Erica Stevens - Ghost Light

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Ivy Granger, psychic detective, thought she'd seen it all...until now. With a vengeful lamia that only she can see on the city streets, reports of specters walking Harborsmouth cemeteries, and an angry mob of faerie clients at her office door, it's bound to be a long night. Add in an offense against the faerie courts and a few foolish bargains and one thing is clear--Ivy Granger is in some seriously deep trouble.
Ivy Granger is back, gathering clues in the darkest shadows of downtown Harborsmouth. With the lives of multiple clients on the line, she's in a race against time. Ivy finally has a lead to the whereabouts of the one person who can help her control her wisp abilities, but will she put the needs of her clients above her own?
If Ivy doesn't find a solution soon, she could wind up a ghost herself.
GHOST LIGHT is the second novel in the bestselling Ivy Granger urban fantasy series by E.J. Stevens.

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Ghost Light

Ivy Granger 2


E.J. Stevens

Now it is the time of night,

That the graves all gaping wide,

Every one lets forth his sprite,

In the church-way paths to glide.

-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

What wild heart-histories seemed to lie enwritten,

Upon those crystalline, celestial spheres!

...Lighting my lonely pathway home that night,

They have not left me (as my hopes have) since.

They follow me - they lead me through the years.

They are my ministers - yet I their slave.

Their office is to illumine and enkindle -

My duty, to be saved by their bright fire

-Edgar Allan Poe, To Helen

Pronunciation Guide

Pronunciations are given phonetically for names and places found in Shadow Sight and Blood and Mistletoe , the first novel and novella of the Ivy Granger series. Alternate names and nicknames have been provided in parentheses. In some cases, the original folklore has been changed to suit the city of Harborsmouth and its environs.

Athame: ah-thaw-may

Barguest: bar-guyst (Bargheist, Black Dog)

Bean Tighe: ban tig

Béchuille: Beh-huh-il (Bé Chuille)

Blaosc: blee-usk

Boggart: bog-ert

Brollachan: broll-ach-hawn

Brownie: brow-nee (Bwca, Urisk, Hearth Faerie, Domestic Hobgoblin)

Bugbear: bug-bayr (Bug-a-boo, Boggle-bo)

Bwca: bu-ka (see Brownie)

The Cailleach: kall-ahk (The Blue Hag, Cailleach Bheur, Queen of Winter, Crone, Veiled One, Winter Hag)

Cat Sidhe: kat shee or kayth shee (Faerie Cat, Cait Shith, Cait Sith)

Ceffyl Dŵr: Keff-eel Door (Kelpie King)

Clurichaun: kloor-ih-kon (clobhair)

Daeva: day-va

Demon: dee-mon

Each Uisge: erkh ooshka (Water Horse)

Faerie: fayr-ee (Fairy, Sidhe, Fane, Wee Folk, The Gentry, People of Peace, Themselves, Sidhe, Fae, Fay, Good Folk)

Fear Dearg: far dar-rig (The Red Man)

Forneus: Fore-nee-uss (Demon, Great Marquis of Hell)

Fuath: Foo-ah

Galliel: Gal-ee-el (Unicorn)

Ghoul: gool (Revenant)

Glaistig: glass-tig (The Green Lady)

Gnome: noh-m

Goblin: gob-lin

Griffin: griff-in (Gryphon, Griffon)

Grindylow: grin-dee-loh

Hamadryad: ha-ma-dry-ad (Tree Nymph)

Henkie: hen-kee

Hippocampus: hip-po-cam-pus

Hob-o-Waggle Hob-oh-wag-l (Brownie, son of Wag-at-the-Wa)

Jenny Greenteeth: Jen-nee Green-teeth (Water Hag)

Kelpie: kel-pee (Water Horse, Nyaggle)

Lamia: lay-me-a

Leanansídhe: lan-awn-shee (Lhiannan Sidhe, Leanhaun Shee, Leannan Sìth, Fairy Mistress)

Leprechaun: le-pre-khan (leipreachán)

Mab: Mab (Unseelie Queen)

Melusine: Mel-oo-seen

Mermaid: mer-mayd (male Merman)

Merry Dancer: mer-ree dan-ser (Fir Chlis)

