“Looking for something?” His voice was deeper than it had been when she’d been in his office earlier.
And that wasn’t the only difference. He seemed bigger, if that were possible. Taller, his shoulders broader, his face still handsome as sin, but now tinged with a lethally dangerous look that had her heart skipping.
“I forgot to send an email,” she said, struggling to come up with a reason for being here at this time of day.
His arms moved and she reached back to grab her purse. Rome had a reputation for being dark, brooding, not necessarily dangerous, but not on the personable side, either. That’s what she’d read about him. What she was feeling right at this very moment wasn’t exactly a threat in the normal sense of the word.
The minute her hand was on her purse and she was struggling to get the zipper open with one hand, he touched her. Both his large hands cupped her cheeks, tilting her head up so that she was staring right into his face.
She swallowed. “I thought I could send it from your computer and head out for the day. That way I wouldn’t have to go all the way back downstairs.”
“Did you know that lies smell, Kalina?”
He leaned his face forward, inhaling deeply.
Her legs literally shook, knees knocking and all. And yet she wasn’t afraid. She was aroused. So much so that her panties were already damp, nipples tingling as his broad chest just barely brushed over them.
“I’m not lying,” she said in a voice that was much stronger than she was actually feeling. “Now if you’ll get your hands off me, I won’t have to file a harassment claim.”
“But I could still file a breaking-and-entering charge,” he said, his eyes lowering, falling to her lips.
She licked them instinctively and was answered by what could only be described as a deep rumbling growl rippling through his chest. Everything in her went on alert. She wasn’t sure why but she felt it was imperative she fight him. So without another thought she lifted her knee, feeling a bit of glory when it brushed past his groin as he quickly avoided a stronger assault. Victory was short-lived as she attempted to push past him and make a run for the door. He grabbed her around the waist, pulling her to him effortlessly.
“Now, that was worse than you sneaking into my office and trying to break into my computer.” His mouth was right up to her ear, and he nipped the lobe with teeth sharper than any needle she’d ever felt.
“Let me go,” she said trying not to panic. She could see her purse on the desk, knew her only protection from him was in there. But he was holding her away from the desk, too far away for her to reach the purse without him knowing what she was doing. “Or I’ll scream this building down. Every security officer in hearing distance will come running.”
He licked her ear. Then pulled her closer to him, his thick erection poking into her bottom with persistence. Outrage should have been pouring through her at the audacity of this man. He didn’t know her, had no idea if she was involved with someone or simply not interested in him. And yet he was rubbing on her as if there was a promise of more.
That was definitely not happening, Kalina didn’t give a damn how much her center creamed for him right about now.
“I own this building. Therefore every security officer in here works for me. Just as you do, Ms. Harper.”
He said her name with distinct sarcasm as he turned her abruptly to face him. “You work for this firm and yet you’re in here trying to break into my computer. I want to know why.”
“I wasn’t,” she started to say when he pushed his body up against hers. Her bottom pressed against the side of the desk and she struggled to remain upright.
“Don’t lie to me,” he snarled, showing just a hint of his teeth.
His body seemed to give off this intense heat that joined hers, mated with it until they were consumed by a dual desire that threatened both their sanity.
“I could fire you.”
Slices of panic moved through her, but she refused to let it show. “And I’ll definitely sue for harassment.”
“I’m not harassing you.”
“Oh really?” Beneath him she squirmed as if to confirm her point. That was a mistake. Every part of him was hard, right down to the dark glare he was giving her. His length pressed into her with such persistence she was about to simply throw her legs open and welcome him. Swallowing deeply, she tried to remain focused. “This is more than harassment, Mr. Reynolds. Do you treat all your staff like this?”
“None of my other staff makes my dick as hard as you do.”
She should have been shocked, should have felt embarrassed by his crude language; instead she was even more aroused. “Unfortunately, that’s not a part of my job description.”
“Funny, I don’t think breaking and entering is, either.”
“This is ridiculous,” she said. “Let me go and we can talk like adults.”
He shook his head. “I don’t think I’m in the mood for talking now.”
And if she was in the mood for talking, that stopped the second his lips touched hers. There was nothing soft about this kiss. No seduction or easy compliance. Instinct had warned her that there was nothing easy about this man. The kiss was hot and urgent, erotic and breath-stealing. She wanted to pull away, but her lips, his tongue, her moans, his hands, all of it melded into one scorching exchange.
Her taste was sweet and primitive, stroking his cat while driving his erection to the point of pain. Sliding a hand down her arms to her thigh, Rome lifted the leg that had attempted to cause him great pain and tucked it around his back.
She was gasping, her breath coming in thick, heavy pants. Her mouth had ceased its argument, her body succumbing to the building inferno in each of them. Was this strange? Him about to fuck on his desk a woman he’d just met officially about five hours ago? Probably. Was it strange enough to make him stop? Hell no.
With her leg locked around him Rome moved so that his raging arousal was seated right at her center. If not for the barrier of their clothes he’d be planted deep inside her at this exact moment.
When he released her lips her head fell back, her fingers gripping his shoulders. She was beautiful, her face wearing lust and desire like designer makeup. Her back arched, breasts jutting forward, an invitation he could not refuse. He licked her then, his tongue creating a long path from the hollow of her neck down between the crevice of her breasts. The material of her dress wrapped around the succulent mounds but Rome didn’t care. His tongue moved over it, teeth grabbing a nipple to suckle.
“Dammit.” She breathed the word. “This can’t happen.”
“Oh, it can and it will,” was his urgent response.
Rome was usually a patient lover, albeit an extremely thorough and voracious one. Right now he could think of only one thing. The scent of her arousal was a heavy haze around him, hypnotizing him so that she was all he could envision. There were consequences, he knew, and he thrust that thought to the back of his mind. There was also pleasure, a pleasure he was sure to find deep inside Kalina.
He was going for his zipper, deftly unleashing his thick shaft, when she pushed against his chest with a force he hadn’t expected. He stumbled back and she used that moment to lift her legs, climb over his desk, feet landing on the opposite side.
“I said this wasn’t happening.” Her chest heaved as she spoke, lips swollen from his kisses.
If his erection weren’t so painful, Rome might have laughed at the situation. Never before had he watched a woman literally run from him. And not for one minute did he think it was because she didn’t want him. No, this was about something else. It was about why Kalina Harper was really here in his office.
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