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Kelly Meding: Chimera

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Kelly Meding Chimera

Chimera: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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A mysterious and dangerous conspiracy deepens, threatening the superpowered Rangers and pushing Flex to join forces with one of her team's mortal enemies: a Bane called Chimera. Growing up with blue skin never made Rene "Flex" Duvall feel like at outcast. She learned early on to put people at ease with her wit and exuberant personality. So she's certainly not going to let her façade crack when she and her teammates suddenly face a new breed of genetically manipulated and brainwashed Metas: the well-trained teenage criminals known as the Recombinants. When a desperate battle leaves one of their friends wounded, Renee and Ethan follow a clue to Manhattan Island, where the Banes have been imprisoned. There they find a Bane named Chimera, who refuses to cooperate despite possessing information that could help them stop the Recombinants. Chimera's emotional scars are as devastating as Renee's physical scars, and soon the two find common ground in shared pain. Against her better judgment, Renee forms an alliance with this Bane. They both can gain much from working together, so the only question is who has more to lose by cooperating . . .

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Time passed.

At some point I was hustled into Kinsey’s office with him and Teresa. His face was grim, his surgical scrubs stained red in too many places.

“How bad?” Teresa asked.

“I’m sorry,” Kinsey replied, his voice hollow. “Her injuries were catastrophic. She crashed twice. We were able to get her heart beating both times. She’s on a ventilator now, but our tests are not detecting any brain activity at all.”

I grabbed the edge of his desk as the world tilted slightly. “She’s a vegetable?”

The tactless question was on point, because he nodded. “She’s brain-dead. Our machines are the only things keeping her body alive at this point.”

“Goddammit,” Teresa said.

“There’s nothing we can do?” I asked. “You know scientists and specialists. Can’t they—?”

“I’m sorry, Renee,” Kinsey said. “I wish there was more to be done for her.”

Catastrophic injuries. Sledgehammer. Fuck.

“Where’s Thatcher?” Teresa asked.

I blinked at her. “Why?”

“Because Landon needs to know, and his father should tell him, don’t you think?”

“I guess.”

“He’s with Landon the last I checked,” Kinsey replied.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t watch this. I hid in Dr. Kinsey’s office with the door mostly shut and listened. Listened to Teresa go down the hall and beckon Thatcher into the corridor. Heard muffled voices as she told him what was going on. A minute later, Landon’s cries of disbelief echoed down to my hiding place. I covered my face with my hands and cried.


Wild Card

Dr. Kinsey eventually kicked me (gently) out of his office. I relocated to the waiting room, which was surprisingly void of extra personnel. Jessica told me the kids had been patched up and taken to an empty room downstairs to rest. A glance at the wall clock surprised me—only quarter after seven.

It felt like a year had passed since the fighting began, and it had only been eight hours.

I knew I should sleep, but something kept me from leaving. The guilt eating me up inside from Bethany’s impending death had put a lock on the door, and I didn’t have the energy to push past it. Bethany was a little crazy, but she hadn’t deserved this. Landon didn’t deserve this.

As if summoned by my thoughts of his kid, Thatcher emerged from the back of the infirmary. He looked startled to see me. His face was pale, his eyes red and smudged with dark lines beneath. He was exhausted and upset, and it was my fault.

“Hey,” he said.


“Have you slept?”


“You should.”

“I know.”

He didn’t seem to know what to say to me, and I didn’t blame him.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

He shook his head, still lingering by the door. “For what?”


“That wasn’t your fault. I spoke with Nicolas briefly. I know you did your best to protect those kids.”

“I failed.”

He came forward a few steps. “You saved four lives today.”

“At the expense of one.”

“Bethany is not your fault, Renee. She chose to go with the others. She put herself at risk.”

Anger rose hotly in my chest. “So it’s Bethany’s fault she’s brain-dead?”

“That’s not what I said or what I meant.”

Thatcher’s words made sense but I didn’t want to hear them. We knew the clones were targeting Bethany and we allowed her to leave the safety of the island anyway. It didn’t excuse my culpability; it actually made it worse. I should have stopped her from leaving us two days ago. I should have done so many things differently.

“Stop that,” he said.

I blinked. “Stop what?”

“Second-guessing your choices and playing the what-if game.”

“If anyone else but me had been with those kids—”

“You don’t know how things would have turned out. Maybe worse.”

I laughed bitterly. “I doubt that. This happened because of me and my stupid, useless fucking Flex powers. I’m a goddamn liability to everyone here.”

“According to Nicolas, your powers stopped the fight and got Hinder to back down.”

“I let the clones get away.”

“I understand your anger—”

“Oh, I’m way past anger right now.” I lurched out of my chair so fast I almost fell over. “I left anger a while ago, back when I was first burned. I even hit bargaining not long ago, during the earthquake. You know what this is, Derek? This is me accepting I’ll never be the hero my friends are, because my Meta powers are compromised. They’re never getting better.”

Saying it out loud to another person made everything hit home. The Flex powers I’d loved as a child and loved again for six months this year were gone. I was at half my original capabilities, if that. I carried a gun now, for crying out loud! If it weren’t for the fact that my family was here (and I would always be blue), I’d have left a long time ago.

“You’re so much more than your powers, Renee,” Thatcher said softly. “They don’t define you.”

“No? Teresa’s powers define her.”

“You aren’t Teresa.”

“Yeah, no shit.”

“Not better or worse than Teresa, just not her. You’re you, and I happen to like you very much. You’re smart, you’re quick-witted, and you’re beautiful. You are incredibly loyal to your friends, and your heart is bigger than you let on. None of that has anything to do with your Flex ability. It’s already inside you.”

Tears stung my eyes. “What good is any of that if I’m useless in a fight?”

“Just because you don’t shoot energy spheres from your hands or create whirlwinds doesn’t mean you’re powerless. Or useless.”

“This coming from a guy who can alter the chemical composition of metal.” Before he could argue further, I put up a staying hand. “Look, I don’t want to fight with you, Derek. Go be with your son, okay?”

I turned and left. He didn’t try to stop me or chase after me—and I was surprised at how much that stung. I ignored the curious looks thrown my way by the occasional newbie and ducked outside. I wanted the sunshine on my face and open spaces. The morning was crisp and damp and smelled like autumn. Winter would be here soon. I hated snow and the cold. Vegas had been a great town for me with its insanely warm weather.

Maybe you should go back.


I wandered down toward the sparring fields, which were empty. The solitude felt nice after being in such close quarters with six other people for more than twenty-four hours. I was a naturally social person (usually) and I liked being around others, but right now I needed alone time so I could think.

Teresa didn’t get the memo.

She found me under a tree and sat down uninvited.

“I don’t want to talk about Bethany,” I said before she could.

“Well, good, because I want to talk about you.”

“Can we not?”

“Being responsible sucks. It sucks even more when someone you’re responsible for gets hurt. And it’s goddamn torture when they die.”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fine, then you can listen, because this is something I’ve wanted to say for a long time.” She twisted around to face me; I stared straight ahead. “I’m sorry.”

The strangled grief in her voice made me look at her. Her eyes were red and shiny with new tears. “Sorry for what?” I asked, perplexed.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to save you from Queen. I’m sorry you were burned so badly.”

My brain stuttered for a response to that. I gaped at her, vocal cords frozen. She looked so utterly miserable that I wanted to hug her but I was too damned confused to move. “T, I don’t understand. You were shot. You were in the hospital.”

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