“Trade secret.”
“Yeah, right.” She huffed, but Gray noticed her body language. She leaned toward Bas, not away from him. A measure of trust existed, clear as day. “So what’s this prick doing here?”
Bas laughed. “You nailed it. He’s an arrogant prick who thinks he’s better than us because he was born Circ.”
Damn. Bas wasn’t supposed to announce to the world just how different Gray was.
“A Circ is a Circ in my book. Long as they’re all dead, we’re doing just fine.”
Bas frowned. “You can’t mean me.”
“Why not? Just because you’re pretending to care doesn’t mean you do. Sex is physical. You come, you’re done.”
“And that’s all it meant to you?”
Bas’s quiet alerted Gray to pay attention. Ali continued, but she didn’t answer Bas’s question.
“My point is that every Circ who’s come up into this mountain has had my capture and/or death in mind.”
“Yeah, I found your last boyfriends.” Gray tugged ineffectually at his wrists again. “Bullets through their brains. Nice shots.”
“Glad you approve.” She walked right up next to him, and Bas joined her.
Despite trying to hold it in, Gray couldn’t contain his arousal. He ached to bite, to suck, to kiss both of them until they moaned his name. Until they accepted his dominance and submitted. Bas had already offered him so much. Would Ali?
“See?” Bold as you please, she ran a hand over the bulge in his pants. “This is what you want when you come here.”
“Christ.” Gray forced himself to lie flat when every instinct demanded he arch into her palm to prolong the contact. “If you don’t want it, tone down the scent, woman.”
“I am.” She frowned. She glanced down at his cock and tightened her hand, and Gray wanted to fuck her with a violence that surprised him. A glance at Bas showed him glued to the play, his interest readily apparent. But Ali ripped her hand away as if disgusted with him.
Bas cleared his throat and drew her attention. “I’ll say this for him. He’s hell on wheels in the sack. But then he opens his mouth and ruins it.”
She chuckled, and Bas smiled back.
Gray liked their interaction. But he wanted to be a part of it. No, dammit, I don’t, he yelled at his beast. I want out of these restraints and to get back home. Then I want a long vacation away from everyone and everything.
Yet he couldn’t look away from the enticing Circs standing so close to him.
“So what now?” Bas asked.
“Yeah. You going to keep me locked up forever?” he sneered.
She ignored him and answered Bas. “I have to clean up. We left tracks.” She walked to a nearby cupboard and opened the drawer. Then she turned and shot Bas in the blink of an eye.
Bas took a confused step forward, then dropped like a stone. Gray yelled, “I’ll fucking kill you for that!”
“Oh, relax. It’s just a tranq.” She showed Gray the gun, pointed to the dart over Bas’s left pectoral, and his heartbeat returned to normal. “I wasn’t born yesterday. Bas is nice, he’s hot, and he’s perfect. Too perfect. Your partner’s about-face is cute, but I’m not buying it. You two want me back in the labs. I get it. Nice approach too. Tell Trenton I’m done playing. Once I dump you—”
“Wait. Trenton. Do you mean Dr. Caleb Trenton?” Gray stilled, his every sense on alert. “He was killed three years ago in Panama.”
She frowned, studying him. “We both know who he is. Don’t act surprised he’s alive.”
“Well, I am, because I’m the one who shot him.” Or I thought I had . “He’s a very bad guy. Almost on the same level as Elliot Pearl, the doctor who first came up with the Circe serum. Trenton served for a few years under Pearl before he left the service. Then he started his own experiments.” Gray looked at her and knew. “He made you, didn’t he?”
“You could say that.” Ali lowered the gun to her side. She paused and sniffed in his direction. “You’re not lying.” She sounded surprised. “You don’t work with him, do you?”
“No. My job, and his,” he said, nodding at Bas, “is to get rid of scum like him.” He scrutinized her from head to toe. She couldn’t have been more than thirty, probably a few years younger. “How long did he have you?” Gray’s voice softened as he imagined what this young woman had been forced to endure. Despite the mutations he could clearly see on her, a wounded innocence remained in her eyes. If he hadn’t seen that, he might have delved into her mind for answers. But he suspected she’d already been used in ways no woman should ever be.
“Since I was six.” Her gaze took on a faraway look. “My father needed work after he left the army, and he’d made friends with Trenton. I think he knew what Trenton did was wrong, but he didn’t care. They used me like a lab rat.”
“Even lab rats get better care than Trenton’s subjects.”
“Yeah.” She cleared her throat and focused on him again. “So fast-forward two decades. I’ve been in and out of those labs over the years. It was mostly innocent at first. Tests and more tests. At first I could go without issue. But when they started a weird breeding experiment two years ago, I became a prisoner instead of a patient.” She stopped for a moment. “After all their hellish tests, the first time didn’t take. I didn’t plan to let them have another go at me.” Her eyes hardened, and his beast felt her fury as if it were his own. “I’m going to kill Caleb Trenton and destroy his lab. And I’m taking out all of his mistakes.”
Including me , he swore she said to herself. His beast roared inside his head in denial. No way in hell he’d let that happen; Gray and his beast agreed completely. “Yeah, well, if you’d let me out of these, I’d help.”
She shook her head. “Sorry. No can do. You talk pretty, but I’m not in the habit of trusting Circs.”
Frustrated yet proud of her sense, he didn’t know what tack to take until he remembered how she’d treated Bas. She might not want to, but she liked his partner. Hell, everyone who met the big bastard liked him. Even Gray.
“So you won’t free me. Could you at least help him out?” He looked over the bed at Bas, crumpled on the ground.
She nodded. “You’re right, you know. He’s dangerous, but he’s no killer. Doesn’t have it in him. That’s why I…” She didn’t finish. Instead, she changed.
Darker, thicker hair. Skin that scaled in odd places where the black was most prominent—her forearms, her hands, parts of her neck—a thickened and taller frame. She reminded him of the wild women where he’d grown up, deep in the Amazon jungle. Strong, sturdy, and lethal. They hadn’t been raised in the soft environs of human society. Instead they’d grown up alongside predators and the rich flora of the jungle. Ali possessed that same edge. A hardness she tempered with the natural purity deep inside her. A little girl forced to become a monster to survive.
He understood her, and it floored him. Because he sensed a kindred spirit. A lot like the one he’d felt in Bas, only she had a stronger backbone. Dominant, not submissive like his mate—partner.
He watched as she managed to take Bas over her shoulder and dumped him half on Gray. She pulled out the dart from Bas’s chest and pocketed it. “Scoot over,” she ordered, used to being in charge.
We’ll have to break her of that . He and his beast agreed while he shifted to make room for Bas.
She didn’t tie him up but turned to leave.
“Wait. Where are you going?”
“I have tracks to cover, mutants to watch out for.”
“No. Stay here. Don’t tempt them. Mutants aren’t—”
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