Murúch: mer-ook (Merrow, Moruadh, Murúghach)

Nixie: nix-ee

Oberon: O-ber-on (Seelie King)

Peg Powler: Peg Pow-ler (Peg Powler of the Trees, Water Hag)

Peri: per-ee

Pixie: pix-ee (Pisgie)

Pooka: poo-ka (Phooka, Pouka, Púca, Pwca)

Redcap: red-kap (red cap)

Saytr: say-tur

Selkie: sel-kee

Shellycoat: shell-ee-cote

Sidhe: shee (see Faerie)

Succubus: suk-you-bus (male Incubus)

Tech Duinn: tek doon

Titania: Ti-tayn-ee-ah (Seelie Queen)

Troll: trol

Tuatha Dé Danann: tootha day da-nan

Tylwyth Teg: till-with teeg (Seelie Court)

Unicorn: you-ne-korn

Vampire: vam-pi-r (Undead)

Will-o’-the-Wisp: Wil-oh-tha-Wisp (Gyl Burnt Tayle, Jack o’ Lantern, Wisp, Ghost Light, Friar’s Lantern, Corpse Candle, Hobbledy, Aleya, Hobby Lantern, Chir Batti, Faerie Fire, Spunkies, Min Min Light, Luz Mala, Pinket, Ellylldan, Spook Light, Ignus Gatuus, Orbs, Boitatá, and Hinkypunk)


Welcome to Harborsmouth, where monsters walk the streets unseen by humans…except those with second sight.

Whether visiting our modern business district or exploring the cobblestone lanes of the Old Port quarter, please enjoy your stay. When you return home, do tell your friends about our wonderful city—just leave out any supernatural details.

Don’t worry—most of our guests never experience anything unusual. Otherworlders, such as faeries, vampires, and ghouls, are quite adept at hiding within the shadows. Many are also skilled at erasing memories. You may wake in the night screaming, but you won’t recall why. Be glad that you don’t remember—you are one of the fortunate ones.

If you do encounter something unnatural, we recommend the services of Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective. Co-founder of Private Eye detective agency, Ivy Granger is a relatively new member of our small business community. Her offices can be found on Water Street, in the heart of the Old Port.

Miss Granger has a remarkable ability to receive visions by the act of touching an object. This skill is useful in her detective work, especially when locating lost items. Whether you are looking for a lost brooch or missing persons, no job is too big or too small for Ivy Granger—but you may be on her waiting list for awhile. Hopefully, you are not in dire need of her immediate services. After her role in recent events, where she was instrumental in saving our city, Miss Granger’s business is booming.

If matters are particularly grim, we can also provide, upon request, a list of highly skilled undertakers. If you are in need of their services, then we also kindly direct you to Harborsmouth Cemetery Realty. It’s never too early to contact them, since we have a booming “housing” market. Demand is quite high for a local plot—there are always people dying for a place to stay.

Chapter 1

What do the names ghost light, friar’s lantern, corpse candle, aleya, hobby lantern, chir batti, faerie fire, min min light, luz mala, spook light, ignus fatuus, orbs, boitatá, and hinkypunk have in common? They are all names for wisps. Corpse candle? Now that was bound to give a girl a complex.

I had recently discovered that I was half fae. My faerie half is wisp, as in Will-o’-the-Wisp—my father, king of the wisps. It was a lot to digest.

Dealing with my newfound princess-of-the-wisps status was stressful, but business was booming and I didn’t have time for random panic attacks. I used to see a therapist to help deal with my anxiety. Lately, I visited Galliel at Sacred Heart church.

Galliel wasn’t the priest at Sacred Heart, though I usually stopped and said hello to Father Michael while there. Father Michael had helped me with my recent demon trouble, but spending time with him didn’t relieve my anxiety like Galliel did. It wasn’t Father Michael’s fault. He was a good priest, as far as I could tell, but he was only human. Galliel was a unicorn.

I was indulging in my guilty pleasure, Galliel’s adoring head resting in my lap, while Ceff spoke with the priest. This was bliss. I had always wondered what true happiness was like, but never thought I’d have the opportunity to experience it for myself. Somehow, during a catastrophic week that nearly brought my city to its knees, I had found my own. Galliel was a big part of that. So was Ceff.

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