nudging Tim out of the way to stand next to the professor and pointing to the screen. “What these blood tests show is completely impossible, but I ran them three times.”
“Tim tells me this animal is a domesticated pet.”
“Yes.” She scowled. “He belongs to a bunch of brothers who own a sporting goods place on Front Street, and he’s a beauty. Even if they are dumb enough to keep a mountain lion in town as a so-called pet.”
“We need another blood sample to make sure this one hasn’t been tainted,” the professor said with a shake of his head as he used the mouse to scroll through the lab reports she’d typed up.
She wasn’t offended that he’d suggest her sample was tainted. A good scientist always double-and triple-checked his research, but getting additional samples from a cat they no longer had access to…“That might be a problem.” She licked her lips. “In fact I’m fairly certain it will be a big problem.
I ticked off the oldest brother pretty badly by shooting one of the others with a tranquilizer. It was an accident, but he’s not going to let me near the animal anytime soon.”
Tim snickered, and she cast him a hard look.
He raised his hands in an act of innocence. “You didn’t tell me you shot one of them.”
“I was aiming for the cat.”
Professor Whitmore leaned back in the chair and swiveled to look at her, his index finger over his lips—his trademark “I’m in deep thought” action. After a moment, he said, “So, what are you going to do next?”
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